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Does Certo Work for Urine Test? The Truth Behind the Detox Hack

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Results vary widely from person to person, and there is no solid scientific proof supporting its effectiveness as a detox method. While some users report success with Certo detox, especially for short-term purposes like passing a drug test, others find it unreliable. The method is not a guaranteed solution, and its effects may depend on factors like body type and toxin levels.

There is no clear proof that Certo works for passing a urine test. While some people claim it helps, there is no scientific evidence to back this up. Drug tests are designed to detect substances in your body, and using Certo or any other home remedy is not a guaranteed way to pass. 

You’ve heard the rumors: mix a pack of Certo fruit pectin with Gatorade, chug it, and pass a drug test. But does Certo work for urine tests, or is it just wishful thinking? Let’s break down the science, risks, and real-world results of this DIY detox method.

What Is Certo Drug Test Hack?

Certo (or Sure Jell) is a fruit pectin product used to thicken jams. The "Certo drug test hack" involves mixing it with sports drinks like Gatorade to flush THC—the active compound in cannabis—from your system. Users claim it binds to THC metabolites in your digestive tract, hiding them from urine tests.

But here’s the catch: no scientific studies back this method. It’s a home remedy passed through forums and word of mouth. Let’s dissect how it might work—and where it often fails.

How Does Certo Work for Urine Test?

Certo’s main ingredient, fruit pectin, is a soluble fiber. When mixed with liquid, it forms a gel-like substance in your gut. Here’s the theory:

  1. Binds to THC metabolites: Pectin grabs THC residues in your intestines.

  2. Redirects excretion: Instead of peeing out THC, you poop it out.

  3. Dilutes urine: Drinking fluids with Certo thins your urine, lowering THC levels.

But THC metabolites store in fat cells, not just your gut. Certo doesn’t remove these stored reserves. Heavy users or frequent smokers often fail tests because fat releases THC slowly over weeks.

Does Certo Work for Urine Tests Every Time?

Results vary wildly. Light cannabis users report success if they:

  • Stop using weed 3–5 days before the test.

  • Follow the Certo method exactly.

  • Avoid high-fat meals that release stored THC.

Heavy users face bigger risks. One Reddit user shared: “I smoked daily for years. Tried Certo twice—failed both times.”

Step-by-Step Guide to Pass a Urine Drug Test Using Certo

What You’ll Need:

  • 2 packs of Certo or Sure Jell.

  • Two 32 oz bottles of Gatorade (avoid sugary flavors).

  • Vitamin B12 pills (to add urine color).

  • Creatine powder (to restore natural creatinine levels).

24–48 Hours Before the Test:

  1. Stop using cannabis immediately.

  2. Drink 1 gallon of water daily to start flushing your system.

  3. Avoid fatty foods like cheese or burgers—they trigger THC release.

3–5 Hours Before the Test:

  1. Mix one Certo pack with a Gatorade bottle. Shake well.

  2. Drink it all within 10 minutes.

  3. Take 5g of creatine and a B12 vitamin.

  4. Keep drinking water until your urine is pale yellow.

1 Hour Before the Test:

  • Pee 2–3 times to clear diluted urine.

  • Collect your sample mid-stream—this has the lowest THC levels.

The Risks of Using Certo for Drug Tests

  1. Diluted urine flags labs: Labs check creatinine (a muscle waste product) and specific gravity. Certo + water lowers both. Adding creatine and vitamins masks this, but techs often spot it.

  2. False confidence: Certo doesn’t detox your body—it just hides THC temporarily.

  3. Stomach issues: Too much pectin causes cramps, diarrhea, or bloating.

Detox kits (including homemade ones) fail lab-grade tests. Certo’s success likely depends on luck, metabolism, and how recently you used cannabis.

Certo vs. Other Detox Methods


How It Works



Certo + Gatorade

Binds THC in the gut


Low to moderate

Synthetic urine

Replaces real urine



Detox drinks

Masks THC with chemicals




Lets body clear THC naturally


High (with time)

Key Takeaway: Certo is cheap but unreliable. Synthetic urine works better but risks legal trouble.

Does Certo Work For Urine Test For Weed?

Certo targets THC metabolites better than other drugs because:

  • THC binds to fat cells, which Certo’s pectin might intercept.

  • Drugs like cocaine or opioids exit the body faster—Certo offers no real benefit.

Most THC stays in your bloodstream, making Certo a gamble.

How to Pass the Certo Drug Test?

You are close to your goal if you thoroughly understand the above things. What's next? How to use Certo to pass a drug test? Two methods are based on your time before the drug screening.

Method 1: Certo Fruit Pectin

This is ideal if you have enough time before the drug screening. Here is the complete guide on how to use Certo for drug tests:

The ingredients that you will need:

  • Two sachets of high-quality Sure Jell/Certo fruit pectin

  • Two bottles of Gatorade or an energy drink containing high electrolyte levels

  • One multivitamin and one vitamin D2 tablet

  • Powdered creatine monohydrate

  • Eight fl oz of additional water

The measures to perform the Sure jell drug test hack:

  1. Stop consuming any drug at least 48 hours before you undergo a drug test. If it's possible to do it for several hours or days before the screening, this can be more effective in passing the test. Just choose a healthy lifestyle and practice exercises to flush out as many toxins as you can naturally.

  2. Start all the rest steps in the evening time of the day before you go for a drug test.

  3. On the first day, blend one sachet of Certo fruit pectin and a bottle of Gatorade. Down the solution within a few minutes and then have eight fl oz more water. Urinate as many times as you can before going to sleep.

  4. Mix another sachet of Certo/Sure Jell fruit pectin and a bottle of Gatorade the next day. Have it 2 hours before you go for a drug test. Drink it again quickly in a few minutes.

  5. Then, take vitamin D tablets, multivitamins, and 5 grams of creatine monohydrate, using eight fl oz of water.

  6. After an hour, urinate several times and sip more water if required.

  7. Performing all these steps will ensure the urine appears balanced rather than diluted.

Method 2: Certo Detox Drink

If you have little time, this second hack can be completed 3 to 4 hours before the drug test. However, note that the first method gives better results. Yet, this method is equally effective, provided your body has a low toxin level.

The steps for this Certo hack are as follows:

  1. Prepare a Certo detox drink by mixing one sachet of Certo and one bottle of Gatorade. Ensure you shake the mixture well and gently consume it for about 15 minutes. Do it 2 to 3 hours before the drug test.

  2. One hour before the drug test, drink 1 liter of water. Next, have the vitamins(B2 and B12) and multivitamins to recover the lost vitamins due to frequent urination.

What Happens During Certo Urine Drug Test?

Once you hand over your urine sample, it undergoes several examinations:

  • The professionals will check the temperature of the urine. Legally, the temperature that is accepted has to be between 90°F-100°F. It is obvious that if you are giving your urine, it shouldn't be a concern.

  • The urine sample will be checked for validity. This detects the adulteration with nitrates and contains the specific gravity range and pH. Moreover, it also closely looks over the appropriate level of creatinine.

  • If the sample passes the above two steps, it undergoes the complete urine test. This biochemical test examines the sample against different panels to see their reaction.

So, if you are using the Certo detox method to pass a drug test, it is essential to achieve the following:

  • do not leave the urine diluted

  • urine still should have the proper amounts of uric acid, creatinine, and urea

  • keep urine's specific gravity and pH level intact.

  • Urine must not look pale.

5 Reasons People Fail Drug Tests Using Certo

  1. They’re heavy users: Daily smokers need 4–6 weeks to detox naturally.

  2. Wrong timing: Certo works for 5 hours max. Test too early/late, and THC shows.

  3. Skipped creatine: Low creatinine = “diluted” result. Labs reject these samples.

  4. High body fat: More fat = more stored THC. Certo can’t flush it all.

Lab upgrades: New tests detect detox drinks and synthetic urine.

Expert Alternatives to Certo

  1. QCarbo32: A detox drink with herbs and fiber. Costs more ($50) but has a higher success rate in user surveys.

  2. Goldenseal tea: Natural diuretic that flushes kidneys. Mixed evidence but safer than Certo.

Exercise + sauna: Sweating burns fat, releasing THC. Stop 48 hours before the test to avoid pee contamination.

Final Verdict: Does Certo Work for Urine Test?

Certo might help light users pass a test if timed perfectly. But it’s a shaky gamble—not a guaranteed fix. For better results:

  • Stop cannabis use 3+ weeks before the test.

  • Use FDA-approved detox kits if labs allow them.

  • Consider synthetic urine only if legal in your state.

Need a fail-proof plan? Consult a healthcare pro for tailored advice. Share this guide with friends—it might save their job!

Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only and does not promote or encourage the use of Certo or any other method to alter the results of a urine drug test. The effectiveness of the Certo detox method is not scientifically proven, and relying on it could lead to unpredictable outcomes that are often harmful. Always adhere to legal and ethical guidelines regarding drug testing. Consult a qualified healthcare professional for accurate advice on detoxification or health concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to have a Certo for a drug test?

Five hours before the test, drink a mixture of one sachet of Certo and one bottle of Gatorade. After that, have 1 liter of water every hour.

How much Certo to take for a drug test?

You will require one sachet of Certo per attempt. But if you want to test this hack before going for the proper drug test, have two sachets.

Can Certo Sure Jell be detected if someone has used it before?

If someone uses the Certo Sure Jell, it entirely gets flushed out of the body, making it difficult to detect. It doesn't change the urine color if the usage instructions are followed correctly.

How long does Certo work for urine tests?

Certo works for 5 hours, so you must carefully manage your time according to the situation.

How does certo work for urine test?

Certo Sure Jell consists of fruit pectin, which helps detoxify the body. It can flush out the THC metabolites from the body. However, this detox has yet to be proven scientifically to pass the drug test. Many people consider it effective, and several reviews support this statement.

Does Certo Sure Jell drug test hack work for all drugs?

There is no solid scientific proof or guarantee that any other detoxification product will pass the drug test. Still, Certo and Gatorade, when taken in standard dosage along with plenty of water, vitamin B, and multivitamins, greatly flush out unwanted toxins.

Does Certo work for urine tests for heavy smokers?

For heavy smokers, Certo works only if taken for a more extended period(for a few weeks). Doing this gives the body enough time to flush out those metabolites safely.