
#KnowIVF: Perfect Diet Plan For IVF Success

Diet plan for IVF success: We started KnowIVF, Credihealths latest endeavor to create awareness about the 21st centurys biggest boon - In Vitro Fertilization. Read to know more.

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The joy of parenthood is incomparable to any other. But for some 'to-be' parents the way forward to this joy is obstructed by the shackles of infertility. Thanks to modern medical science, there is a cure for almost everything, excluding cancer but including infertility.

A famous Japanese proverb rightly says "Fall seven times and stand up eight". This may be the case for couples opting for IVF. After a series of trials, couples are proactively choosing IVF treatments. Budgeting the diet plan for IVF success is complex. And, dear reader, we understand that guidance and knowledge about this issue would be primarily needed.

So we welcome you to KnowIVF, Credihealth's latest endeavor to create awareness about the 21st century's biggest boon - In Vitro Fertilization.

In this all-in-all series, we will discuss a range of topics relating to the field of fertility. Read on to the first part of KnowIVF i.e. Perfect diet plan for IVF success.

PART 1: Diet Plan For IVF Success

1st-7th September 2019 marks National Nutrition Week. So to add to the joys of celebration, we bring to you the Ultimate Diet Plan for IVF  success.

In this post, we will be expanding on the dietary requirements that need to be fulfilled during an IVF treatment.

Role of Nutrition in IVF

Needless to say, nutrition is the most demandable and important need for humankind. Rather it should be considered the sixth element of nature. But when a person goes ahead for medical treatment of any kind, the nutritional needs spike up. The same is the case with IVF.

A proper well-balanced and highly nutritious diet is essential for both partners. It was acknowledged in research that in young women less than 35 years of age, a healthy diet can heavily improve the success rate of an IVF treatment. Hence, especially during pregnancy via IVF, one must ensure that the right amount of nutrients is being consumed.

If you don't know what these nutrients should be, have a look at the diet plan for IVF success.

IVF Diet: What to eat

We have simplified your diet plan for IVF success for you. Here is a list of food items you should be willing to add to your meals, during your treatment cycle-

  1. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: Fruits and vegetable supply vitamins, proteins, and fiber to our body. You can fill your grocery basket with strawberries, peaches, grapes, onions, oranges, cauliflower, kale, apple, tomatoes, pear, broccoli, spinach, carrots, sprouts, cucumbers, bananas, dates, melons, and peaches.
  2. Low-fat Dairy: Fat-free Milk and yogurt are the top choices of dairy products, while on the IVF diet. They are enriched, with protein, minerals, and vitamin B.
  3. Lean Proteins: Your body would require a good enough dose of healthy proteins. And not any protein but high-quality protein. Lean protein is the answer. You can consider eating chicken, duck, eggs, fish, and turkey.
  4. Whole Grains: Whole grains has numerous health benefits. These grains help in the prevention and lowering of the risk of various diseases. Corn, Whole-grain pasta, whole-grain bread, buckwheat, oats, rye, brown rice, and some food items that you can eat.
  5. Legumes: Legumes are highly versatile and nutritious. They are a good source of folate, a substance that is very significant for women. Additionally, legumes contain Vitamin B, Iron, Zinc, and Calcium. Peanuts, Lentils, Chickpeas, Beans, and Pulses are some examples of legumes.
  6. Healthy Fats: You would not have to avoid fat entirely in your diet. Just make sure that you are consuming healthy ones. Nuts, Olive oil, avocado, and seeds are a rich source of healthy fats.

A nutritious diet does not have to exclude its taste benefits. There are a variety of snacks that you can munch on during your IVF cycle. These include baby carrots, berries, greek yogurt, apple slices with almond butter, and nuts.

IVF Diet: What NOT to eat

Half-knowledge can be extremely dangerous. So, we will not leave after telling you what to eat. We will also tell you what food items to avoid. Given below is a list of food products you should avoid during your IVF treatment.

  1. Eggs in raw form: One form of eggshell can lead to food poisoning. This can be highly dangerous for pregnant women or during their IVF treatments.
  2. Refined sugars: Because of the presence of processed carbohydrates, refined sugar can affect the result of your IVF cycle.
  3. Artificial sweeteners: Artificial sweeteners can impact and reduce female fertility.
  4. Alcohol: According to research, avoiding alcohol consumption increases the chances of positive IVF outcomes.
  5. Caffeine: It has been found that women who drink more than 5 cups of coffee each day, face difficulty during their IVF treatments.

NOTE: However, it is advised that you do not make any major changes in your diet if you have already started the treatment. You should also consult with your doctor before going ahead with a thorough diet chart.

A final word

Someone has wisely said, "You are what you eat". And for pregnant women, it works for two.

National Nutrition Week 2019 has given us the greatest opportunity to focus on the dietary needs of a patient undergoing IVF treatment. The above article has been our attempt to study one aspect of In-Vitro Fertilisation.

To know more about this unique and extraordinary approach, stay tuned to KnowIVF. For more information and free personalized guidance, speak to Credihealth medical expert at +918010994994 or click the link below to book an appointment with India's Best IVF Specialist.

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