Although it's not established that there are certain food or diet that can prevent or cure blood cancer or any other cancer, You can check blood cancer types and adopt a healthy lifestyle and diet which can help in reducing the risk of getting cancer or any other diseases. We can't control each and every risk factor of cancer but according to some research, 70% of lifetime risk factors are subjected to change including our diet and lifestyle habits. Eating well also contributes to boosting your emotional well-being during and after your treatment. By including food in your diet that helps in strengthening your immune system, you can lower the risk of battling many types of cancer. According to a renowned oncologist at Jaslok Hospital, an overall healthy diet comprised of colorful fruits and vegetables is the key to preventing the risk of getting heart disease, diabetes, and possibly cancer, too. Many doctors and researchers have implied the benefits of eating plant-origin foods. It is advisable to include antioxidant-rich foods in our diet as they help fight cancer and increase the immunity of the body against cancer. Foods like garlic, berries, and broccoli have proven the strongest links to cancer prevention. These foods are low in fat and calories and have enough phytochemicals and antioxidants that may help reduce your cancer risk. And to include these superfoods in your diet, you need not look elsewhere, they are right on your kitchen shelves. [box type="shadow" align="align-center" width=""]Foods to prevent Blood Cancer:Garlic, Citrus Fruits, Kiwi, Pomegranates, Cruciferous Vegetables, Tea, Turmeric, Ground Flaxseeds, Fish Oil, Berries, Brazil Nuts, Artichokes, Avocados, Bean Sprouts, Ginger[/box] 

- Garlic One of the superfoods, garlic is an essential component of most Indian foods. It contains sulfur compounds that play a role in stimulating the immune system & helping in controlling tumor growth.
- Citrus Fruits Introducing citrus fruits into your diet might help cut down the risk of cancers by up to half. Just prepare a batch of fresh lemonade or limeade to kick-start your morning.
- Kiwi It has been considered to contain vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein, and copper, which are cancer-fighting antioxidants.
- Pomegranates Those pink pearls contain pelagic acid, known to effectively reduce the chances of bacterial, and viral infections as well as the progression of cancer. It is better consumed as it is; juicing reduces the amount of fiber consumed.
- Cruciferous Vegetables The vegetables from the cabbage family (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower) have been indicated to increase the overall immunity of the body. These vegetables contain the phytonutrients called glucosinolates, which help to promote body detox by stimulating the production of detoxifying enzymes and preventing the metabolism of carcinogens. They also help in making the body more alkaline and these revving up its metabolism, diminishing tumor growth. Since most tumors are acidic in nature a drift towards alkaline pH surely hampers their growth, and along with chemotherapy and radiotherapy, may help in long-term remission and cure. These vegetables are also rich in 3,3′-diindolylmethane (DIM). DIM shows substantial benefits against the harmful effects of radiation therapy. They also help in fighting anemia associated with blood cancer.
- Tea For all those who love their morning cup of tea, there is some good news. Tea leaves are rich in catechins, which play a remarkable role in restricting tumor growth and any genetic mutations that might eventually lead to cancer.
- Turmeric The magic potion, Turmeric has wonderful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. The "haldi waala Doodh" has been known from time immemorial as the quickest remedy to quick healing. It helps prevent tumor growth and cancer spread by interfering with aspects of cellular signaling.
- Ground Flaxseeds Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseeds help in cancer prevention by inhibiting tumor proliferation and reducing inflammation. They also help in boosting the immune system of the body.
- Fish Oil Fish oil contains omega-3, a powerful anti-inflammatory nutrient that minimizes tumor proliferation. Omega-3 also helps in re-lengthening telomeres, which shrinks with cancer tumors putting DNA structure at risk. Vitamin A, helpful in preventing the risk of cancer, is also present in Fish oil. You´ll also get a little vitamin D from them, another proven cancer fighter.
- Berries They are rich in antioxidants like pterostilbene. Pterostilbene significantly cuts down the risk of cancer progression.
- Brazil Nuts Rich in selenium, a mineral that forces cancer cells to die and helps cells repair their DNA. A study showed that 200 mg of selenium daily—the amount in two unshelled Brazil nuts—resulted in a 39 percent overall decrease in cancer deaths.
- Artichokes These items are rich in silymarin, an antioxidant that may help prevent blood as well as skin cancer.
- Avocados These creamy delicacies are a great source of healthy monounsaturated fats which helps the body to be a great absorber of anticancer antioxidants such as lycopene (from, say, tomatoes) and beta-carotene (from carrots, for example).
- Bean Sprouts Bean sprouts are rich in sulforaphane, one of the most potent anticancer compounds. Sprouts are 50 times richer in sulforaphane than mature beans.
- Ginger Ginger has been proven to have cancer-fighting properties in many studies. Add a slice of ginger to tea as it brews, and enjoy the benefits of both ginger and tea in fighting your cancer.
Suffering from Blood Cancer or any other kind of cancer, it's time to consult the Best Oncologist In India near you or book appointment with the Best Oncology Doctors In India.
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