What is PCOD?
PCOD is short for Polycystic Ovary Disease. It is a condition that affects women of reproductive age and has been becoming increasingly common. PCOD is believed to be genetic in nature, its definite cause however, is unknown. Some doctors are of the belief that a hectic lifestyle and the contemporary style of living are the causes of this disorder.
The ovaries of women suffering from PCOD are enlarged and they contain fluid filled follicles. One of the major reasons of infertility in women, PCOD hampers a normal menstrual cycle while causing various other health risks. Read more about PCOD: Does meditation help?

PCOD Causes
One of the major causes of PCOD is an imbalance in hormones. Apart from which, a stressful schedule and a lifestyle devoid of calmness of the mind may result in the disorder. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkRnJqLOe4cPCOD Symptoms
The diagnosis for PCOD is made definite by way of an ultrasound exam. Presence of some or all of the following symptoms may also points towards a possible condition of PCOD.
- Excessive acne
- Excessive hair growth
- Obesity
- An irregular menstrual cycle
How to treat?
Treatment of PCOD will entail an all-round plan that incorporates diet, exercise, weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. It is also crucial for women suffering from PCOD to keep their weight in check. The best and safest way to ensure a healthy lifestyle, a risk-free exercise routine and a conducive weight ratio is to undertake proper yoga and meditation.
Also Read: PCOD Diet TipsPCOD and Meditation
How is meditation beneficial?
Since one of the main causes of PCOD is stress, it is important to keep the mind calm. Not only is it a natural tactic but is also risk-free. Meditation affects the patient on a subtler level than mere physical well-being and enhances the emotional and mental status.
Also Read: PCOD: Lifestyle Tips"Meditation detoxifies and de-stresses the system while rendering the mind to a calm soothing feeling. It helps relax the mind and body and shuts them off from most trivial things the mind fusses over."
Pranayama to cure PCOD
Pranayama means to extend the duration between each inhalation and exhalation. Believed to work the best against stress-related medical disorders, Pranayama also improves autonomous functions. Practicing Pranayama ensures a steady and a relaxed mind.
The following Pranayamas will provide relief from PCOD:
- Udgeeth Pranayama - Involves chanting along with breath control
- Kumbhaka Pranayama - Retaining the breath
- Agnisar Pranayama - Beneficial for the abdominal area
- Shitali Pranayama - Sheetal meaning cool, this pranayama means cooling breath
- Viloma Pranayama - Pausing between each inhalation and exhalation
- Bhastrila Pranayama - Diaphragmatic breathing that is deep and long
- Sama Vritti Pranayama - Breathing that is equal every time
- Anuloma Pranayama - Breathing through each nostril alternatively
Sudarshan Kriya-
This asana is known to curb excessive acne problem. It also controls frustration, mood swings, makes one feel enthusiastic, full of energy and keeps negative emotions in check.
Butterfly pose-
While carrying this pose however, one may cut down on the leg flapping and try holding the posture for a long time instead.
Shavasana (corpse pose)-
Relaxing shows the best results for PCOD and this asana is the perfect bet for doing just that!
This asana entails twisting of the spine.
Padma Sadhana-
This asana is believed to yield impressive results.
Supta Badhakonasana -
Simply put, this asana is the reclining butterfly pose which entails the same procedure as the butterfly pose; the difference only being it is performed when lying down.
Chakki chalanasana-
Copying the movement of a grinding wheel, this asana is known to benefit the uterus, the kidneys, the pancreas, the liver and massage the reproductive organs.
Sun salutation -
Helps in weight loss. It is however, advisable to perform only a few rounds of this asana.
What not to do
Asanas that lay a great stress on the abdomen should be limited in duration and frequency. Postures like the bow pose, cobra pose, superman pose and the boat pose shouldn't be held for a long time. It is also best if yoga is done under the guidance of a trained yoga professional.
Also Read: PCOD Patient ExperiencesJoin the PCOD & PCOS Support Group on Facebook and be a part of a platform where hundreds of women sharing their experiences and doubts.
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