
What Are The Two Conditions That Are Often Misdiagnosed As Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a common medical condition that affects both wrist and hand, causing tingling, pain, and numbness sensation. However, the misdiagnosis rates for this condition are high.

However, the other two conditions that are often misdiagnosed as carpal tunnel syndrome as they also share some of the same symptoms are rheumatoid arthritis and tendonitis. Misdiagnosis of CTS with these two other conditions can cause severe consequences on the health of an individual, leading to worsening symptoms, delayed treatment, and in some cases unneeded surgery. Therefore, patients as well as doctors need to be aware of the possibility of misdiagnosis and take action to ensure a precise diagnosis. So, here, this article will help you explore both the conditions that are frequently misdiagnosed as CTS and how to differentiate these two conditions from CTS.

Two Conditions That Are Often Misdiagnosed as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Though Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common condition, it is important to consider that the symptoms associated with it might be caused by other conditions too. So, you need to be aware of those conditions to prevent misdiagnosis. The two conditions that are often misdiagnosed as carpal tunnel syndrome are rheumatoid arthritis and tendonitis.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome vs Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is typically an autoimmune disorder that mainly affects the joints of the hand and wrist. This can result in joint damage, inflammation, and pain. This condition is frequently misdiagnosed as CTS as they have many similar symptoms. Those may include numbness, tingling, pain, weakness, and reduced functions of the wrists and hands.

The only difference between carpal tunnel and arthritis is the location of their symptoms. Carpal tunnel syndrome affects only the wrists and hands. Alternatively, rheumatoid arthritis is initially experienced in the small joints of the wrists and hands which can impact the joints of the whole body over time. Moreover, unlike CTS, rheumatoid arthritis is a kind of systemic disorder that means it can affect one or more systems of the body such as the heart, joints, eyes, lungs, and skin. It comes with general systemic symptoms like fever, weight loss, and fatigue. On the other hand, CTS is limited to only joints in the hands and wrists.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome vs Tendonitis

Tendonitis is another medical condition that is also often misdiagnosed with CTS as it shares the same symptoms with CTS. Well, this condition occurs when tendons in the hand and the wrists undergo inflammation, resulting in swelling, pain, and limited motion. These tendonitis symptoms can be the same as the pain, reduced function, and weakness associated with CTS.

Wondering "How to tell the difference between tendonitis and carpal tunnel?" Well, The location and severity of the associated symptoms of both conditions can differentiate them. CTS primarily affects the palm and fingers of the hand and the symptoms usually worsen at night time or during repetitive movements of the hand and wrist. Alternatively, tendonitis is generally localized near impacted tendons and becomes more severe by specific movements.

So, these are the two conditions that are often misdiagnosed as carpal tunnel syndrome due to their similar symptoms. For accurate diagnosis and the right treatment, consult the best orthopedic specialists around your location.

Can Carpal Tunnel Cause Shoulder Pain?

Though carpal tunnel syndrome is associated with wrist issues, many people ask, "Can carpal tunnel cause shoulder pain"! In most cases that are actually very rare, CTS can lead to shoulder pain. A person can feel referred pain (a pain which you feel somewhere else rather than the injured area) that rises rapidly up from the wrist to the shoulder and sometimes to the neck. This pain or discomfort can feel similar to an electric shock.

Why Does Carpal Tunnel Hurt More at Night?

Carpal tunnel usually hurts more at night because the tissue fluid present in the arms gets redistributed when the muscle pump is not in action. In other words, when we sleep during the night, our body is not moving and due to the increased fluid in the arms, there is pressure on the carpal tunnel which causes symptoms to emerge more at night time.

Can I Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

As many factors such as obesity, medical issues, hormonal fluctuations, etc. can contribute to Carpal tunnel syndrome, prevention can be challenging. However, you can follow some of the lifestyle measures to reduce the development and progression of such a condition those may include:

  • Practice hand and wrist stretches regularly before, during, and after repetitive movements: Regular hand and wrist stretches can help enhance the strength of the wrist and lower the pressure or strain on the carpal tunnel.
  • Maintain appropriate hand and wrist positions while working on a computer or using any tools: This is particularly necessary if you work more at computers and often use keywords and a mouse. Better to use ergonomic office chairs, a mouse, and keyboards that are designed to improve the posture of hands and wrists.
  • Wear wrist splints, particularly at night: When you sleep, wrists and elbows are bent which can put pressure on the median nerve in the carpal tunnel.

Can a Chiropractor Help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Yes, a chiropractor can help in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. People often look for chiropractic care as it provides a non-medication approach to get relief from the symptoms of CTS. Specialists closely look at your situation and try to customize a treatment plan according to your health needs. They focus on your spine and neck as both parts of the body also contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome. Using some techniques such as stretching, gentle massage, and electrical stimulation on the spine and neck, a chiropractor can help give relief.

Other Holistic Treatment For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

You can follow some home remedies, medications, and alternative therapies. However, if the symptoms of CTS become more severe, drug treatment and surgery are the only options.

Home Remedies:

The following are a few home remedies that can help treat mild to moderate symptoms of CTS:

  • Massage your palms, wrists, and back side of your hand.
  • Apply heat to your affected wrist to relieve pain.
  • Use an ice pack to reduce swelling.
  • Use a wrist splint to reduce pressure on the median nerve.
  • Perform gentle wrist, hand, and finger stretching exercises.
  • Wear work gloves to cover the wrists and hands.
  • Give rest to your affected wrist and hand for about 2 weeks.
  • Place extra fabric or cloth on the utensils or tools for a more comfortable grip.
  • Have over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers like naproxen or ibuprofen.

Alternative Therapies:

These are some therapies that can help provide relief from symptoms associated with CTS in the short term:

  • Yoga with strengthening and stretching exercises might lower the pain and improve wrist grip.
  • Ultrasound therapy can increase the temperature of the injured hand or wrist area, potentially relieving pain and facilitating recovery.
  • Hand therapy methods such as joint mobilization, massage, etc. may relieve symptoms.
  • The application of topical anti-inflammatory medications might also help.
  • Low-level laser therapy may also relieve symptoms, as per research, but the evidence is limited.

Note: Make sure to always consult the healthcare professionals before planning for any alternative therapies. Doctors never advise replacing conventional treatment with unproven alternative therapies.

Drug Treatment and Surgery

Drug treatment

Prescription medications or injections are the effective drug treatment. Oral corticosteroid medications can lower swelling and inflammation, helping to reduce pressure or strain on the median nerve. These medicines are also available in the form of injections and are more effective than oral medications for CTS treatment.


When medications do not work and symptoms become more severe, doctors recommend surgery. According to a study, CTS improves more after surgery than non-surgical treatments (such as home remedies, lifestyle changes, or therapies). Here are the 2 types of surgery for CTS:

  • Open surgery: During the process, surgeons perform a single cut over the palm side of the patient's wrist. Then, they make a cut in ligaments that presses on the nerve, thus, relieving the pressure on the median nerve.
  • Endoscopic surgery: The doctors make a small cut on the wrist and pass the endoscope (a tiny device with a small, attached camera) through it to cut the ligament.

Final Thoughts

This article examines two conditions that are often misdiagnosed as carpal tunnel syndrome. Early medical care is crucial for effectively managing carpal tunnel syndrome. Also, the right diagnosis will guide in determining the appropriate treatment. If misdiagnosed, it can lead to suffering for a long period and delay in the right treatment.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What it is if the pain in hands and fingers not arthritis or carpal tunnel?

Pain in the hands and fingers is not always arthritis or carpal tunnel. Sometimes other causes can be the reason such as trigger fingers, fractures, peripheral nerve damage in your fingers or hands, etc.

If it is not carpal tunnel what else could it be?

Arthritis and tendonitis can be other carpal tunnel misdiagnosis.

What fingers are affected by carpal tunnel?

The thumb, middle, ring, and index fingers are usually affected by carpal tunnel syndrome except for the little finger.

What disease mimics carpal tunnel syndrome?

During the early stage, rheumatoid arthritis mimics the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.