Living with polycystic ovarian syndrome can be overwhelming, and this condition can cause many problems in the body during the periodic cycle, like acne, body hair, hair that is darker than usual, skin patches, and weight gain. But, most importantly, this syndrome will make it impossible for you to lose that extra weight, and you should know many women suffer from the same problem. A lot of women suffering from PCOS find it difficult to lose weight. But please don't worry; this blog will give you some simple tricks and ways how to lose weight with PCOS.
Why does PCOS make losing weight difficult?
PCOS is one of those common causes of female infertility and is seen in almost 12 percent of women of reproductive age.
- The condition results from an imbalance of hormones like estrogen and can cause the body to produce too many androgens.
- The higher the levels of these hormones like androgen in the body.
- You are likely to gain weight, and it will be difficult for you to lose those extra pounds.
- Androgen deposits fat around the waist and decreases responsiveness to insulin, a hormone that helps regulate sugar levels. This is what makes losing weight with PCOS difficult.
10 Tips to Lose Weight with PCOS
If you are trying to lose weight with PCOS, here are some simple ways to help you lose weight.
1. Eat a low carb high, protein diet
- It is to be highlighted that no quick-fix diet can fix your Pcos syndrome like magic, and the type of diet that can be chosen when trying to lose weight is less important than sticking with that diet long enough to see the difference.
- Evidence suggests that a low-carb diet with enough protein can help women lose weight. Generally, women with PCOS should eat 1.0 grams of protein per kilogram of their weight, which can be accounted for, so a person of 65 kg should eat about 65g of protein at the very least.
2. Exercising with PCOS
- While exercising is essential for overall body weight and health concerns, it becomes more critical if you have PCOS.
- This is because a slower metabolism in PCOS can lead to storing more fat, making it difficult for the body to burn the calories you are consuming.
- Thus, it will be best to understand PCOS and how important it is to exercise with PCOS to help you lose weight.
- Women with PCOs can keep their insulin levels low by performing HIIT exercises that give a burst of energy and can help get the heart rate increased.
3. Fiber can help with losing weight
- The fiber in the system can help get complex carbs into the blood sugars.
- Adding more fiber to the food can benefit PCOS, and a diet higher in the thread can be liked by losing belly fat and increasing insulin resistance in women.
- Women with PCOS should get at least 21 to 15 grams of fiber daily.
- More fiber can also help with living a comfortable body and fuller stomach. This will prevent hunger pangs.
4. Add limited fat to the plate
- Healthy fats can help keep the stomach full, and these can keep the carbs to a minimum; women with PCOS can eat a diet higher in fat.
- Women who include about 200 calories of fat in their diet regularly are likely to lose more weight than women not have those fats in their diet.
- The source of fat can be avocado, olive, and ghee.
5. Fermented foods
- Women with PCOS can have fewer healthy guts and gut bacteria than those without this condition.
- Making efforts by adding healthy bacteria to the system can be beneficial. You can also add more beneficial bacterial supplements to the body through supplements and probiotics.
- Including more probiotics in the diet can help refresh the gut and help the gut bacteria absorb the nutrients.
- This, in turn, can help you by reducing the need to eat more food and have healthier ovaries and overall body.
6. Reduce your caffeine intake
- Sorry to burst the bad news to you. Caffeine can significantly affect hormone levels and interfere with ovulation.
- Increased stress hormones can lead to hormonal disorders.
- Cutting out caffeine is best for the stomach and can reduce the impact of blood sugar levels on the body. It will be better to limit the intake to one cup of coffee daily at the maximum.
7. Avoid sugar completely
- Women with PCOS should eliminate sugar from their gas it can raise their blood sugar sustainably, and that can lead to crashes and even worse hunger levels.
- This is true for everyone, but women with PCOS can have more spikes when consuming these sugars.
- So even when they are hungry, they should not consume processed sugars. If you crave more, having a lot of fruit with a higher balance content can help reduce cravings.
8. Proactive eating slowly and mindfully
- Those people who jog down their food in the throat while driving or talking and feeling full but still keep on eating, then it becomes more important for you to sit down for your meals and slow down your chewing.
- Many women with PCOS have a drinking or eating problem.
- Thus, if you gulp down your food, think again as slowing, chewing the food, and opting for mindful options can help you with your weight loss target. This can also help in getting your PCOS under control.
9. Eating enough food
- One of the ways of reducing weight is with PCOS, so being hyper-focused on dieting and limiting calorie consumption can lead to overeating in the long term.
- This restricts your calories and eliminates the food groups, and the body can get into the state of expecting no food.
- So limited eating can also cause hunger pangs, making you eat more when it is not even required. Like a pack of chocolates or a box of cookies, not only are these unhealthy options they can lead to developing issues while trying to lose weight with PCOS.
10. Reduce your stress levels
- Stress can increase the levels of cortisol, the hormone that causes stress in the body; this can be linked to increased weight gain and chronic stress and cause the body to store more fat in the stomach area, and trying to control anxiety can help with reduced craving and control mood and urges to eat sweet and fatty foods.
- Some stress-controlling techniques can be deep breathing, meditation, yoga, sleep, and taking care of the self.
- Many other tips can be massaging and relaxing in nature while walking.
While losing weight with PCOS can be tricky, you should know that it is not impossible. While having PCOS, you must be extra careful with your eating habits and patterns. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is caused due to a fluctuation of hormones throughout one menstrual cycle. If you can time your period and different phases of the cycle along with what is appropriate to eat with PCOS and exercise along with it, then it will be possible for you to lose those extra kilos in no time.
Also Read: 10 Life-Changing PCOS Self-Care Tips Every Women Should Know
Frequently Asked Questions
Will losing weight help with PCOS?
Losing weight can help improve insulin regulation and reduce inflammation, which can help make PCOS less severe.
How can one lose weight with PCOS?
One can lose weight by regulating their hormones, fixing lifestyle, and changing habits.
How much weight can one lose with PCOS?
Women losing as much as 5% of their body weight can significantly reduce the chances of developing PCOS.
Is losing weight with PCOS difficult?
If women suffering from Pcos are not regulating their hormones, losing weight will be challenging.
Why is losing weight more challenging with PCOS?
Losing weight can be challenging with PCOS because it can create an imbalance in the hormones in the body.
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