Akanksha Pardeshi

Medical ExpertMedical Expert
Member since 05 December 201719 January 2018 at 11:02

The enlargement of Liver happens due to continuous transfusions without adequate chelation. If there is no chelation at all it will enlarge quickly and vice versa. So, Hepatomegaly does happen in T....

Akanksha Pardeshi

Medical ExpertMedical Expert
Member since 05 December 201719 January 2018 at 11:39

Two tests may be better than one. That’s the conclusion of researchers in a new study that looked at the reliability of both ultrasounds and mammograms. Where mammography is available, ultrasound s....

Akanksha Pardeshi

Medical ExpertMedical Expert
Member since 05 December 201719 January 2018 at 11:34

When you think about breast cancer, what do you think of? A young woman with nipple discharge? Probably not. And that's because we often associate a lump as a sign of breast cancer, as well as assumin....

Cancer Care

Akanksha Pardeshi

Medical ExpertMedical Expert
Member since 05 December 201719 January 2018 at 11:56

Breast cancer can be diagnosed at different stages and can grow at different rates. This means people can have different treatments, depending on what will work best for them. To determine if your ....