An irregular heartbeat can reduce life expectancy if left untreated, owing to the possibility of significant consequences. People with irregular heartbeat, with adequate treatment, may typically live long and healthy lives.When the heart beats too quickly, too slowly, or irregularly, you have an abnormal heartbeat. It's also known as an arrhythmia.Arrhythmias, or irregular heart rhythms, develop when the electrical signals that regulate the heart's beating do not function properly. This might result in an unstable and chaotic heartbeat.Not all arrhythmias are dangerous or cause serious health problems. However, to be cautious, report any irregular cardiac rhythm to a doctor.In this article, we will look at why the heartbeat is irregular, how long can you live with irregular heartbeat, and some treatments; continue reading to know more.
What causes irregular heartbeat?
Many circumstances can cause an irregular heartbeat. These are some examples:1. High Blood pressure-
High blood pressure indicates that too much force is needed to move blood via your blood vessels. It increases blood flow resistance and can influence how your heart operates. Hence it will lead to heart disease.2. Coronary artery disease-
Coronary heart disease is a dangerous cardiac condition caused by cholesterol and other deposits obstructing coronary arteries.3. Heart problems-
A cardiac disease or injury to your heart might cause you to acquire an abnormal heart rate. Some of these illnesses may also have additional symptoms.4. Medications-
Some drugs or medications may cause a change in your heart rate.Medications that may cause a rise in your heart rate include:- Caffeine
- Nicotine
- Phenylephrine or Pseudoephedrine
- Amphetamines for the brain
- Asthma treatments such as albuterol inhalers
- Cocaine
- Beta-blockers, which are used to treat excessive blood pressure.
- Calcium channel blockers.
- Antiarrhythmic drugs.
5. Anxiety or emotional pain-
Anxiety and other forms of emotional discomfort can cause your heart rate to elevate as part of your body's fight-or-flight reaction. This can result in sinus tachycardia.You may get heart palpitations. When you calm down, your rapid heart rate usually calms.6. Hormonal imbalance-
Thyroid glands are the body's hormone centers, and over- or under-secretion from these glands can induce irregular heartbeats.Also Read: Hormonal Imbalance In Women And MenHow long can a person live with irregular heartbeat?
According to research, the perspective of persons with irregular heartbeat has improved. A person's outlook and life expectancy are determined by personal factors.An irregular heartbeat may not be fatal in and of itself. Its impact is strongly influenced by risk factors and the existence of comorbidities, which include:- The age and gender of a person.
- Health problems.
- Response to treatment
What are the signs of irregular heartbeats?
You may suffer any or all of the following symptoms if you have an irregular heart rhythm:- Dizzy, fainting, or lightheaded.
- Breathing difficulty.
- Sweating.
- Chest pain
- Heart palpitations or an erratic pulse.
- Pale skin
- fainting.
- Fatigue
What are the treatment options?
An individual with Arrhythmias may benefit from adequate treatment. Arrhythmias therapy focuses on preventing blood clots and restoring a person's normal heart rhythm and pace.A doctor will recommend the best therapy for a person depending on criteria such as:- The kind of Arrhythmias.
- Underlying reasons, age, symptoms, and general health are all factors to consider.
1. Lifestyle changes-
Doctors may advise people to make healthy lifestyle adjustments to lessen the risk of problems linked with Arrhythmias. These might include:- Keeping a healthy weight.
- Exercising.
- Seeking help to quit using particular drugs.
- Avoiding or restricting the use of alcohol and stimulants such as coffee.
- Smoking cessation.
- Handling stress.
- Following a heart-healthy diet.
2. Medications-
Several drugs can also assist with arrhythmia by avoiding or treating blood clots (legs) and controlling the heart's pace and rhythm.Medication options may include:Anticoagulant medications minimize the risk of a blood clot and stroke.Beta-blockers and blockers of calcium channels of drugs that lower the heart rate.Both potassium and sodium channel blockers are rhythm control drugs used to treat the heart's irregular rhythm.3. Surgery -
If changes in lifestyle and drugs do not help a person's symptoms, the doctor may propose surgery. These might include:- Cardioversion.
- Inserting a pacemaker.
- Catheter Ablation.
What is the risk of an untreated irregular heartbeat?
If you suffer from irregular heartbeat, left untreated, it can cause various issues and weaken the heart. Ischemic illnesses such as stroke and heart attack are the leading causes of mortality in people with an irregular heartbeat. These are issues that arise when blood and hence oxygen is cut off from certain parts of the body. Cerebral ischemia and ischemic heart disease are the leading causes of death in people.In addition to causing a loss of function or oxygen due to insufficient pumping, it can accumulate platelets in the heart's chamber, when clots can develop. These blood clots can move throughout the body, causing strokes and other issues.What are the complications of an irregular heartbeat?
Arrhythmias are frequent in most persons with heart surgery or a coronary stent treatment or are genetically predisposed to a structural heart irregular. Most of the time, Arrhythmias are not life-threatening, although they can induce a few deadly situations. They are as follows;1. Aneurysms -
An aortic aneurysm arises when the artery wall in the heart weakens, resulting in an uneven bulge. An arrhythmia can cause an aortic aneurysm.2. Autoimmune disease -
Irregular heartbeats can induce lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.3. Cardiomyopathy -
An irregular heartbeat leads the cardiac muscles to thicken, expand, and occasionally stiffen. Cardiomyopathy produces strokes, which leads to fluid accumulation in the lungs.4. Heart Inflammation-
Inflammations of the heart can cause chest discomfort, breathing difficulties, weakness, and a rapid heartbeat.5. Heart failure-
Vfibs (Ventricular fibrillation) or Afibs (Atrial fibrillation) can induce heart failure.Conclusion-
Irregular heartbeat is a common cardiac problem that can cause various issues. However, some people with this illness have no symptoms at all. So it can develop when your heart rate is fast, slow, or irregular. It may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as the sensation that your heart is pounding.It can happen due to cardiac issues, drugs, narcotics, or psychological situations.If you notice a sudden increase in your heart rate, pounding, or lightheadedness, consult your doctor about the probable causes. If you're suffering, your doctor will work with you to create a treatment regimen combining lifestyle modifications and medications to help you live longer and better.Also Read: Common Heart Diseases in India
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