
7 Ways to Age-Proof Your Brain

The brain goes through activities thatll cause it to gradually change as we grow older. Here are 7 ways you can age-proof your brain.

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The brain goes through activities that'll cause it to gradually change as we grow older. Just like every other part of our body, our brains can begin to wear out and shrink, and if proper care isn't taken, this can happen earlier than it should. And as a result of this other organs that are joined to the brain, like the arteries, will begin to slowly reduce communication between the brain's nerve cells. When this happens, the brain may begin to develop different levels of cognitive impairment. With time, daily activities will become affected and daily living may become tougher than regular. However, whether you're young or approaching your older years, there are certain precautions you can take to improve the longevity of your brain. Here are 6 ways you can age-proof your brain.
  • Regular exercising

Being active on a regular basis has a way of increasing your brain's overall health. Exercising in this regard can mean biking, hiking, taking your pet on a walk, doing push-ups, or spending a good time at the gym. The most important thing is to ensure that you're active and you avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Also, regular exercise should be an important part of your daily routine.For those who'll rather take dance lessons, it also properly falls under-exercising. Dancing is a complex aerobic activity that improves the blood flow to the brain, which has been shown to improve brain connections.
  • Quality sleep

Again, the level of activity you expose your brain to will influence how it functions. Day-in, day-out, your brain gets tired. Therefore, you need to give it the break it needs. A good night's sleep will increase your memory creation and retention rate and also help your brain function to its full ability.Also, you should take breaks from time to time to recharge your brain. Sleep problems have been associated with dementia, so you want to ensure you have quality sleep daily.
  • Active social life

As much as it may not be obvious, interacting with other people will shield you from mental and memory decline. From your family, friends, colleagues, and neighbors, you should find a way to consciously and constantly interact with others.Participate in social activities like having engaging conversations, playing games, and any activity that allows you to engage in mental processing. This is especially important for older people as social engagement is linked with mental agility.
  • Stress management

Stress is one major factor that not only takes a toll on your physical health but your mental state also. When it comes to your brain activities, stress can cause your key memory areas to shrink. That's why it's important to ensure that you properly manage your activities to reduce stress and ensure you make relaxation an important part of your life.There are many ways through which you can relieve yourself of stress. From exercising to soothing activities like playing an instrument or knitting, there's a wide range of things you can do. Make sure you do something that helps you relieve stress.
  • Mentally stimulating activities

No matter how old or young you are, remember that you can and should always engage your brain in mentally stimulating activities. Your brain has muscles just like every other part of your body. So, if you don't use the muscles, they won't work the way they should. Mentally stimulating activities can include learning a new language or instrument, developing new hobbies, and playing games such as cards and video games. As long as it keeps your mind working and active, you should invest in it.
  • Daily chores
According to one study, daily chores such as cooking, washing the dishes, cooking, and weeding can add to your daily activity total and are associated with a reduced risk of dementia. In the study, the group that had the least amount of physical activity was more than twice as likely to develop Alzheimer's compared to the group that participated in the most activity. Even playing cards and moving a wheelchair counted.Dr. Aron S. Buchman, lead author of the study paper and associate professor in the Department of Neurological Sciences at Rush University Medical Center said "We measured levels of physical activity in study participants an average of two years prior to their deaths, and then examined their donated brain tissue after death, and found that a more active lifestyle may have a protective effect on the brain,". "People who moved more had better thinking and memory skills compared to those who were more sedentary and did not move much at all."Also read: How to relieve stress
  • Smart drug supplements

While it is important to eat a healthy and balanced diet, there are certain food complements that you can add to your meals to keep your brain from aging fast. Smart drug supplements are also known as Nootropics are capable of improving or preserving your memory, and prevent cognitive decline or dementia.Nootropics are widely acclaimed to boost cognitive functions, boost memory, creativity, focus, motivation, and intelligence activities. They do these by increasing the availability of neurotransmitters, enzymes, and hormones, and also by stimulating neural activity.Including nootropic supplements in your diet goes a long way to age-proof your brain. You can learn more about smart drugs at Neuropedia.
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