
12 Ways to Kill Tooth Nerve Pain in 3 Seconds Permanently

Proper dental treatment is the fastest way to kill tooth nerve pain; however, science-backed remedies such as clove oil, Saltwater, hydrogen peroxide, hot & cold compress, and over-the-counter pain relievers can offer temporary relief.

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Tooth pain can result from various dental issues, such as decay or infections, leading to symptoms like numbing pain, tingling, swelling, and even bacterial infections. These symptoms can be alarming and often cause panic.

According to the CDC, untreated dental issues are a significant concern, with 1 in 4 adults aged 20 to 64 in the United States having at least one untreated cavity. These dental problems contribute to over 34 million lost school hours and $45 billion in lost productivity annually. 

But don't worry! If you've ever found yourself in such a situation and are desperately looking for a solution to kill tooth nerve pain in 3 seconds permanently, you can follow the easiest ways of dealing with nerve pain below. 

12 Ways to Kill Nerve Pain in 3 Seconds Permanently

Firstly, seeking professional dental care for nerve pain in the teeth is essential. A licensed dentist can properly diagnose the underlying cause of the pain and recommend the appropriate treatment. Delaying treatment can lead to further damage or complications, so addressing nerve pain in the teeth as soon as possible is essential. 

Here are some of the home remedies for relieving tooth pain caused by nerve issues.

1. Saltwater Mouth Rinse

Saltwater mouth rinse is one of the effective home remedies to kill tooth pain in a natural way. It eases gum swelling, reduces inflammation, and eradicates the types of bacteria that cause infection. Preparing a saltwater mouth rinse is easy and can help prevent pain or swelling, promoting healing for a variety of oral issues.

How to apply

To apply, mix a teaspoon of salt into a glass of lukewarm water and swirl it around the affected area for at least 30 seconds. Make sure the water is not too warm or too cold so that it doesn't cause discomfort or irritation.

2. Use A Garlic Paste

Garlic is superherb which is known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties of garlic make it a natural remedy for toothaches. Research suggests That The ingredient can effectively prevent infections and promote overall gum and teeth health. You can directly chew a garlic clove and apply its paste to the affected area to get instant relief.

How to apply

Crush a garlic clove to make a paste and add a pinch of salt. Gently apply this mixture directly to the affected tooth for immediate relief. For an extra boost, you can also chew on a fresh garlic clove to further soothe the pain.

3. Apply Clove oil

Clove oil is one of the most effective home remedies for killing nerve in the teeth. It is rich in Eugenol, which has potent anti-inflammatory effects, preventing swelling, pain, and irritation in the affected tooth. Research has also backed that clove oil can fight oral candidiasis because it has properties that kill fungi and promote gum health.

How to apply

Apply clove oil on your painful tooth using a Q-tip. Massage the area for about 2 minutes or more if required. Besides this, you can even use it as a mouthwash by mixing a few drops of oil in a cup of water.

4. Drink Peppermint tea

Peppermint tea or peppermint oil applied topically are believed by some to be effective home remedies for killing nerves in tooth pain. You can get the fastest relief from a toothache using peppermint tea. It contains a menthol that helps in reducing inflammation and pain. Being antibacterial, it freshens the bad breath and fights against plaque, preventing toothache.

How to apply

To use peppermint tea to stop tooth nerve pain quickly, you can pour dried peppermint leaves into a pan of boiling water. Let it soak for 20 minutes, then strain out the tea. Allow it to cool down before applying it to the painful site.

5. Hydrogen peroxide Rinse

Research suggests that rinsing with hydrogen peroxide mixed with water relieves tooth nerve pain and reduces inflammation in the mouth. However, it is essential to use this solution cautiously and in moderation. Hydrogen peroxide is a bacteria destroyer that kills bacteria that might cause tooth pain and inflammation of the surrounding gums. When you mix hydrogen peroxide with water, it forms an antibacterial solution that relieves pain. Hence, it emerges as the fastest way to kill a tooth nerve.

How to apply

Just blend 3% hydrogen peroxide in warm water and prepare a mouthwash. Regularly whirl it over the affected tooth and then spit it. This is the fastest way to kill a tooth nerve.

6. Cold compression therapy

When you apply a cold compress to the affected area of the tooth, it reduces nerve pain. How? Well, cold constricts the blood vessels, which consequently relieves inflammation and numbs the site. As a result, it reduces swelling and pain in the tooth. Especially, If the tooth nerve pain occurs due to swelling or an abscess, the cold compress can help reduce inflammation, easing nerve pressure.

How to apply

For this, wrap a few ice cubes in a cloth and Apply the wrapped cold compress to the outside of your cheek near the painful tooth. Please keep it for 15 minutes. Also, It is the best home remedy for permanently killing a tooth nerve at home.

7. Use a hot pack

When you apply a hot pack, the heat dilates or widens the blood vessels, allowing more blood and nutrients to reach the area. This increased circulation can help reduce inflammation around the nerve, providing relief.

This way, it provides instant relief from tooth nerve pain.

How to apply

For killing a tooth nerve with This hot therapy, take a bowl of warm water and dip a clean cloth into it. Release the extra water and then cover the fabric using a plastic wrap. Gently place it near the side of the face with a painful tooth for 15 minutes. Heat works by relaxing the muscles and reducing pain.

8. Use Honey And Cinnamon

A study on cinnamon found that the central part, cinnamaldehyde, is good at fighting germs in our mouths. It worked well against two types of germs that can cause problems in our teeth. Using cinnamon might be helpful for tooth nerve pain. In addition, the anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial effects of honey with cinnamon can help you get relief from tooth pain naturally. Being antibacterial, honey releases harmful bacteria from the body. Fighting against the bacteria lowers the acid your mouth produces, preventing infection.

How to apply

To apply it, you can make a sticky paste by mixing 5 teaspoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon(powdered). Once the pack is ready you Put the layer of the mixture on your tooth several times a day.

9. Try Baking Soda

You may wonder, Does baking soda help in killing toothache? Yes! It is a powerful tooth nerve pain reliever remedy that relieves discomfort. Being alkaline in nature, baking soda neutralizes the acidic level in the mouth. Many bacteria grow in acidic environments, which leads to dental issues. Also, a study suggests that combining tooth brushing with baking soda toothpaste can help remove plaque and enhance gum health.

How to Apply

Make a solution of 1 teaspoon of baking soda by mixing it with a glass of water. Dip a cotton ball and gently press it on the affected area. Moreover, you can also use the mixture as a mouthwash.

10. Use Thyme Oil

Thyme is known for its antioxidant and antibacterial effects that effectively treat tooth pain. It kills bacteria that cause tooth decay. Research says that thyme oil can provide some temporary relief for periodontal disease. However, it is not a substitute for proper dental treatment. See your dentist, especially if the pain persists, to address any decay, infection or other issue irritating the tooth nerve.

How to apply

Use the thyme oil as a mouthwash or apply directly to the affected area. Mix a few drops of oil in water and rinse your mouth using it. To apply, dilute the oil with water and put on your painful tooth using a Q-tip.

11. Use Vanilla Extract

Vanilla extract contains alcohol, which can have a mild numbing effect on the area it's applied to. This may help dull tooth nerve pain temporarily. Vanilla extract kill tooth nerve temporarily by numbing the gum tissues. However, no research or evidence backs the efficacy of vanilla extract in numbing a tooth nerve.

How to apply

To use vanilla extract for tooth pain, Dip a cotton ball or clean cloth into it and gently dab it onto the gums surrounding the painful tooth. Avoid getting it directly on the tooth's surface. To reduce irritation risk, you can dilute the vanilla extract with an equal amount of warm water before applying it.

12. Guava leaves

Guava leaves contain compounds like quercetin and gallic acid that can help reduce inflammation around the affected tooth nerve, providing pain relief. According to research, Guava leaves work as an antimicrobial against certain bacteria, which can help if an infection contributes to nerve pain.

How to apply

To use guava leaves for tooth nerve pain, you can take a few fresh guava leaves and rinse them thoroughly. Boil the leaves in a cup of water for 5-10 minutes to make a strong decoction or tea. Allow the decoction to cool to a warm temperature and Use as a mouth rinse

Causes of Tooth Pain in the Nerve

Tooth pain can be a symptom of different medical or dental conditions that require immediate medication attention. 

  • Some common causes of tooth pain can be tooth decay of the cavity formed in the tooth that exposes the inner layers of the tooth bacteria that can lead to infections and pain. 

  • In addition, gum diseases are caused due to bacterial infections that affect the gums and the bone that supports the teeth. 

  • Apart from tooth decay and gum diseases, tooth fractures and abscesses can also cause nerve pain. They can be due to the abscess on the pocket and can cause severe pain, swelling, and fever. 

  • In addition, tooth fractures are due to exposure of the teeth to infections and pain. 

  • Bruxism is the teeth clenching, leading to tooth and sensitive tooth and jaw pain. 

  • Dental procedures like filling and tooth canna or extractions can also cause temporary tooth pain or nerve pain.

How Does Tooth Nerve Pain Feel?

Tooth nerve pain is an unbearable experience caused by an injured nerve in the tooth. The pain usually feels sharp and suddenly hits the affected area, often leading to a continuous, pulsating sensation that can last for hours or even days, making it hard to ignore. Many people experience sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures in the affected tooth, and some also suffer from severe pain that disrupts everyday activities. 

With symptoms this intense, many search for ways to kill tooth pain nerve in 3 seconds permanently, but it’s essential to consult a dentist immediately to address the underlying issue. Tooth nerve pain is indeed an unpleasant experience, and seeking professional help is the best course of action.


Many people can have different reasons for tooth or nerve pain; thus, diagnosing the conditions at home and dealing with them with the root causes becomes essential. Some of these reasons are tooth decay and tooth infections. The simple ways of treating tooth pain in three seconds can be when you are dealing with the pain with tooth extraction and crowning of the tooth canal.

Remember that these are general tips for temporarily relieving tooth pain and can not be utilised for professional dental care or advice. Therefore, seeking proper diagnosis and treatment from a licensed dentist or healthcare provider is essential for safe and effective tooth pain management.

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes tooth nerve pain?

Tooth nerve pain is often caused by tooth decay, injury, or infection.

Can you kill tooth nerve pain in 3 seconds permanently?

There are quick methods to ease tooth nerve pain, but permanent relief requires professional dental treatment.

Is cold water effective in reducing tooth nerve pain?

Yes, rinsing with cold water can temporarily numb the pain.

What home remedies can help with tooth nerve pain?

Applying clove oil or using a cold compress can help reduce tooth nerve pain.

Should I see a dentist for tooth nerve pain?

Yes, seeing a dentist is crucial for diagnosing and treating the cause of tooth nerve pain.

How can I prevent tooth nerve pain in the future?

Good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups are key to preventing tooth nerve pain.

Can over-the-counter painkillers stop tooth nerve pain?

Painkillers can help manage the pain, but they won’t solve the underlying problem.