
9 Powerful Pressure Points for Headache Relief

Discover the most effective pressure points for headache relief, including the third eye, Hegu, and drilling bamboo points.

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There are pressure spots to relieve headaches, such as wrist, hand, foot, and other pressure points. Based on ancient Chinese medicine, certain locations can be physically treated to alleviate migraine and headaches naturally. Acupressure employs physical contact at pressure points, as opposed to acupuncture, which inserts tiny needles which stimulate particular areas of the body. According to some research, this may enhance blood flow and lessen muscular tension connected to headaches. Applying gentle pressure point for headaches provide relief from discomfort and ensure relaxation. This article describes different pressure sites for headaches and reviews the evidence of their efficacy in treating migraines. Additionally, it describes the locations of these pressure points and how to use the techniques.

What are the Pressure Points for Headaches?

pressure point for headaches Most people at some point encounter headache problems, which are among the most prevalent nervous system ailments. Although there are many forms of headaches, stress-related headaches are the most prevalent. Tension headaches may cause dull, unbearable pain and are frequently linked to stress or tight muscles. An age-old medicinal technique, acupressure, applies pressure to particular body spots to ease pain and encourage recovery. The acupuncture points for headaches are listed below, which help to reduce headaches. Also Read: Acupressure & Acupuncture

1. Third Eye Acupoint-

The Third Eye acupoint is located between your eyebrows on the middle part of your nose. Numerous illnesses like stress, eye issues, and headaches may be treated by pressing this pressure point.  Use the thumb or the index finger for a gentle massage of the Third Eye acupoint while applying pressure. Also Read: How To Get Instant Relief From Headache On Temples?

2. Drilling Bamboo Acupoint-

Drilling Bamboo acupoint into the bony edge of the eyebrows, where the ridges on each side of your nasal bridge intersect. Use both index fingers to push into the acupoint and massage it briefly.  The pressure point for headaches may also help with several other conditions, such as fatigue and eyestrain. It can additionally be utilized for treating symptoms of the flu and cold.

3. Wind Mansion-

Wind Mansion, also known as GV 16, refers to an acupoint on the back side of the neck at the exact center of the head. This point is frequently used to ease headaches, tightness in the neck, and mental strain.  It may also assist with sore throats, red eyes, and other symptoms associated with the flu and cold. For a couple of minutes, gently massage this acupoint. You will likely experience a feeling of calmness and pain alleviation.  If you haven't found a more sensitive location after a few minutes, massage your index fingers in a clockwise direction, slightly upward or downward, until you do. Once you've discovered the proper spot, apply mild pressure while breathing deeply.

4. Gates of Conscious-

Pressure points known as the Gall Bladder Meridian or the Gates of Conscious are located on each side of the neck region, close to the skull. Pressure in these body areas commonly treats headaches, neck discomfort, and vertigo.  It is believed that activating these spots will encourage the circulation of qi and remove obstructions that might be the source of pain or other issues.  Although there is little research on the advantages of Conscious acupoint medical care, certain studies have found some promise in treating neck and tension-related headaches.

5. Taiyang-

The Taiyang acupoint, commonly called EX-HN5, is on the forehead, in the indent of the outermost part of the eye and the beginning of your hairline.  This aspect is frequently used to alleviate headaches, particularly ones that begin around the forehead or the area around the eyes. Apply pressure to this region in a clockwise direction with the tips of your index and thumbs for a few minutes to apply force to this location.  It is natural to feel a pounding or pulsating sensation while you massage this spot. If you have headaches, putting pressure on an acupoint will help relieve it.

6. UnionValley-

Use your index finger's webbing containing the Union Valley acupoint, the Large Intestine. This acupoint is said to help with signs of anxiety, weariness, and headaches.  Use your alternate hand's index finger and thumb to gently squeeze the web and apply stress for at least two minutes. You should do this for numerous minutes to get rid of your headache during the day.

7. Jian Jing-

A Double-blind randomized experiment, Jian Jing (GB21), was utilized as one of the suggested pressures to effectively treat chronic daily headaches. Jian Jing is determined by compressing the shoulder muscular tissue with your middle index finger first. To apply acupressure to this spot for migraine relief, first compress the shoulder muscle using the thumb and your middle finger and locate the exact location in the center of the muscle. Then, applying with your index finger, gently rub and massage the region for a couple of seconds before relaxing your pinch.

8. Facial Beauty-

If you have a sinus headache, try stroking the Facial Beauty or Stomach 3 acupoints. This kind of pressure point is placed near the base of the cheekbone on both sides of the nose. ST 3 can help with congestion in the nasal passages, sinus issues, pain in the teeth, and eye ache.  To perform the pressure point for headaches, apply gentle pressure with the tip of your index finger and make little circles. You may also attempt pressing the edge with your index finger. A few people find it beneficial to practice this for a few minutes at least twice daily.

9. Wind Screen- 

The Wind Screen acupoint, also known as San Jiao 17 , is lower than the earlobe, in the dip between the angled portion of the lower jaw and the mastoid muscle.  It can treat migraines, drowsiness, ear ringing, and Temporomandibular joint disorders. Wind Screens can help with headaches, neck pain, and shoulder tightness.  To activate San Jio, apply mild pressure to the spot with the point of your thumb or middle finger for a few minutes. You may experience the warmth or sensations of ting in the affected area. This natural sensation signifies that the spot is being efficiently stimulated. Book an online appointment with the best  Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Doctors in India

What are the Benefits of Acupuncture points?

Acupressure benefits involve pain relief, stress relief, and the prevention or treatment of headaches. Though most published research focuses on acupuncture, information gathered from acupuncture research can also be applied to acupressure because the two practices' philosophies are related. According to one theory published in the scientific journal Human Brain Mapping, acupuncture performed on a particular location Large Intestine 4, situated in the muscular space across the middle finger and thumb, manages the movement of the system, which is connected with feelings of discomfort and the relationship between the mind and the body. Acupressure is both preventative maintenance and curative for pain in headaches; therefore, begin acupressure whenever you feel a painful headache or migraine developing. You can also avoid headache symptoms by performing acupressure on a regular, also daily basis.


Various causes, such as tension, anxiety, and bad posture, can trigger headaches. If you have headaches, try these acupressure spots! Consistent acupressure activation and regular diaphragm breathing could help you get rid of your pain.  The pressure point for headaches aids in relieving tension, reducing headache intensity, and promoting a sense of calm and relaxation. However, whenever your headaches continue to persist or worsen, see a doctor. They can assist you in determining the reason for your headaches and recommending additional therapy alternatives. Book an online appointment with the best hypertension headache doctors in India or the Best Neurosurgeon in Kolkata. 

Categorized into General Health, Headache, Brain Health
Tagged in Beauty, Hypertension