
How Coffee Newbies Can Get Into Making and Drinking Coffee

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Lattes. Espressos. Mochas. Americanos. Cold brews. Dark roasts. We could go on and on … The world of coffee is quite complicated, and if you're feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the different choices out there, you're not alone. Even the greatest coffee growers, roasters, and experts in the world started out as newbies just like you. But the good news is this: With a little time and dedication, you can learn all the ins and outs of coffee, and enjoy sampling dozens of different brews in the process.Ready to become a coffee enthusiast? Here's how coffee newbies can get into making and drinking coffee.

Learn About the Different Beans and Roasts

Great coffee starts with great coffee beans.There are three main different types of beans: Arabica, Robusta, and Liberica. Different beans grow in different climates and have different flavor profiles, but it's the roasting process that most affects how coffee tastes.All coffee beans go through a roasting process. The shorter the roasting time, the lighter in color they are. Longer roasting times make the beans darker. It's sort of like toasting a piece of bread. The longer it's in the toaster, the blacker it becomes.Lighter roasts tend to have fruitier and more floral flavors, higher levels of acidity, and more vibrant aromas. Medium roasts have medium acidity levels and tend to taste smoother and sweeter. Dark roasts are the least acidic and have a heavy body with deep, rich flavors.  

Sample Different Coffee Drinks at Your Local Coffee Shop

Before you run out and buy different beans and different types of brewers, you might want to head to your local coffee shop and sample a few different varieties to get a feel for what you like (and don't like).Independent coffee shops (as opposed to national chains) have top-notch baristas who know a lot about how to make different types of coffee drinks in different ways.In the beginning of your coffee journey, make it a point to order a different type of drink every day. Order an espresso one day, a cappuccino the next day, a café au lait the following day, etc. The best way to know what you like is to sample all of the different varieties.

Buy the Necessary Equipment

Once you have an idea of what type of coffee you like or how you like it brewed, it's time to start buying some equipment so you can make your favorite coffee at home.You'll want to invest in a grinder, a digital scale, and at least one or two types of coffee machines. Some newbies start with a classic drip coffee maker while others are more excited to try their hand at using an espresso machine, a French press, or a Chemex pour-over coffee maker.In addition to a brewer, grinder, and scale, be sure to invest in a package (or two) of freshly roasted whole beans as well as a container to store them in. There areways to store coffee that will keep it fresher longer.

Learn to Brew Coffee in Different Ways

The way you brew your coffee also affects the taste. To become a real coffee expert, you'll want to try out different brewing methods.Start with a traditional drip coffee machine. Test the pour-over method and the French press or Aeropress. Work your way up to perfecting your skills with an espresso machine. Test out the cold brew method and experiment using the stovetop method with a Moka pot.Brewing coffee is somewhat of an art. The more brewing methods you learn, the more of an expert you'll become.

Take Notes

As you explore different beans and different brewing methods, take notes on what you like. It may turn out that you prefer the pour-over method over the French press method, regardless of the roast. Or, you may discover that you like black cold brew steeped in the fridge for hours more so than any shot of espresso or dripped version.Test out different sweeteners, coffee roasters, and grind sizes as well.Some coffee drinkers like black coffee while others think the best cups of coffee require cream and sugar. Some prefer decaf iced coffee while others think good coffee can only be made with hot water. There's no one best coffee drink to suit everyone — it's all about what you prefer.  


From the beans themselves to the way they're roasted to how they're ground and brewed, there are dozens of different ways to enjoy a cup of coffee.So instead of feeling overwhelmed, embrace it! With some trial and error, you will be able to walk into any coffee shop and order something you know you're going to love.
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