Cancer is a disease characterized by uncontrolled cell growth which starts damaging the normal body tissues. There are over 1000 different types of cancer, and each of the lower ones is classified according to the type of cells that make up the tumor. Cancer occurs when damaged cells begin to divide uncontrollably, forming arrays of tissues called a tumor (except for leukemia, where abnormal cells interfere with normal blood function). Tumors can grow and affect various functions of the body like digestive or nervous systems. They can secrete hormones that disrupt normal body function. Tumors whose growth has stopped are in most cases benign. In this post, we will be explaining the risk factors of cancer, statics of cancer cases in India and its prevention. 

Cancer Risk Factors
Mentioned below are the most known or suspected risk factors for cancer:- Biological Risk Factors: These are behaviours that a person can change. This includes smoking, diet, exercise and alcohol intake.
- Environmental Risk Factors: These are things found in your surroundings. This includes exposure to the sun, passive smoking and the places where you live, work and play.
- Biological Risk Factors: These factors are physical traits like a person's gender, race and age. Depending on the type of cancer, different physical and biological characteristics can be risk factors.
- Genetic Risk Factors: This is related to the DNA a person inherits from their parents.
Cancer Cases in India
Cancer is the 2nd leading cause of deaths in India, and in the past 20 years, the mortality rate has just doubled. According to the National Cancer Registry Programme of the India Council of Medical Research (ICMR), India contributes up to 7.8% of the global cancer burden.Here is some stats on cancer (2018)
Total Population: 135,40,51,855 Number of New Cases: 11,57,294 Number of Deaths: 7,84,821 Number of prevalent cases in the last 5 years: 22,58,208
Cancer cases in Men and Women
Cancer in Men in IndiaTotal Population: 70,15,46,980 New Cases: 5,70,045 Number of Deaths: 413519 5-year prevalent cases: 1000485Major cancer in men in India
- Lip and Oral Cavity
- Lung Cancer
- Stomach Cancer
- Colorectum Cancer
- Oesophagus Cancer
Cancer in women in India
Population: 652,504878 New Cases: 587249 Number of Deaths: 413519 5-year prevalent cases: 1257723 Major cancer in women in India:- Breast Cancer
- Cervix Uteri Cancer
- Ovary Cancer
- Lip and Oral Cavity Cancer
- Colorectum Cancer

How To Prevent Cancer?
Unfortunately, in oncology, there is no complete understanding of the causes of cancer. However, there are enough observations to highlight the so-called "risk factors" for the development of cancer and make a number of recommendations to reduce this risk. Here are some tips on how to prevent cancer:- Maintain a healthy weight and exercise regularly.
- Eat healthy food, limit the fatty food. Try to eat more lean foods.
- Quit smoking as soon as possible.
- If you observe any risk factors then consult one of the best cancer doctors in Delhi.

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