You can enjoy life to the best of your ability when you are in good health. You may have all the luxuries by your side, but if you have failing health, nothing will give you real joy. While small ailments are an expected part of life, critical illnesses often turn your world upside down. One such dreaded disease is Cancer. Cancer is like a cuss word for your health, which you pray life never throws your way. It is not just illness but a traumatic experience for both the patient and the entire family. According to data shared by India against cancer, every year more than eleven lakh cancer patients get registered in India. It shows how cancer risk is at an all-time high in today's time. Since prevention is better than cure, and more so in the case of this disease, many of you wish to know the best diet to prevent cancer, the role of cancer insurance in protecting you against the ailment. Here are a few tips that will not only help reduce your risk of disease but also put you on track for leading a healthy life. 
Cancer Prevention Tips
Follow these 7 tips to prevent cancer:1. Be Physically Active
The risk of many health issues, including cancer, increases due to a sedentary lifestyle. Exercise and physical activities increase blood flow through the body and flush out toxins. It thereby helps in improving organ function and reduces the risk of various types of cancer, including cancer of the kidney, breast, prostate, lung and colon. It would help if you challenged to include at least 30 minutes of exercise in your daily routine to control your weight and enjoy substantial health benefits.2. Cut Down or Quit Tobacco Consumption
One of the first steps should be to avoid or quit the consumption of tobacco. It is because consuming tobacco is linked to various kinds of cancer — including cancer of the throat, mouth, lung, larynx, pancreas, kidney, bladder and cervix. Chewing tobacco is often linked to cancer of the pancreas and oral cavity, and even exposure to second-hand smoke increases the risk of lung cancer. To minimize your risk of such cancer types, you must seek help in quitting or avoiding tobacco as much as possible.3. Eat a Healthy Diet

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One effective way to reduce risk is to take the best diet to prevent cancer. It means consuming more of those foods that come from plant sources. Such foods include whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables. If you are obese, then especially you should replace high-calorie foods, including refined sugars and fat from animal sources with such foods. Also, cut down on consumption of alcohol, processed meats and other such foods as these are known to increase the risk of cancer of various kinds. The best diet to prevent cancer will also require that you choose healthy fats such as olive oil, nuts and fish instead of butter and red meat. Also, Read: Cancer And Food: How Food Can Reduce The Risk Of Cancer4. Protect Yourself from The Sun
The cancer of the skin is the most common kind of cancer faced by people. However, the good news is that it is also one of the most preventable. To increase prevention, you must avoid midday sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when its rays are the strongest. When moving out, cover yourself well to avoid direct exposure to the sunlight. Wear eyeglasses and cover your face and body as much as possible. You can also wear a broad-brimmed hat along with opting for dark or bright colours as they reflect more ultraviolet radiation than what pastels or bleached cotton do. Apply sunscreen of at least SPF 30 and reapply every two hours for better protection.5. Get Regular Check-ups Done
Late diagnosis is one primary reason behind the high cancer mortality rate. As a preventive step, it is therefore crucial that you get regular self-exams and screenings done. It will help in early detection when treatment is most likely to be successful. Make sure that you don't overlook any abnormality and see a doctor at the earliest. Also, know in advance that how does cancer insurance work for staying financially secure.6. Avoid Risky Behaviours
Another effective way to increase cancer prevention is to avoid risky behaviours that can lead to infections that, in turn, increase the chances of contracting cancer. For instance, don't share needles when getting yourself injected. Sharing needles with those who use intravenous drugs may lead to HIV, Hepatitis B and C, which may increase your risk of liver cancer. It is also vital to ensure that you practice safe sex. Unsafe sex increases the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases like HIV or HPV. These, in turn, increase vulnerability towards cancer of the anus, vagina, cervix and throat. Also, Read: Cancer Prevention: 15 Simple Tips On How To Prevent Cancer7. Get the Right Health Insurance Coverage
Along with other preventive measures, make sure that you secure your family and yourself with the right insurance coverage. If you are wondering, how does cancer insurance work? Then let us tell you that it is simple. Cancer insurance works as a rider coverage that comes along when you buy a term plan. Cancer is a critical illness and its insurance as provided by reputable insurers like Max Life Insurance helps you get the right medical treatment without facing any financial strain. Their smart term rider covers as many as 40 critical illnesses and will provide you with a lump sum when you are diagnosed with any such disease. Now that you know the best diet to prevent cancer, how does cancer insurance work and other ways, stay one step ahead of such a critical illness.
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