Every new mommy wants to lose the extra pounds and get back into shape once her baby arrives. But, no matter how many miles you've walked, how many diets you've tried, the extra bit of flab on your tummy post pregnancy doesn't seem to budge. However, new mommies should keep in mind not to start dieting too soon. Your body needs time to recover from labor and delivery. In fact, you must give yourself six weeks until your postpartum check up before you start watching your calorie intake and actively try to slim down. Starting a strict weight loss regime immediately after delivery would delay one's recovery making you feel more tired and low on energy. In addition, if you're nursing, dieting can affect your breast milk supply as well. To keep yourself feeling good along the way - Keep these tips in mind! Eat a well balanced diet - Since your body is working round the clock to make breast milk for your baby, eating small meals with healthy snacks is a good way to keep your hunger in check and energy levels high. Don't count calories - A breast feeding mom needs 500 calories. But, instead of counting calories, follow your hunger as a guide as to how much you need. Include a variety of healthy foods - these include whole grain cereals, vegetables and fruits. Eating a mix of carbohydrates, protein and fats increases satiety and supplies the nutrients your body needs. Choose good fats - Getting too much of unhealthy fats can alter the fat composition of your breast milk, which in turn isn't good for your baby's health. Make sure you include nuts, seeds, cooking oils such as olive oil and sweet almond oil. Galactogogues - Why do we need them? Since breast feeding works on a simple demand and supply principle you may need some extra help with milk supply. These foods known as Galactogogues (herbs or medications used to stimulate an increase in milk production & supply) can be integrated into a healthy well balanced diet. These include: Garlic - helps in smooth functioning of the digestive system Fenugreek - contains Diosgenin, a key compound proven to increase breast milk production Gingelly oil & ghee - provides adequate nutrition & helps strengthen bones Sesame seeds & Flaxseeds -high in calcium helping a mom to nurse her child betterBrown Rice -provides more energy needed for breast feeding, stimulates prolactin secretion, a key hormone involved in lactation Oatmeal -Releases oxytocin, a hormone involved in milk productionMoringa, Drumstick leaves & Spinach -Good sources of calcium, iron, Vitamin K, A andfolate, contains phytoestrogens. , believed to promote breast tissue health and lactation. The golden rule to come back to shape is -
Contributed By Dhrishti Bijlani: Founder & Dietitian at Flab-You-Less. She is a certified Diabetes Educator. Originally published on Oowomaniya. Disclaimer: The statements, opinions and data contained in these publications are solely those of the individual authors and contributors and not of Credihealth and the editor(s).
Not going on a very strict and rapid weight loss diet which you later cannot maintain.Rapid weight loss can release toxins stored in your body fat into the bloodstream and into your milk supply. Since you're breast feeding, make sure you take it slow. Go Natural with food to come back to a Slim Healthy You And Enjoy The Precious Early Moments With your Baby!

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