Obesity is a growing concern with the ever-increasing demand for processed foods and living a comfortable, sedentary lifestyle. For women, losing fat can be difficult but not impossible. A healthy, balanced diet plan for weight loss and a fixed routine of exercise can ensure that you lose those extra kilos steadily and healthily without compromising on your health. This blog aids you with a Women's diet plan for weight loss. It is important to note that weight loss is complex, no one diet or plan works for everyone, and it should always be under medical supervision for each individual case, especially for women with hormonal imbalances or pregnancy.
Monday6.30 amPre-breakfastCucumber mint water8.00 amBreakfastrolled oats with milk + one fruit12.00 pmMid-morningMixed nuts2.00 pmLunchvegetable salad + Brown rice+ dal+ dry vegetable4.00 pmSnackChopped apple5.30 pmEvening Tealemon tea8.30 pmDinnerSalad + Chicken breast + tossed vegetablesTuesday6.30 amPre-breakfastLemon water8.00 amBreakfastGranola with milk + one fruit12.00 pmMid-morningMoong sprouts2.00 pmLunchFish salad + Brown rice+ soybean chunks+ dry vegetable4.00 pmSnackPumpkin seeds5.30 pmEvening TeaGreen tea8.30 pmDinnerSalad + dal+ roti + tossed vegetablesWednesday6.30 amPre-breakfastJeera water8.00 amBreakfastbanana and oats smoothie12.00 pmMid-morningHummus + cucumbers2.00 pmLunchegg salad + ragi roti + kidney beans + dry vegetable4.00 pmSnackFruits salad5.30 pmEvening Teablack tea with milk8.30 pmDinnerSalad + roast chicken + tossed vegetablesThursday6.30 amPre-breakfasthoney lemon ginger water8.00 amBreakfastegg+ avocado+ multigrain toast + one fruit12.00 pmMid-morningfruit yogurt2.00 pmLunchChicken Salad + Brown rice + chickpeas + dry vegetable4.00 pmSnackwatermelon juice5.30 pmEvening TeaChamomile tea8.30 pmDinnerSalad + roti+ paneer + tossed vegetablesFriday6.30 amPre-breakfastOrange and carrot drink8.00 amBreakfastPumpkin smoothie12.00 pmMid-morningpeanut salad2.00 pmLunchSalad + roti + Green peas and mushroom+ dry vegetable4.00 pmSnackvegetable chaat5.30 pmEvening TeaCoffee with milk8.30 pmDinnerShrimp Salad +brown rice + dry vegetable
In addition to the Women's diet plan for weight loss mentioned above, many important factors are responsible for quick weight loss. Doing these daily will help you see your desired changes and reach your target goal in no time.
The science behind weight loss -
Weight lossconsists of two main components:- Eat fewer calories than your body requires.
- Burn more calories than you consume
Importance of Calorie deficit diet for weight loss -
Women, on average, are required to consume 1200 calories per day to meet their daily nutritional needs. This can depend on your current weight. On average, a woman would have to eat less than 1200 calories per day which would help her lose weight. However, once you find out your target weight, the calories you need to intake, and the calories you need to burn, you can easily devise a suitable diet plan for you to begin your weight loss journey.Weight loss foods to include in your diet -
What to eat -
- Carbohydrates- sugars are present in every food item. Choosing the best sugars to aid in weight loss is important. White rice, bread, and biscuits contain simple sugars that are bad for you. Instead, complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, millet, oats, and ragi are good sources of carbs that are difficult to digest and stay in the stomach for long periods.
- Proteins- 30% of your diet must be protein. Having a portion of eggs, meat, lentils, or paneer is crucial for a balanced diet.
- Fats- only 20% of your diet should consist of healthy fats- polyunsaturated, monounsaturated, and omega-3- such as coconut oil, sesame seeds, and sunflower oil.
What to drink -
- A lot of water- drink about 3-4 liters per day. This will help you eat less and make you feel full for a longer time.
- Detox drinks- water infused with lemon, cucumber, honey, and cumin seeds help boost your metabolism and promote faster fat burn.
- Fresh fruits/vegetable juice- if you love fruit juices, extract fresh juice from fruits and vegetables, so you do not consume unnecessary sugars and preservatives from packaged juices.
Healthy snack options -
These are snacks that are high in protein content and low in calories which keeps you full. Snacking between your main three meals (breakfast/ lunch/ dinner) prevents the release of ghrelin, a hormone that makes you feel hungry. Having these snacks between meals will benefit you.- Hummus with chopped cucumber/carrots
- Chopped apples/pears
- Sprouts salad
- Vegetable chaat
- Roasted pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds
- A handful of almonds/walnuts/cashews
- Unsweetened yogurt
Women's diet plan for weight loss -
While many diet plans are available such as the keto diet, intermittent fasting, and many more, a simple diet with spaced-out meals simultaneously every day can be just as effective. Be aware that the frequency of eating is increasing, not the amount of food you consume. Eating small portions throughout the day helps you feel less hungry and prevents you from binge eating and overeating.A sample 5-day diet plan can be as follows:
Effective tips for losing weight quickly

- Eat breakfast daily- It is the most important meal of the day and keeps you feeling full, energized, and active all day. It also avoids the stress of feeling hungry midway through work and prevents you from eating unhealthy foods.
- Eat meals simultaneously every day- Your body adjusts to routine very easily. Once you make sure to eat at the same time every day, you will only feel hungry at those specified times rather than all day. This helps prevent binge eating and constantly munching on something.
- Drink more water- drinking a glass full of water before any meal will help you get full faster by consuming less food.
- Eat more fruits and vegetables- fresh fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants and minerals that boost metabolism and promote faster fat-burning. They are also an excellent fiber source, the best option to keep you feeling full longer.
- Have an early dinner- Experts recommend eating your last meal for the day by 8.00 pm. This ensures proper digestion throughout the night. Eating early also maintains a longer fasting duration while you sleep, which helps your body burn more fat.
- Increase your physical activity- Walking, running and cardio exercises increase the blood flow, which promotes burning fat for energy. Increasing the hours you stay active on your feet will give you faster weight loss results.
- Eat on smaller plates- Smaller plates mean smaller portions of food. Eating on smaller plates tricks your brain into believing that you are eating more. Eating in small portions lowers the appetite and reduces the amount of food you consume per meal.
- Count your calories- Several applications are available that calculate the number of calories in the foods you choose. This is a great way to keep track of your calorie intake. This also helps you become more aware of the foods that make you put on more weight.
- Be consistent- as with any goal, consistency is key. Weight loss is a long-term commitment but eating healthy, exercising regularly, and choosing the right foods for you every day, without fail, can lead you to your dream goal in no time.
Conclusion -
Weight loss diets consist of eating less than the recommended daily calorie intake. It also involves burning excess calories to lose those extra inches off your body. Diet plans are not restrictive; you can eat everything you want in limited quantities. While eating healthy does 80% of the job, exercising regularly and maintaining consistency are very important to meet your goals.
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