Do you also find yourself reaching for a refreshing drink that beats the plain water quality but does not have the unhealthy additives of sugary drinks and sodas? Energy drinks are the best option in such scenarios; often packed with caffeine, they help boost your energy to pull that all-nighter or enhance your physical and mental performance. Choosing the right one can make a huge difference in your overall health!
So, here we have listed the best Energy Drinks for pre- and Post Workout. Let's explore their benefits!
What Are Energy Drinks?
An energy drink is a type of beverage that is designed to boost energy and increase alertness. These drinks typically contain caffeine and other ingredients such as taurine, B vitamins, and sugars. For a healthier alternative, consider healthy pre-workout options such as whole fruits, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates, which can provide natural energy without negative side effects.
However, it's important to note that the high levels of caffeine and other stimulants in energy drinks can have negative side effects, such as jitters, insomnia, and increased heart rate. So, consume them in moderation.
10 Best Energy Drinks for Pre and Post Workouts
Here’s the list of optimal energy drinks for before and after workouts:
1. Redbull
Red Bull Energy, produced by Red Bull GmbH, is widely regarded as the pioneer of energy beverages.
It has taurine and glucuronolactone, which speed up reaction times and increase concentration.
This beverage has three flavors: Original, Sugarfree, and Blue Edition.
All age groups can enjoy Red Bull Energy, which is sold in India's majority of grocery and convenience stores due to its multiple flavors.
It retails at INR 110 for 250 ml.
2. Afresh Energy Drink Mix by Herbalife
Your metabolism will be boosted, and your mental alertness will be increased by Herbalife's light and pleasant energy drink mixed with lemon taste.
Green tea extract, orange pekoe extract, and natural caffeine powder, which are highly antioxidants, are used to fuel the beverage powder.
Green tea and orange pekoe replace the body's lost nutrients, while caffeine acts as a catalyst to invigorate and support alertness.
This energy drink aids in fat burning and revitalizes your vitality.
It is available as a powder mix to be dissolved in water to make the drink.
It retails at INR 568 for 50g of drink mix, which is enough to make 50 glasses.
3. Monster Assault
Monster Energy produces Monster Assault, the perfect beverage for hard-working athletes who want to stay active and energized during demanding sporting activities.
There is 190 mg of caffeine in each serving, giving you more energy immediately.
This beverage has four kinds: Cola, Grape Ice, and Strawberry.
Available in India at the majority of retail establishments, Monster Assault is an energy drink ideal for all age groups.
It retails at INR 110 for 350 ml.
4. MTN Dew Kickstart
One of the top beverage manufacturers in the world, Pepsico, makes MTN Dew Kickstart.
This drink is ideal for people who struggle to get out of bed due to poor energy because it contains roughly 10% sugar and 100mg of caffeine per cup.
The four flavors of this beverage are Orange Squash, Kickstart Orange, Kickstart Berry Blast, and Kickstart Mango-Lime.
Each is designed to satisfy the palates of people from various age groups. Therefore, you can be confident that there will be an energy drink for you, regardless of your age!
It retails at INR 410 for 400 ml.
5. Glucon-D Mix
To restore your body's glucose levels and combat the summer heat, Glucon-D is the top recommended option for best energy drinks by nutritionists and doctors alike.
Vitamin C, calcium, and glucose are added to the powder-based energy supplement to improve bone health, boost immunity, and restore energy.
Combine four tablespoons of the powder with 200 mL of cold water for a cool beverage.
It retails at INR 156 for a pack of 450g of the drink mix.
6. Fast and Up Reload
After prolonged, intense exercise, electrolyte and water balance problems are frequent. The Fast & Up Reload energy tablets are the best hydration drinks for athletes that help replace electrolyte loss and avoid dehydration while exercising.
These water-soluble tablets, advertised as the first hypotonic effervescent hydration supplements in India, contain electrolytes, minerals, and vitamins that help prevent cramps and weariness.
They instantly replenish your body and provide fatigue relief.
One tablet must be dissolved in 250 mL of water, and the bag contains 20 tablets.
It retails for INR 229 for 20 tablets.
7. Cipla Prolyte Energy Drink
Pick yourself a bottle of Cipla Prolyte Energy Drink to restore the balance of energy and water in your body after a challenging workout.
This is considered one of the best sports drinks for gym-goers that combines essential electrolytes that support optimal hydration and water balance, and vitamin C balances your immune system.
The orange-flavored beverage provides your daily allowance of potassium, sodium, and chloride to improve mental clarity and alertness.
It retails for INR 30 for a 200ml pack.
8. Ocean One 8 Energy Drink
Water, fruit juice, glucose, electrolytes, and vitamins are all included in the Ocean One Energy Drink to keep you energized all day.
The delectable berry flavor leaves a pleasant aftertaste.
It doesn't have any artificial flavors and contains electrolyte minerals.
Your body is revived, and the high caffeine content increases your energy levels.
It retails at INR 75 for 250 ml.
9. Enerzal Energy And Electrolyte Drink
The Enerzal Energy and Electrolyte Drink replenishes your body's electrolyte balance and rapidly rehydrates you.
It contains five essential electrolytes: sodium, chlorine, potassium, magnesium, and calcium.
While magnesium & potassium soothe muscle cramps and stimulate brain function, chlorine helps send nerve signals and controls bodily fluids.
The cool beverage with a lime flavor is delicious and is the best option if you cannot consume caffeine for any reason.
It retails at INR 150 for a pack of 500g.
10. Sting Energy Drink
It is one of the best energy drinks with a deliciously cool flavor, relatively new in the Indian market.
Sting Energy Drink has caffeine, taurine, and B vitamins, which can help energize the body and stimulate the mind.
Sucralose, acesulfame potassium, and caffeine are some ingredients in this drink.
It retails for INR 20 for a pack of 250 ml.
What to Look for in Energy Drinks for Workouts?
Consider these factors when using energy drinks:
Caffeine Content: Should be in the range of 100 to 300mg to boost energy and concentration.
Sugar and Calorie Levels: Go for sugar-free or low-calorie energy drinks to prevent energy crashes.
Protein Content: Choose drinks containing more than 10 g of protein to help in muscle repair and growth after a workout.
Check Ingredients: Select cleaner energy drinks with fewer artificial additives or sweeteners.
Independent Verification: The FDA doesn't analyze dietary supplements for their effectiveness and safety before they are sold in the market. So, always buy high-quality energy drinks from trusted brands only.
How Much Energy Drink to Take a Day?
Healthy adults can consume 1 energy drink (about 16 ounces) a day. However, it is crucial to be mindful of caffeine and added sugar intake, as their quantity can significantly vary in energy drinks. Energy drinks containing increased amounts of added sugar can lead to type 2 diabetes, weight gain, and other health issues.
Also, excessive consumption of these beverages can cause insomnia, high heart rate, or anxiety, especially if you are sensitive to caffeine or are living with some medical conditions. So, have it in moderation! Make sure that pregnant and breastfeeding women and children do not consume energy drinks to avoid risks associated with added sugar and caffeine.
Best Homemade Energy Drinks for Pre and Post-Workout
If you want to avoid added sugar, you can try these homemade energy drinks recipes for your pre and post-workout:
6 Homemade Energy Drinks for pre-workout
1. Apple Banana Protein Drink:
2 large bananas
1/2 cup chopped apple
1 scoop whey protein powder
2 tablespoons honey
3/4 cup of milk (cow or almond milk)
How to make:
Properly blend all the ingredients in a mixer jar or blender and enjoy!
2. Citrus Drink:
1/2 cup fresh orange juice
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 tablespoons honey
1 cup water and coconut water
A pinch of salt
How to make:
Blend all the ingredients in a blender and drink!
3. Black Coffee
1 ½ teaspoons of instant coffee
1 cup of hot water
How to make:
Put coffee powder in a cup and pour hot water over it.
Stir well and then sip.
4. Green Tea
1 teaspoon of green tea leaves
1 cup of water
How to make:
Boul one cup of water in a saucepan.
Let the water cool down for 3 minutes.
Then, add green tea leaves and let it steep for about 3 minutes.
Strain the tea and enjoy!
5. Orange Energizer
1 cup of chopped orange
¼ cup of green grapes
2 tablespoons of lime juice
½ teaspoon of cumin seed powder (roasted)
How to make:
Blend the orange and green grapes.
Pour it into one glass and add roasted cumin seeds and lime juice
Stir well and then drink.
6. Grapefruit Pre-Gym Drink
1 grapefruit
1 cup of chopped sweet lime
1 teaspoon of honey
½ teaspoon of black salt
How to make:
Blend the grapefruit and chop sweet lime.
Pour it into a glass, and add black salt and honey to it.
Stir well and drink.
6 Homemade Energy Drinks for Post Workout
1. Coconut Water and Lime
1 cup of coconut water
1 tablespoon of honey
1/8th teaspoon salt
1/8th cup of lime juice
How to make:
Mix lime juice, salt, and honey in one glass until the honey fully dissolves.
Then, add coconut water, stir well, and drink!
2. Kokum Energy Drink
2 tablespoons of kokum syrup
3 teaspoons of rock salt
1 cup of coconut water
2 teaspoons of lemon juice
How to make:
Take kokum syrup and add salt to it.
Now, add coconut water and lemon juice, and enjoy!
3. Spinach, Apple, & Pineapple Energy Drink
1 cup of spinach
1 cup of pineapple chunks
1 cup of apple
3 teaspoons of lemon
How to make:
Blend all the ingredients to prepare a drink!
4. Iced Tea and Coconut Water
1 cup of green tea
1 tablespoon of honey
1/4 teaspoon of rock salt
1 cup of coconut water
1/8 cucumber
How to make:
Finely slice the cucumber and keep it in the fridge,
Then, mix coconut water, honey, green tea, and salt in a tall glass, and stir.
Put the cool cucumber slices in the drink, and sip.
5. Green Mango Refresher
1/4 kg green mangoes
1/2 teaspoon of rock salt
1/2 teaspoon of black salt
1/2 cup of sugar or honey
1/8th teaspoon of chilli powder
1 cup soda
How to make:
Boil the mangoes until they thoroughly get soft.
Now peel the mangoes, mash the pulp, and strain it.
Now, add rock salt, chilli powder, black salt, and sugar.
Stir all the ingredients until they fully blend.
6. Banana Smoothie
1/2 banana
1/2 cup of coconut water
1/2 glass of orange or mosambi juice
1/4 cup of dahi
How to make:
Blend all the ingredients in a blender and drink!
Final Takeaway
These are the best energy drinks for pre and post-workouts that speed up reaction times, increase concentration, aid in fat burning, revitalize your vitality, improve bone health, boost immunity, restore energy, and more! Your need for an energy drink may vary depending on your caffeine requirements or restrictions, flavor preference, and budget. The above list provides options for individuals with different budgets and health needs, with healthy and caffeine-free options. You can easily take your pick according to your preferences.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the healthiest energy drink?
FOCUSAID Clean Energy drink is the healthiest one with natural caffeine and low calorie and sugar content.
Is Redbull better than pre-workout?
Both work as energy boosters, but pre-workout supplements are better for improving workout performance as they boost energy, enhance endurance, and increase focus through beta-alanine, caffeine, and creatine.
What energy drink has the most caffeine?
Sting by PepsiCo is the energy drink that has the most caffeine, about 72 milligrams per 250 milliliter can.
Is milk good after a workout?
Yes, milk can reduce muscle tiredness and soreness and also help with the recovery of muscle function.
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