Here is a question for you, "How do you deal with stress?" While you think about your answer, let us tell you that stress was labeled as the 'Health Epidemic' of the 21st century by the World Health Organization. According to Lou Holtz, "It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it". So, this weekend we will describe a few stress-buster practices for you.
At Credihealth Blog, stress buster activities are just one more service we offer. We understand that throughout the week you may deal with numerous pressures at work, at home, in your relationships, and everywhere else. We know that you deserve a breather to set you right back on track for the next week.
Let's first understand what a stress buster is and how is it going to help you.
Stress Buster Definition
It is a product, practice, system, etc designed to alleviate stress. This post aims at describing the best stress-buster activities. Here they are, put them to use, give your stress some wings and let it fly away.1. Laugh Out Loud (LOL)
Laughing, smiling, or staying in a positive mood could be a challenge when you are nervous or anxious. But it can be a great stress buster. Laughing can generate a chain reaction in our body to reduce the levels of stress hormones, cortisol, epinephrine, and dopamine.
2. Be sporty and exercise

3. Bring your attention to your breathing
This is a breathtaking stress buster (pun intended). Breathing is the simplest activity you can perform to get rid of stress. Even doctors recommend breathing exercises as a stress buster.
4. Make nature your best friend
Mother nature can be your best companion when you need a break from stress. Seeking out nature and sunshine has proven to reduce tense feelings.
5. Be a water baby
"Water solves everything. Thirsty? Drink water. Want to lose weight? Drink water. Clear Face? Drink Water Tired of your problems? Drown them."
6. Be wary of how you sit
So apparently there is a right and a wrong way to sit. And your body postures play a big role in determining your health. According to research, sitting in an upright position can boost self-esteem and beat stress.
7. Transform with meditation
Your friends or colleagues must have told you to 'chill' whenever you had been stressed. So follow their advice and chill. It may not be very easy, so another stress buster- meditation can help.
8. Don't forget to say the magic words "Thank you"
In a world where you can be anything, be kind. To everyone including yourself. Small gestures and words of gratitude and kindness are capable of changing the world. So they must be able to change your mood.
9. Have your 'Me-time'
Everyone indeed seeks companionship. But everyone must also seek solitary time. This time is not based on decision-making but to rest and get back to being yourself again.
10. Keep your hopes high and your stomach full
Sometimes food can help uplift your mood. There are comfort foods and healthy foods that you can opt for to feel good about yourself. Fruits, vegetables, cakes, and many more food items can make you feel happier during a stressful time.
A word from Credihealth
"Rule number one- don't sweat about the small stuff. Rule number two- it's all small stuff", Robert Eliot. Stress-buster activities are required by almost everyone. You, your friends, your colleagues, your younger brother, your boss, his boss, and everyone else who is in touch with reality. A person can only perform his/her best when the stress is managed. We hope we have given you the best stress-busters to control your emotions. Stress is one of the leading causes of innumerable health conditions. We endeavor to provide the best help for all kinds of medical issues at Credihealth.Reviewed by