Many-a-times, expecting parents on television, are portrayed as amazed individuals upon receiving the news. Unlike what the advertisements tell, pregnancy does not always have to be a surprise. It is because when a couple is trying to convince, they are already planning the outcome. If you are one of these couples, let us tell you about the best time to get pregnant and help you with your planning.
Planning your pregnancy will only improve your chances. If you want to know how and why so, then you have to come to the right place. Read on.
Timing Matters: Is There a Best Time to Get Pregnant?
Pregnancy is a delicate consequence of ovulation and fertilization. Women have to note that their fertility declines as they age. It is thus important to conceive at the right age. However, irrespective of the age you are wishing to get pregnant, there are certain times where your odds at conceiving are the highest, popularly known as the fertile window.
The fertile window is the time when your fertility is at its peak. Since every woman's menstrual cycle is different, their fertile windows are varied. According to science, the two-three days before and on the day of ovulation is when you are most fertile. Please note that you can also get pregnant at other times, but the probability is the highest during these days.
If you ask what is ovulation, it is the time when the egg is released from a woman's ovaries. This egg comes down to the fallopian tube towards the uterus. This is where the sperm meets the egg and fertilizes it into an embryo. If a couple is struggling to conceive, jumping directly to infertility may not be right. At such times, the role of the fertile window mostly comes in play.
Tracking Ovulation
The problematic part is knowing when the fertile window is open and the ovulation is happening. Here's how you can track and organize your baby-making:
Noting your Basal Body Temperature (BBT)
Basal Body Temperature is the temperature of your body during complete rest. It is taken usually at the time you wake up in the morning or before starting a physical activity. The BBT in a woman's body is affected due to ovulation (hormone levels). During ovulation, a slight increase is noted in this temperature. You can keep a log of your basal body temperature and thus determine when you are ovulating.
Look at the changes in your vaginal discharge
There are different types of vaginal discharge. Some of it is healthy. You may have to notice the mucus discharge closely to track your ovulation. It is because when you are ovulating, the mucus discharge changes and becomes stretchy. It looks like raw egg whites. This is the time when you are most likely to conceive.
Use Fertility calendars
Among the various apps that support you throughout the day, one can be useful in tracking your fertility. Calendars to help trace most fertility are available on the internet with easy access. If you have regular periods, you can easily track your menstrual cycles.
Related read 6 Signs & Symptoms of OvulationIn Conclusion
Though marking ovulation is different for every woman, most of the women ovulate around Day 10-16. There is mislead belief that every woman ovulates on the 14th Day. Don't fall for such myths and track your cycle.
Knowing the best time to get pregnant can boost your chances of conceiving. Learn more about pregnancy, women and child health in our blog article series - #LadiesAndBabies. For more information or free personalized guidance, speak to a Credihealth medical expert at +9180101994994.Reviewed by