Diet For Type 1 Diabetes Patients have no insulin production in the body and need to take insulin injections daily to maintain their glucose or sugar levels consistently. Sugar levels vary highly post meals and can be highly damaging if the blood glucose levels remain high for longer periods and do not return to their normal levels soon. On the other hand, very low levels of blood glucose caused due to fasting or longer intervals between meals can also be damaging to other organs. So it is very essential to manage to maintain goo healthy diet and exercise routine, which helps in better action of insulin and prevents troughs and crests of blood sugar levels.
This doesn't mean diabetic patients have to skip all sugar containing foods and just each raw food. With proper diet plan and healthy routine, you can almost eat most of the foods available; the key is to have them in moderation. In this blog, I provide the best diet advice for people with type 1 diabetes.
Read Also: 14 Lifestyle Changes for Managing Diabetes
Diet For Type 1 Diabetes Patients

Type 1 Diabetes Patients Should Follow Following Tips:
- Prefer eating healthy foods: Cut down your preference for junk foods, oily food and highly processed foods, since all of them have high glycemic index and can contribute significantly to altering your sugar balance in the body. Since diabetes is one of the major risk factors for many cardiovascular diseases including heart attack, it is good to modify your eating habits to cut down on this risk.
- Include more fiber: It may help significantly in controlling your blood sugar. You can get fiber from whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables. Prefer whole grains for making chapattis since the bran help them in keeping control.
- Cut down carbs and increase proteins: Carbohydrates are the quickest source of energy and are easily converted to sugars. Reduce your intake of carbs. Fats although not directly converted to sugar, can slow down metabolism and make it sluggish. Proteins do not contribute significantly to your GI until they are consumed more than what is needed by your body.
- Sugar and Sugar Substitutes: Eating sugar doesn't cause type 1 diabetes. Yet, eating sugar provides quick surge to the blood sugar levels. Keep you sugar consumption to a minimal level will surely be beneficial. Sugar free foods are also not advised, but can be taken occasionally to satisfy your sugar cravings.
- Take diabetes Super foods: They have very low glycemic index and are highly rich in essential nutrients like calcium, potassium, fiber, magnesium, and other vitamins. These are foods like fish, beans, berries, citrus fruits, nuts, and fat free yoghurts and milk. In this blog post, you can check the diet of type 1 diabetes patients.
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