Moringa also called a drumstick tree in the United States, has been consumed for a longer time for its medicinal use. Ayurveda used moringa as a supplement in its medicines. Moringa benefits for women have a long list as it's rich in vitamins and minerals. From treating and preventing diabetes, anemia, arthritis, liver, and heart diseases to supporting skin and bone health, it has a lot to offer. Moreover, many parts of moringa like bark, flower, and fruit in leaves and the oil extracted from the plant are all advantageous for women.
In this blog, we will learn about all the benefits of moringa for women in detail.
Top 10 Science-backed Moringa Benefits for Women
Moringa (drumstick tree) has many vitamins and minerals that can help provide many benefits. The following are the effective benefits of moringa powder for women:
1. Helps Lose Weight
For women, managing a healthy body weight can be significantly challenging. This is because they have slower metabolism compared to men. Also, they are prone to emotional eating, which can result in binge eating or stuffing themselves. This can also lead to excessive body weight. Adding moringa to the diet can benefit. One research shows that moringa leaf extract can help with weight management by metabolizing the accumulated fat. Moreover, the fiber content in moringa can also help keep you fuller for longer and help prevent excess fat accumulation in the body.
2. Relieves Pain, Cramps & PMS
Around 80% of women suffer from menstrual pain, cramps, and PMS. Moringa or drumstick tree can help with these discomforts. Its anti-inflammatory properties can help relieve pain. In addition, it can prevent tiredness because it contains three times the potassium in bananas. Moreover, its soothing effects can help reduce cramps when taken as a tea, capsule, or powder. The B-12 in moringa can help calm the nervous system which can bring peace of mind.
3. Promotes Lactation
According to the study, moringa has been used for years to increase milk volume. Even today, it provides breastfeeding mothers with nourishing nutrients. Being rich in vitamins C and B, potassium, calcium, amino acids, and iron, it significantly contributes to lactation. It strengthens the effectiveness of breast milk, providing immunity to the child. Basically, it contains 2 times more amount of calcium than dairy milk. However, women need to make sure to buy moringa from reputable stores as some products can contain harmful chemicals or inexpensive fillers.
4. Improves Skin Health
The antioxidant effects of Moringa due to the presence of vitamins A, E, and C, and amino acids can benefit skin health. Vitamin A stimulates collagen production which is essential to maintain skin elasticity. On the other hand, vitamin C increases the formation of collagen and prevents harmful free radicals that can damage skin cells. Moreover, omega-3s in this plant can reduce inflammation and retain the moisture of the skin. It also aids in wound healing.
5. Supports Bone Health
Phosphorus and calcium are the two most vital nutrients for healthy and strong bones. Menopause leads to weak bones and loss of bone density. Having calcium-rich foods can provide great health benefits. Adding moringa to a diet can help support bone health. It contains 17 times more calcium compared to milk. In addition, it contains vitamin D and K where vitamin D aids in absorbing calcium while vitamin K directs the absorbed calcium content to the bones.
Also Read: 8 Easy Exercises To Help With Osteoporosis
6. Maintains Blood Sugar Levels
High blood sugar levels can be a severe issue, leading to diabetes. It can also lead to heart disorders so maintaining blood sugar levels is essential. Here, moringa can be a healthy addition to your everyday diet plan. It has been shown that 50 g of moringa leaves can lower the blood sugar level spikes by 21% Experts find that these effects of the plant are due to the presence of compounds called isothiocyanates in it.
7. Reduces Inflammation
Inflammation is the reaction of the body's natural healing system and can be due to chronic inflammation or injuries. If it lasts for a longer period, it can lead to heart disease, metabolic disorders like insulin resistance, diabetes, and even cancer. Moringa can help reduce inflammation as it contains anti-inflammatory properties which can help heal acute inflammation in conditions like bronchitis, diabetes, mucus, and rheumatoid arthritis.
8. Supports Pregnancy
Moringa benefits for pregnant women are incredible. Using moringa leaves during pregnancy can raise iron levels, preventing the risk of anemia. In addition, it lowers the chances of malnutrition. Moreover, moringa maintains cortisol levels that help reduce stress (most often experienced by pregnant women). As it is rich in fiber, it can also treat constipation during pregnancy. Also, it relieves symptoms such as vomiting and nausea. Remember that moringa leaves are safe during pregnancy while flowers, bark, and roots are considered unsafe.
9. Manages PCOS
Insulin resistance is a frequent metabolic disorder that can cause polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS. In addition, hormonal imbalances of androgen, estrogen, and progesterone can also lead to PCOS. Moringa oleifera can decrease the degree of insulin in diabetes and PCOS. This, as a result, reduces androgen which can increase folliculogenesis (maturation of the female’s ovarian follicle) in PCOS. Moringa can also prevent the formation of cysts in the body and help with the increased production of good hormones.
10. Increases Energy Levels
Moringa benefits for women also include increased energy levels. It can help increase energy levels in women due to its high levels of iron and vitamins, such as Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Additionally, it helps with thyroid function which also aids in boosting energy levels. Moreover, moringa contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that can help improve overall health and well-being.
Note: It is always best to consult a healthcare professional before adding any new supplement to your diet, especially if you’re currently using other medications.
Also Read: 12 Health Benefits of Adding Drumstick To Your Diet
Moringa Nutrition
The powdered form of moringa is most consumed in the U.S. The different types of nutrients in the moringa make it a healthy superfood.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, two teaspoons of moringa contains:
Calories: 15 kcal
Protein: 1 g
Sodium: 0 mg
Carbohydrates: 2 g
Fiber: 1 g
Iron: 4.8 mg
Calcium: 100 mg
Potassium: 60 mg
Added sugars: 0 g
Fat: 0 g
Moringa seeds have a high amount of protein and fat compared to powdered form. The monounsaturated fats are beneficial for the overall heart health.
How Long Does it Take for Moringa to Start Working?
One common question about this superfood is 'How long does it take for moringa to start working?' which is something that many people are keen to discover. Well, it is important to keep in mind that this depends on what you are taking it for. When you take moringa for blood sugar, for example, the results can be seen within a matter of hours. On the other hand, if you take moringa for beauty reasons, it can take a month to see results. I believe it could look organically after this part.
How to Use Moringa Powder?
The other amazing fact about moringa is its versatility. This means you can add it to your diet in several ways such as:
Mix to your smoothies or oatmeal for a nutritious morning boost
Sprinkle in hummus
Add to guacamole or your favorite dip
Sprinkle to soups and salads
Stir it into a pesto or pasta sauce recipe
Bake it into cakes and cookies
Prepare tea by boiling the leaves in water
Amounts and Dosage of Moringa
Consuming high doses of moringa is considered safe. However, you must limit the quality up to 70 g a day which is equal to 11 teaspoons. However, always discuss the dosage with doctors before using it.
What Are the Side Effects of Moringa?
Moringa consumption is generally safe, however, you need to be aware of a few possible side effects. Those include:
upset stomach
low blood pressure
Skin reactions like rashes or hives
uterine cramps
abdominal pain
So, you must take precautions when taking moringa. If you take blood pressure or diabetes medication, have kidney or liver issues, or are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should avoid it. This is because some parts of the moringa tree are unsafe, impacting your health and leading to some complications. In addition, if you have hypothyroidism, avoid its use as it can worsen the symptoms. Moreover, over-consumption can lead to mineral toxicity. So, always follow the dosage instructions marked on the packaging.
Moringa as a Supplement
In the United States, moringa is available in powdered, tablet, and capsule form. You can also add it to other supplements to prevent the risk of inflammation. However, it is always a better idea to read directions on packaging. When buying for moringa:
make sure it is 100% pure and organic
look for shelf-life and expiration date
ensure the best quality
Be sure to use the supplement within 6 months of harvesting. Also, keep it in a dark, cool space in an airtight container.
Important Recommendation: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not approve supplements as it does prescription medications. This means certain supplements might not have ingredients that are mentioned on the packaging label. So, when selecting supplements, always choose third-party tested products such as Consumer Labs, U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP), or NSF and see the certified dietitian or nutritionist. |
Summing up
We hope our article has thoroughly helped understand Moringa benefits for women. This miracle tree provides many advantages such as improved skin, bone, and heart health, more energy levels, and a healthy weight. Issues like menstruation, PCOS, breast milk production, and insulin resistance can also be managed by moringa. Thus, moringa is a superfood, and you should include moringa in your diet to get all the advantages of this plant. Make sure to discuss the dosage with the doctors. They can help recommend the appropriate dose depending on your age and overall health.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is moringa good for female fertility?
Moringa may support female fertility due to its nutrient content, but more research is needed to confirm its direct effects.
Can women take moringa?
Yes, taking moringa can improve PMS or menopausal symptoms, chronic conditions, skin and hair health, hormonal balance, and blood pressure levels.
Is moringa good for hormonal imbalances?
Yes, as moringa is packed with many vitamins and minerals, it can help balance hormones. It is also rich in fiber and helps detoxify and eliminate the excess estrogen from the body.
What happens if you take moringa every day?
It can reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels, prevent inflammation, boost energy levels, and improve skin health.
Who should avoid moringa?
Pregnant women (especially bark, roots, and flower parts), people on certain medications, and people undergoing chemotherapy must avoid it.
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