
7 Diabetes Myths Debunked

There are many diabetes myths that create an inaccurate picture of the medical condition. Here are some common diabetes myths debunked.

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There are many diabetes myths that sometimes create an inaccurate picture of this medical condition. Such myths not only make it difficult for people to realize some hard facts about it, but also generate stereotype and stigma around it. Here are some common diabetes myths debunked along with diabetes misconceptions busted:

Diabetes Myths Debunked

Myth 1: I can't get diabetes if I never eat sweets

Fact: All food is broken down to sugar (glucose), which makes it very crucial for diabetic patients or high-risk individuals to watch how much they eat. Also, overeating results in extra calories for the body that are stored as fat - being overweight predisposes a person with diabetes.

Myth 2: Eating too much sugar causes diabetes

Fact: Answer to this is complex. Genetics and many other factors are believed to trigger diabetes. Type 2 diabetes, for example, is caused by genetic and lifestyle factors. However, studies have shown a link between consumption of sugary drinks and type 2 diabetes. The American Diabetes Association recommends limiting the intake of sweetened beverages that raise blood glucose levels and add to the calorie overload of the body. One of the biggest diabetes myths debunked here.

Myth 3: Diabetes is not that serious

Fact: Diabetes is actually preventable and it is possible to delay complications that arise from it, only if a person manages his/her condition properly. However, diabetes is a leading cause of death across the world, and most people die from complications like heart disease or stroke.

Myth 4: People with diabetes should not eat any sweets

Fact: Diabetics can consume sweets if they are taken as part of a charted meal plan. The key lies in the portion size and limiting the frequency as the individual focuses on healthier food options. One of the diabetes myths debunked that will help the people to look at diabetes differently.

Myth 5: All overweight individuals get diabetes

Fact: Typically having a BMI over 25 puts a person at risk for diabetes, but it does not mean that every person who gains weight develops diabetes. Other risk factors include age, lack of physical activity and family history of diabetes.

Myth 6: A person can catch diabetes from another person

Fact: Not true. This is one of the common diabetes myths. Diabetes is not contagious. It does not spread by any kind of physical contact. Risk factors to diabetes include genetics and lifestyle choices.

Myth 7: People with diabetes must eat special foods

Fact: People diagnosed with diabetes or at risk of it are asked to follow a healthy diet, which is recommended for everybody for good health. Special 'diabetic foods' may not offer any special benefit. A diet low in fat (saturated and trans fat), moderate consumption of sugar and salt, and the inclusion of whole grain foods, fruits and vegetables are healthy diet recommendations for both diabetic and non-diabetic individuals.

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