
How Long does it Take to Reverse Prediabetes - Tragic Event

How long does it take to reverse prediabetes is a question which every prediabetes patient ask. If you not pay attention to the lifestyle, it may cause problem.

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Most of the people ask for how long does it take to reverse prediabetes to the doctors but before diving into the topic. We first study prediabetes is a condition in which people have higher-than-normal glucose levels but not enough to indicate diabetes. It is also known as borderline diabetes, impaired fasting glucose (IFG) or impaired glucose tolerance. There aren't any prediabetes symptoms per se, however, having prediabetes i.e. borderline diabetes exposes you to develop full-blown diabetes. Many people ask for How Long does it Take to Reverse Prediabetes? The simple answer of this question is  it take 2 to 6 years to reverse prediabetes. It could be come abruptly and worsen the condition.

How long does it take to reverse prediabetes?

If you want to reverse the prediabetes symptoms, the best strategy is lifestyle modification. Many people think about how they can change their busy lifestyle. Additionally, eating habits and physical activities plays a major role to reverse prediabetes. A study explained that low-carbohydrate nutritional approach is quite effective in reversing the prediabetes symptoms. There are many factors that are associated with reverse diabetes. Let's look at one by one.
  • Sound Sleep
  • Decrease Stress
  • Physically Active
  • Monitoring or Tracking the progress
  • Make monitor chart of your sugar
  • Ask for help to your doctor
Free Blood Sugar Meter and Medication on the Blue Background Stock Photo There are some modification that anyone can do at their home. But there are some worst condition that you need to think. If you want to know the answer for How long does it take to reverse prediabetes? If left untreated then prediabetes can reverse to type 2 diabetes within 5 years.

What is normal Diabetes?

In contrast to diabetes when there is either a complete absence of insulin or inefficient use of insulin; pre-diabetes is characterized by an imbalance between glucose and insulin levels in the body. Those with pre-diabetes are at higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and other complications as well as associated conditions like heart disease, stroke and eye problems. If want to prevent yourself from prediabetes symptoms, you should know that How Long does it Take to Reverse Prediabetes? If you know the answer you can immediately start solving your problem Otherwise, it will end with greater issues.

How is Prediabetes Diagnosed? 

Doctors perform any of the following two blood tests to determine whether you have high blood sugar levels than it is in the normal case:
  1. During the FPGT Test a.k.a Impaired fasting glucose if it detects that the blood glucose level is higher than normal after fasting for eight hours (between 6.1 and 6.9 mmol/L) but not high enough to diagnose diabetes.
  2. Impaired glucose tolerance which is diagnosed using an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) and the two-hour blood test is higher than normal (between 7.8 and 11.0 mmol/L) but not high enough to diagnose diabetes.

Who are at risk?

While we know that Prediabetes precedes diabetes, there are certain other risk factors associated with this other than full-blown type 2 diabetes. You are more likely to experience prediabetes symptoms and further diabetes if fall under the below-mentioned categories:
  • If you're aged 45 years or above
  • Overweight and physically inactive ( sedentary lifestyle )
  • Large waistline
  • Family history of diabetes, heart disease or stroke
  • Suffering from high blood pressure or high cholesterol, high triglyceride levels, and low HDL.
  • A case of gestational diabetes (having temporarily elevated blood sugar levels, when you are pregnant) While this condition resolves by itself and does not necessarily develop into borderline diabetes or diabetes later on, it cannot be ruled out as a risk factor.
  • Ever diagnosed with polycystic ovaries syndrome (PCOS), caused due to hormonal imbalance in women.
  • Excessive smoking
  • Irregular patterns of sleep or sleep disorders.
  • Having high intake of sugar, refined foods, and carbohydrates.
  • Consumption of red and processed meat.
Medical infographic of fatigue symptoms In the above condition, all people are vulnerable because they are increasing risk for their type 2 diabetes. Often people ask for How Long does it Take to Reverse Prediabetes? I

Does prediabetes always lead to diabetes?

Not always but chances are more. Almost all those who suffer from Type 2 diabetes have prediabetes symptoms. Also, read about: Is diabetes curable or not?

How do I know if I have prediabetes?

There are no specific prediabetes symptoms and signs that signal this borderline case except diagnostic tests that show abnormally higher blood sugar levels.

Could Prediabetes Reversed? 

There is a chance of reversal of prediabetes into type 2 diabetes. A few lifestyle modifications will cut the cases of reverse diabetes. The progression of prediabetes is 2 to 6 years. However, many people cover up their condition. It simply depends on losing weight. Doctors also advised participating in physical activities. If you see your symptoms are still troubling. Then take the prescribed medicine by the doctor daily. Additionally, lab tests are also necessary. If you do not follow the proper treatment and preventive methods, you are likely to get reversed diabetes. That's never overlooking your diabetes symptoms. Otherwise, it may bring more complications. Now you may clear about How Long does it Take to Reverse Prediabetes? Definitely, a concern point to be raised. So that, people can also pay extra attention to their health.

What are the Prediabetes Symptoms? 

Our body is an institution in itself and has some amazing ways to tell you if anything goes wrong. It can give signs and signals to tell if you have prediabetes. Some of the most common prediabetes symptoms could be darkened skin on the back of your armpits, groin, neck, and knuckles.

Other prediabetes symptoms

Given below are prediabetes symptoms which need to be taken seriously. If you experience any of these symptoms of prediabetes, make sure you consult a doctor soon. As you can get a grip on those glucose levels by consulting the doctor at the earliest.
  • Increase in thirst
  • Frequent trips to the bathroom for urination
  • Unexplained tiredness or Fatigue
  • Blurry and distorted vision
  • Irregular periods or a condition of PCOS
You can relate that how easily these symptoms can affect any one and it will no longer take time to convert in Type 2 diabetes and the statement again come How Long does it Take to Reverse Prediabetes? That means here you need to solve the symptoms to avoid the severe condition.

How to manage prediabetes?

The best way to manage pre-diabetes is by making certain lifestyle changes like:
  • Reducing excess weight
  • Stay physically active
  • Eat a healthy and well-balanced diet
  • Stop smoking
  • Keep blood pressure and cholesterol under control
  • Avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol
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Is it important to treat prediabetes?

Yes because prediabetes symptoms may act as a precursor to Type 2 diabetes and may also lead to other complications like diabetic eye diseases (retinopathy), kidney diseases (nephropathy) or nerve damage (neuropathy).

Prediabetes Symptoms: Takeaway

Although experiencing prediabetes symptoms or borderline diabetes is a precursor to the lethal disease of diabetes. Don't worry, as, with proper medication, exercise and diet and other home remedies for diabetes, it can be slowly reversed. Now, you will have an idea about what is prediabetes, its symptoms and how Long does it Take to Reverse Prediabetes? If you pay some attention to this matter, you can solve large portion of your illness.