As a parent, there are so many warnings and pieces of health advice that you need to follow. And it only gets trickier when you realize that a lot of it is contradictory, or not all that practical. To make life that little bit easier for you, we've put together 11 essential tips every parent needs to know to keep their child healthy throughout Springtime. That way you can get out there and enjoy the world as the flowers blossom, and the sun comes out to play. 
Also, Read About: Health Risk Associated To Teens Using Excessive Social MediaAuthor's BioThis write-up was contributed to Credihealth by Daniela McVicker.
Daniela McVicker is a psychologist and family counsellor. Her passion is writing about leading a healthy family life and helping people enjoy their lives to the fullest
Essentials to Keep Your Child Healthy
Here are the 11 essentials to keep your child healthy in springs. Have a look below-1. Get Them To Blow Their Nose
Blowing your nose is one of those little things that can add up to a big difference. Many children snuffle all day long and never get taught the benefits of blowing their nose. Get them a pack of tissues to use in the home, and a handkerchief to use when out of the house. A little praise will go a long way, so use positive reinforcement to encourage them to build a healthy habit from day one.2. Vaccinate Your Child
There are a lot of scare stories online about the alleged side-effects of vaccines, but if in doubt, listen to the experts. Vaccinations protect your child from dozens of potentially life-threatening diseases. The main reason an increasing number of people are becoming blasé about their effectiveness is that they have grown up in a world where these diseases have become incredibly rare…thanks to vaccines. Also, Read About: 16 Important Vaccinations That Must Be Given To Your Baby3. Plenty Of Sleep Will Help Them Recover
Every parent wants to raise a healthy child, that's a given. But what a lot of parents don't realize is that the little choices we take every day can have a huge impact on a child's long-term health. A regular sleeping habit is one of the most effective, and yet underappreciated, parts of a healthy lifestyle. Get your child into a routine, and you'll notice the difference by the end of the week.4. Aim For 5 Fruit And Veg A Day Minimum
If your child won't eat fruit and veg, then you need to be creative about how you give it to them. Make fruit salads, smoothies, and sneak some veg into their meals. It might take a little bit of time, but your child will feel the benefits of a healthy balanced diet that's bursting with nutrients.5. Avoid Dairy Foods If Your Child Is Prone To Colds
A surprising number of people are lactose intolerant to various degrees, and most don't even realize it. If your child tends to have a cold and a runny nose, then try weaning them off dairy products for a couple of weeks. Lactose intolerance can result in chesty coughs and runny noses, so if they clear up when the dairy goes away you know you're onto something.6. Regular Exercise Is Essential
Regular exercise doesn't just improve your child's fitness, it boosts their immune system, promotes increases in bone density, and makes them happy. This last point is what life is all about. So, create a home environment where exercise is associated with being happy. That way your little one will need no persuasion to go and play football or go for a swim.7. Limit Screen Time, And Focus On Getting Outdoors
Ask any of the people who work for college writing services and they'll tell you that working in front of a screen 8 hours a day is tiring. It strains the eyes and gets you away from that all-important natural light your body craves. When your child spends a sunny afternoon in front of the TV, and the evenings on their tablets, they're experiencing the same thing as those writers. A little bit of it is fine, but if it's the default then that needs to change.8. Don't Subject Them To Passive Smoking
Passive smoking is on the decline because smoking is gradually falling out of fashion, but you still can't take a risk with it. If you smoke outside, your child still breathes in the fumes that have been caught by your clothing. If you can smell it, then they're inhaling it. So why not try and kick the habit all together for the benefit of the kids?9. Have A Pet In The Home To Help With Allergies
Having a pet is a great way to reduce the risk of your kids developing allergies in later life. If you want to be able to take care of more than one of these tips at the same time, get a dog. It'll get the kids out walking every day, and it will also get them to take care of another animal and develop a really amazing bond.10. Teach Your Child To Wash Their Hands
Hand washing is something that most children, and adults for that matter, don't know how to do properly. Focus on those areas that are often missed like the base of the thumb and the backs of the hands. If you do it every time you wash your hands, it will become a habit, and it will greatly reduce the chances of catching and passing on colds. Also, Read About: Treating Worm Infection in Children11.Ward Off Hay Fever With Local Honey
Last but not least: honey. It might not sound like it will work, but taking a couple of teaspoons of local honey will help protect your child against the discomforts of hay fever. Just make sure it's locally sourced so it contains the same variety of pollen they'll encounter when they go outside to play.
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