We know premature ejaculation has become a common problem in men. This may be because of lifestyle modification or less involvement in activities. However, some food helps to prevent premature ejaculation. Moreover, nervousness and anxiety dominate us. Therefore, around 30 to 40% of people have experienced this problem. But you include some specific foods in your diet that will give you better results. Here is a list of foods to cure premature ejaculation and help you last longer.
If you take 5 to 10 nuts per day, that means it helps to cure premature ejaculation. It is because the nuts help to improve the pelvic muscles and reduce sexual disorders. Vitamin E balances the testosterone level in the body. It helps in curing erectile dysfunction.
Avocado has a plethora of benefits. It contains vitamins B, C, and K. The vitamins improve the blood flow of the penis, which helps cure erectile dysfunction. It is an overall well-being fruit. It produces an enzyme called bromelain, which increases the libido and improves the stability to remain erect during intercourse. You can include avocado in salad and smoothies.
Mushrooms have taken over the world because of their versatile benefits. Mushrooms contain choline, Vitamin D, and Zinc which help to minimize premature ejaculation. Zinc plays a major role in raising testosterone levels in the body. In addition, prolactin also comes into this picture. These enzymes both help to strengthen the muscle and bring a combination in the penis and its muscles.
Carrots are everyday food that is available anytime and anywhere. It acts as an antioxidant which also increases blood flow to the penis. Beta-carotene helps the genitals to maintain strength in the muscles. If you take carrots with honey, then it shows an effective result in curing premature ejaculation. #NotSoShy: Premature Ejaculation Causes, Treatments, & Home Remedies.
The egg is the most effective food to cure premature ejaculation. This food contains B1 and thiamine, which boosts confidence, and you may no longer feel fatigued. These are the main components for creating premature ejaculation. You can include Eggs in your daily diet. The source of minerals and vitamins is rich in curing premature ejaculation. You can make various dishes to eat eggs.
A study revealed that lentils contain folic acid and that folic acid shows a strong connection to male sexual dysfunction. However, studies are needed here to understand how lentils cure premature dysfunction. Including lentils in your diet helps to increase sperm count. Therefore, one bowl of lentils is mandatory for all.
If you are searching for foods to cure premature ejaculation, you have a counter with the most common Indian fruit called the banana. This food is affordable and easy to consume. It contains Vitamin B6, which helps properly function male hormones. Thus, you may cure premature ejaculation.
The chemicals include in asparagus help maintain sexual health and cure urinary tract infections also. Many medicines include asparagus as a herb because of its dynamic properties. You can mix 4 tablespoons of asparagus in raw milk and consume it daily. It is a good choice for doctors who also recommend you to cure premature ejaculation. Related read Masturbation Effect on Health - Pros & Cons
An ancient herb that has been used for a long time. Still, it has the same place in treating premature ejaculation. This heightens the libido and controls the brain to sustain the erection of the penis. It also helps men to increase stamina and cure erectile dysfunction. You can consume this food by adding milk before going to bed.
One of the most effective spices to cure erectile dysfunction. The spice results in increasing the testosterone level in the body. A paper published in BMC journal showed that 50 percent of ethanol extract could help cure premature ejaculation. Clove is one of the most important food items of all rest food. You can use clove in your meals or suck it like candy in your mouth for better results.
Everyday Foods to Cure Premature Ejaculation -
The foods I have included in my list are rich in vitamins A, C, and B and contain Zinc and Magnesium. These food items also help in producing testosterone and serotonin. That means it improves circulation and brings stability to erect for a longer time.1. Almonds

2. Avocado -

3. Mushroom -

4. Carrots -

5. Egg -

6. Lentils -

7. Banana -

8. Asparagus -

9. Ashwagandha -

10. Clove -

Foods you should Avoid for Premature Ejaculation -
There are some foods that you should avoid taking to cure premature ejaculation. Keep in mind that you are staying away from these types of food.- Avoid sugar
- Stop eating starchy food
- Keep yourself away from spicy and oily food.
Outlook -
The above blog explains the food you should include to cure premature ejaculation. If you include these products in your diet, you can stay longer. In addition, remember to do exercise and yoga to keep your mind stable, as stability is one of the most important things to prevent or treat premature ejaculation. If you find anything troubling, consult with the doctor, or you can go to a direct counselor. They will guide you‌. Don't hesitate to vent your feelings. You can also book appointments at Credihealth. We ensure your privacy first.Frequently Asked Questions
Which food can treat premature ejaculation?
Bananas, watermelon, and avocado can cure premature ejaculation. Banana is rich in potassium which increases libido and lowers premature ejaculation.
What makes you stay stronger?
Exercise, therapy, and acupuncture are the most suitable activities to increase stamina and stability.
Does hydration help you to last longer?
When you hydrate yourself, you feel more lubricated and have blood in the body. This makes it easier for you to stay longer.

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