Carpal tunnel syndrome can turn every facet of your life into an ordeal. Even seemingly mundane tasks like working at a computer can cause CTS sufferers a substantial amount of discomfort. Luckily, when approached properly, carpal tunnel can effectively be kept under control. However, when someone afflicted by CTS fails to take this problem seriously and make the necessary lifestyle changes, the resultant pain can become all-consuming. Whether carpal tunnel syndrome represents uncharted territory or you've been dealing with it for quite a while, the following measures can help prevent the problem from becoming worse. 
Purchase the Right Brace
A dependable wrist brace can prove highly effective at reducing carpal tunnel pain. Since this condition stems from a pinched nerve in the wrist, it's hardly surprising that bending the affected wrist often serves to exacerbate the pain associated with CTS. However, given that most of us regularly perform daily activities that involve wrist-bending, asking us to stop bending our wrists can be a tall order. Furthermore, most people bend their wrists while sleeping, meaning one need not even be conscious for wrist-bending to occur. Many of us have become so accustomed to bending our wrists that it's difficult to stop, even when doing so triggers tremendous pain. Fortunately, the best carpal tunnel brace can prove incredibly helpful in this endeavor. By helping your wrist remain in a straight, neutral position, a dependable brace dramatically reduces bending, leading to an instant decrease in pain and discomfort. Given how used we are to constantly bending our wrists, consciously stopping ourselves from doing so can be an uphill battle, thus facilitating the need for a high-quality brace to pick up the slack.Take Breaks from Physically Strenuous Tasks
Expecting to effectively treat carpal tunnel syndrome without making a few lifestyle adjustments is unrealistic. Cutting back on activities that cause the condition to flare up can go a long way towards minimizing discomfort and speeding up your recovery. Granted, some activities are much easier to cut back on than others. While taking an extended break from certain leisure activities may be doable, cutting back on work-related tasks that involve copious wrist-bending and/or hand movement may not be possible. For example, most jobs involve typing, which is among the most triggering activities CTS sufferers can engage in. Although taking a lengthy sabbatical from work to recover from CTS may be off to the table, you can lessen the discomfort that stems from typing by giving yourself regular breaks. For best results, make a point of taking a short break every 15 minutes, regardless of how engrossed you are in what you're working on. During these break periods, move your wrists, stretch out your hands and wiggle your fingers. You can also help ease the pain of typing by equipping your workstation with palm and wrist rests. Not only can these convenient tools reduce the discomfort of CTS, they can also help prevent the condition from reoccurring and developing in the first place. Also read: [highlight color="yellow"]How to Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?[/highlight]Know When to Contact a Physician
Many cases of CTS are mild or moderate and can be cured with temporary lifestyle adjustments and assorted at-home remedies. However, if you find that the pain associated with this condition to be overwhelming or your symptoms haven't improved after a period of weeks or months, it may be in your best interest to get in touch with a physician. Some cases of CTS can only be cured through surgery, and if you suspect yours is such a case, seek the advice of a seasoned professional. Of course, with the COVID-19 pandemic still very much in effect, make sure to take the necessary precautions when visiting any medical facility in person and opt for remote consultations whenever possible. Carpal tunnel syndrome can be a truly unpleasant affliction to live with. While many cases are easy to manage and clear up in a timely manner, some CTS sufferers routinely find themselves dealing with chronic pain. Although there's no "one size fits all" remedy for carpal tunnel, there are a number of ways people afflicted with CTS can avoid making their situation worse. Putting the pointers discussed above to good use can carpal tunnel sufferers avoid exacerbating their pain and set the stage for a speedy recovery.[button color="transparent_credi" size="medium" class = "custom_button" link="" icon="" target="true"]Request Callback [/button]
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