Having a hangover is the body's reaction to excessive alcohol consumption. There needs to be more research on hangovers, and the specific processes that cause them are unknown. During a hangover, the body is supposed to undergo hormonal and immunological reactions that cause various symptoms.Some symptoms are headache, dehydration, dizziness, Fatigue, nausea, and sensitivity to light that lasts many hours.There is no such thing as a hangover remedy. Although research on hangovers is limited, some foods and beverages, such as bananas, pickles, or coffee, can alleviate your symptoms.The best food for a hangover is vitamin c that helps boost your immune system and aids in the recovery process after a night of drinking. In this article, we will look into the hangover foods that you take, so continue reading to know more.
Most vegetables and fruits have high levels of minerals and natural sugars. These nutritious meals help alleviate hangover symptoms.
What are the best hangover foods?

1. Banana-
Alcohol inhibits the synthesis of a hormone that helps your body retain water, resulting in dehydration and electrolyte loss, such as potassium and sodium.Bananas are high in potassium and can help restore your body's reserves. One medium banana provides 9% of the recommended daily intake (DV) for potassium.2. Watermelon-
Consuming watermelon may assist because a hangover headache is generally caused by dehydration and reduced blood supply to the brain.Watermelon contains L-citrulline, a vitamin shown to enhance blood flow.Furthermore, its high water content might aid in rehydration.3. Blueberries-
Blueberries are high in nutrients that combat inflammation, which is useful if you suffer from a hangover. Earlier research on 20 males discovered that after drinking alcohol, blood levels of several inflammatory chemicals rose.As a result, eating blueberries after drinking excessively may aid in the battle against inflammation.4. Oranges-
Oranges are high in vitamin C, which may protect your body against glutathione depletion, and are considered Best food for a hangover.Glutathione acts as an antioxidant that aids in removing alcohol from the body and decreases alcohol use.Oranges may provide the vitamin C required to maintain steady glutathione levels and decrease hangover symptoms.Also Read: Can Hypnosis Help to Stop Drinking Alcohol?5. Spinach-
Spinach is high in folate, a vitamin depleted by excessive drinking.According to a 2002 assessment of the evidence, alcohol affects folate absorption, and prolonged alcohol consumption can lead to insufficiency.After drinking alcohol, eating spinach may assist you in maintaining optimal folate levels. One cup (180 grams) of cooked spinach contains 66% of the daily value.6. Pickles-
Pickles are abundant in sodium, a mineral depleted by heavy drinking.Consuming pickles or sipping their brine may help you overcome a hangover by increasing your salt levels.One dill pickle spear provides around 12% of the daily value of sodium. Furthermore, 2 ounces (60 mL) of juice from pickles contains around 16% of the DV.7. Sweet Potatoes-
Sweet potatoes include various elements that may help you recover faster from a hangover.One cup (200 grams) of cooked sweet potato has more than 200% of the daily value (DV) for vitamin A, 13% for magnesium, and 20% for potassium.Vitamin A may aid in the reduction of inflammation related to hangovers, while potassium and magnesium are required to replenish what is lost after alcohol use.8. Avocado-
Avocados will help improve low potassium levels caused by alcohol intake and dehydration.One avocado (136 grams) has 15% of the daily value for this mineral.Furthermore, studies reveal that avocados contain chemicals that prevent liver harm. Because excessive drinking harms your liver, avocado could be especially good for hangovers.9. Asparagus-
Asparagus is often considered the Best food for a hangover due to its chemical properties that can help alleviate some hangover symptoms.According to one test-tube investigation, asparagus extracts more than quadrupled the efficacy of particular digestive enzymes that aid in breaking down alcohol while also protecting liver cells from injury.10. Ginger-
Extensive research backs up the usage of ginger as an effective nausea treatment.Ginger's anti-nausea properties make it a potential cure for the stomach distress associated with hangovers.11. Honey-
Honey, because of its high fructose level, may help with hangover symptoms. Depending on the variety, it can contain anywhere from 21% to 43% fructose.According to one research of 50 people, honey enhanced the rate of alcohol clearance by up to 32.4%.Despite its capacity to speed up your body's elimination of alcohol, fructose did not appear to diminish the severity of the effects of hangovers in another study. You may also know about Honey & Milk: A Healthy Combo.12. Coconut Water-
Because hydration is a crucial element of a hangover, consuming coconut water may help you get over a hangover faster.Coconut water is high in electrolytes. One cup (240 mL) of coconut water contains 11% of the daily value of salt and 13% of the daily value of potassium.As a result, studies have shown that coconut water is equally efficient for rehydration as standard sports beverages.13. Coffee-
Coffee Finally, coffee may help overcome a hangover.Some studies correlate coffee drinking to lower inflammation, although the evidence is conflicting. As a result, having a cup of coffee after a night of excessive alcohol may or may not help prevent hangover inflammation.Coffee, on the other hand, can help you overcome hangover fatigue and feel more alert. Also Read: How Much Coffee is OK? 14. Chicken Soup-Chichen noodle soup is commonly connected with illness. And did you know it's also a great hangover cure?It is highly easy and comfortable to consume and contains everything your body needs. The chicken provides protein, the noodles provide simple and easy-to-digest carbohydrates, and the broth provides enough salt and minerals.Soup can help you stay hydrated and get certain vitamins and minerals into your body while meeting your hangover appetite for salty food.15. Oatmeal-
The oatmeal contains complex carbs that release sugar slowly and steadily into circulation. This might alleviate hangover symptoms.Previous research discovered that having a breakfast high in complex carbohydrates rather than refined sugars enhanced mood and reduced tiredness.However, because the research participants were healthy males who had not used alcohol, it is uncertain if the results would remain the same in those suffering from hangover symptoms.Also Read: 13 Benefits of Oatmeal For Weight Loss: How to use it16. Eggs-
Incorporating eggs into your post-hangover meal can be beneficial as they contain cysteine, an amino acid that supports liver detoxification and helps break down acetaldehyde, a toxin produced when alcohol is metabolized.Drinking alcohol depletes the body's glutathione reserves. Without it, your body struggles to break down the harmful consequences of alcohol metabolism. Consuming cysteine-rich eggs is an excellent approach to boosting glutathione levels and alleviating hangover symptoms.17. Tomato Juice-
Tomato juice is another drink that may help with a hangover.Tomatoes have chemicals that protect the liver, according to research. Because excessive alcohol use can cause liver damage, tomatoes might help minimize the consequences of alcohol consumption.18. Water-
Before trying anything, you can drink water with a hangover. Hydration is crucial, so consuming plenty of water can help rehydrate your body and alleviate some common symptoms associated with a hangover.Because alcohol is a diuretic, it causes you to urinate more frequently and causes you to lose more water. Water can replace these depleted fluids.Conclusion -
Several meals and beverages can aid with hangover relief. The finest alternatives refresh the body, replace lost electrolytes, and give energy while being easy on the digestive system.The easiest approach to avoid a hangover is to avoid alcohol entirely or to consume it in moderation.Other protective measures include eating before consuming alcohol and drinking lots of water.Also Read: 8 Supplements & Vitamins for Stress Relief
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