Do you want to lose your neck fat? You are in the right place! Neck fat is drooping skin beneath the neck that appears as a double chin. It is also called the turkey neck. A double chin can indeed affect your self-confidence and self-esteem. But you have nothing to fear about. There are various options of exercise for double chin. Some people immediately think of surgical methods to get rid of neck fat, but there are many non-surgical choices if you're ready to commit to some fundamental, medium-term health improvements. With perseverance and commitment, you can eliminate excess fat below your neck. Hope into this blog to find out "how to get rid of neck fat naturally.
Neck fat or a double chin is frequently connected with weight gain. Please do not confuse it with being overweight. Slightly, heavily weighted people can also have one. The following can also cause a double chin:
What causes neck fat or a double chin?

- Genetics
- Cardiovascular issues
- Aging
- Posture
How to get rid of Neck fat?
Neck fat is very common among adults and the elderly. But it is nothing to worry about. Here is a list of simple and safe methods to eliminate neck fat.Lose Weight:
Losing weight is the most effective technique to eliminate neck fat. Typically, reducing your daily calorie intake by 500 calories results in a 0.5kg weight loss every week. This consistent weight loss will result in less fat over time, with the neck and face being some of the most visible regions to observe the drop. Losing weight is the best method for how to get rid of neck fat. Also Read: Does B12 help you lose weight?Chew Gum:
Chewing gum can help you get rid of neck fat. It stimulates the muscles of the neck and the face. Chew gum only once a day because doing so all the time can be harmful. Chew Gum is the best method for how to get rid of neck fat.12 Easy Exercises To Get Rid of Neck Fat fast
Engage in neck fat-burning exercises to eliminate neck fat. Here are the 12 most effective exercises for double chin and neck fat you should try- Cardio Workout: Cardio or aerobic exercises can help you burn calories. You must work out multiple times a week to maintain your weight. It can help you achieve a calorie deficit daily.
- Straight Jaw Jut: Perform this exercise for double chin by following these steps. Look up at the ceiling by tilting your head backward. Move your lower jaw forward until you feel a stretch under your chin. Hold for a few seconds. Finally, return your head to the initial position by relaxing your jaw.
- Bottom Jaw Jut: Perform this exercise To Get Rid of Neck Fat by following these steps. Look up at the ceiling by tilting your head backward. Look to the right and slowly move your lower jaw forward. Hold for a few seconds before releasing. Look to the left side and slowly move your lower jaw forward. Again, hold for 5 to 10 seconds before releasing and resting.
- Tongue Stretch Exercise: Perform this exercise to reduce neck fat by following these steps. Stick your tongue out as far as possible while looking straight ahead. Raise your tongue and point it in the direction of your nose. Hold for 10 seconds before releasing.
- Neck Stretch Exercise: Perform this exercise by following these steps. Look up at the ceiling with your head tilted backward. Tightly press your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Hold for a few seconds before releasing.
- Pucker-Up Exercise: Perform this exercise by following these steps. Look up at the ceiling with your head tilted back. Pucker your lips as if kissing the ceiling to expand the region behind your chin. After a few seconds, stop puckering your lips and return your head to its usual position.
- Look Right, Look Left Exercise: Perform this exercise for double chin by following these steps. Stand erect with your spine straight and head forward. Look over your right shoulder by turning your head to the right. Hold for a few seconds, and then move your neck back to the center. Now, look to the left as if looking over your left shoulder, then back to the center. Perform two sets of 20 each.
- Look Up, Look Down Exercise: Perform this exercise by following these steps. Stand in a neutral position with your spine and head straight. Raise your chin as high as you can while pressing your shoulders down. Look at the ceiling for a few seconds and then return to the center position. Now, lower your chin as near to your chest as possible. Hold for a few seconds before returning to the center position. Perform two sets of 20 each.
- Ball Exercise: Perform this exercise by following these steps. Put a small ball under your chin. Press down your chin against the ball. Repeat multiple times every day.
- Head Rolls: Perform this exercise by following these steps. Begin by lowering your chin and looking at the floor. Then turn it to one side and slowly raise it towards the ceiling. Then roll it over to the other side and back to the floor. Continue this exercise in both directions, counter-clockwise and then clockwise. Complete 20 full circles on one side, then 20 on the other.
- Weighted Shoulder Shrugs: Perform this exercise by following these steps. Stand in a neutral position with your spine erect and your head straight. Lift your shoulders toward your ears while holding a medium-weight dumbbell in each hand and your arms by your sides. Hold for a few seconds. Then, sit back and relax. Do 10- repeats of this exercise twice.
- Wide-Grip Pull-Ups: Perform this exercise by following these steps. Stand in front of a pull-up bar. Keep your hand's shoulder wide apart. Take an overhand grip on the bar. Perform 8-10 pull-ups in three sets with periodic resting. This will assist in strengthening the muscles adjacent to your neck. It will give the appearance of a wider neck.
Things To Remember While Getting Rid of a Fat Neck
1. Drink Plenty of Water:
Water is essential for overall wellness. It aids in correctly functioning your body's systems and protects against illness. Drink more water to stay hydrated. Moisturized skin maintains its tension and is less likely to be saggy. Drinking plenty of water will also help you control your hunger, aiding in weight loss. Drink Plenty of Water is the best method for how to get rid of neck fat. You may also read: Why is my skin so dry even when I moisturize?2. Use Sunscreen cream:
Wearing sunscreen daily can prevent your skin from sagging, wrinkling, and aging. It is advised to use sunscreen with at least SPF 30. Adjust the SPF of your cream depending on your time of exposure to the sun. Reapply the sunscreen every two hours. For further protection, use an umbrella or a hat. Suncream is the best method for how to get rid of neck fat.3. Eat Healthily:
Incorporate carbohydrates, loads of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fiber into your diet. Follow a well-balanced diet every day. Starvation is a bad idea because it will harm your metabolism and cause you to lack essential vitamins and minerals. Eat meat, fish, nuts, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, fruits, etc. Here are some foods you must incorporate into your diet. Eating healthily is the best method for how to get rid of neck fat.- Green Tea: Green tea has many catechins and polyphenols with antioxidant power. Catechins are known to aid in weight loss and may aid in the reduction of neck fat. Green tea should be consumed at least 2-3 times a day. In a kettle of water, bring green tea leaves to a boil. Strain it into your cup after you've added some honey to taste.
- Sunflower Seeds: According to a study, sunflower seed extract positively affects body weight and fat mass. As a result, sunflower seeds may aid in the reduction of neck fat. You can consume raw sunflower seeds with water.
- Carrots: Carrots are high in fiber and vitamin A. As they take longer to digest, they may keep you full for a long time. So, it may aid with weight loss.
- Aloe Vera Juice: Consume a glass of aloe vera juice daily, as it can lower body weight and fat mass.
- Flaxseeds: Flaxseeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help with weight loss. You can incorporate flax seeds in your smoothies, salads, or pudding. The most common way to eat it is by mixing powdered flax seeds in warm water.
- Lemon Juice: Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, so it aids in weight loss. Drinking lemon juice and water first in the morning is good for weight loss.
Conclusion -
Isn't it easy how to get rid of neck fat naturally? As you can see, food and exercise are crucial. You have nothing to need to worry about. Make a healthy routine and see the change. Before starting any special diet, you should consult your doctor to check any allergies, side effects, and drug-food interactions. Also, Read Vegetarian GM Diet Plan: Lose Fat in Just 7 Days
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