Exercise is the new trend. Your Instagram would be flooded with people showing off their abs, or the lovely morning weather where they jog. But exercising offers a lot more than that. It offers improved heart-health. Besides better appearances and a strong brain, exercise reduces risk of heart attack.Today, we present to you the link between heart attack prevention and exercise. 
Did You Know?
- The death toll due to heart attacks has been at the top in the world
- There has been a rise in the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases in India
- Heart diseases have increased by 50%
- The number of deaths due to heart diseases have doubled in the last 25 years
- 40% of Indians getting a heart attack are aged less than 55
How Exercise Reduces Risk Of Heart Attack?
Heart attack prevention is possible through regular physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. In this post, we will learn about how exercise helps in heart attack prevention and other cardiovascular diseases
1. Improves blood circulation
Indulging in physical activities on a regular basis is important to maintain heart health. It is because exercise allows our heart to pump blood efficiently. Blood circulation is improved by working out. This way blood flow can reach to even the small vessels and the risk of their clogging is reduced.2. The heart becomes strong
A heart is another muscle in your body. Physical fitness improves the strength of our body muscles, including the heart. Regular exercise of any muscle group improves its strength. Similarly, in the case of the heart, strength is improved by heart-healthy exercises. A strong heart would be able to function properly. Heart attack prevention can be done by increasing its strength.3. Reduces high blood pressure
Exercise is the perfect alternative to medicines in controlling high blood pressure. Hypertension or high blood pressure increases with age. It becomes important to indulge in some form of physical activity to control it. Not only exercising but regular exercising is the key to reducing high BP. If you have moderate blood pressure, exercise can keep it that way. But you have high blood pressure, physical fitness can lower it for heart attack prevention.4. Improves levels of good cholesterol
Cholesterol is a fatty substance that circulates in our body through our blood. There are two types of cholesterols- good and bad. In order to maintain heart-health, good cholesterol is important. Exercising increases the levels of HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol which is good for your heart. Research has shown that through physical activity, even the nature of cholesterol can be changed.5. Reduces the risk of diabetes
By 2030, about 439 million adults will have diabetes. Cardiovascular diseases are interrelated. Diabetes, if not controlled, can increase the chances of a heart attack. Physical exercises have been helpful in maintaining blood glucose levels. Exercise can reduce blood sugar levels in a person. Patients of diabetes can easily suffer from the blockage of arteries. This situation can lead to a heart attack.6. Exercising helps in quitting smoking
It is a world-renowned fact that smoking cigarettes are dangerous for health. The risk of a heart attack in a person who smokes is double compared to a person who doesn't. If you quit smoking, your chances of heart attack prevention improves dramatically. Exercising has been an effective plan for those who wish to quit. It has been noted that quitting is easier if a person invests his/her energy and mind towards physical activity. On top of it, when you would see results, your urge to quit would escalate. According to various studies, even a small amount of exercise can reduce the temptation for nicotine. Quitting cigarettes and exercise to prevent heart attacks are two faces of the same coin.7. Helps in maintaining a healthy diet
Exercises and a healthy diet compliment each other for heart attack prevention. If you spend time improving regular physical fitness, you would be able to manage your goal towards a healthier diet. What you eat determines your weight, your hormones, and your overall health. Exercising will help you in sticking to the resolution of a better and healthier diet. Apart from the health benefits, you would be motivated to eat right. Since you spend so much time sweating at the gym.8. Assists weight management
Exercise reduces risk of heart attack, as a bonus, it helps in weight management. Obesity is one of the prime causes of heart diseases. If you exercise on a regular basis, you would be able to track down the progress of your weight. A person's healthy body weight depends on their body type. Exercises improve metabolism and the body's endurance. Thus, it helps in maintaining moderate body weight. If you wish to lose weight, exercise is the top solution along with a balanced diet.9. Manages stress
Stress plays the role of a villain for your heart. Stress management is the top answer for heart attack prevention. Through exercises, you channelize your stress towards the movement. Physical activity doesn't eliminate the factors that cause you to stress. But it gives you a better outlook on how to deal with them. If you are relaxed, your heart health would improve.10. Improves mobility
A person's capability of moving determines their mobility. The health benefits of exercise improve with mobility. Your heart health is not a goal but a constant plan. Regular exercise is needed on an everyday basis for heart attack prevention. Exercises improve the mobility of a person. And improved mobility would mean more capability towards exercising and health.Types Of Exercise To Prevent Heart Attacks
Now that we know how exercise can reduce the risk of heart attack, it's time to get moving. But you may be wondering which exercises to do. Don't worry. We have the answer. Here's a list of exercise to prevent heart attack-- Aerobic Exercise- Aerobic is a high-intensity workout. It is considered as the best exercise for the cardiovascular system. It is should be done 4-5 times a week.
- Strength training- This is also known as resistance training. This includes strengthening muscle groups in the upper and lower parts of the body.
- Stretching and Flexibility- These exercises can be performed while sitting at one place. Stretching leads to slow strengthening of muscles. These also help in preventing injuries during work out.
- Walking- A study shows that walking as an exercise reduces risk of heart attack by 31%. Walking improves good cholesterol and reduces high blood pressure.
- Swimming- Swimming is a great way to build strength. Swimming is effective for your whole body. The temperature of water in the pool must be noted before entering.
- Yoga- Yoga has a wide range of health benefits. It is a mind-body activity that impacts heart-health in a good way. Yoga is also a great stress-buster.
- Cycling- Cycling can be done by people of all age groups. It causes less strain and injuries compared to other forms of exercises.
Tips To Fit Exercise In a Busy Schedule
You must be caught up with business meetings, or your boss would be on your nerves about future agendas. We understand how a busy schedule can be a problem. But you should not compromise your health and lead a sedentary lifestyle because you are busy. We have some easy ways to help you. Practice the following tips and exercise to prevent heart attack:- Walk while talking on the phone: Replace text messages with phone calls and walk while talking.
- Use the stairs: Your office is on the 4th floor, it's okay. Take the stairs twice a day and ditch the elevator.
- Work out during breaks: First, eat your lunch. Then take a walk at a nearby park or roam in the office building only.
- Wake up early: It would take you only a few days to get into the habit. Set your alarm early and make time for some physical activity.
- Stand more, sit less: We suggest you take breaks from sitting at work. If you cannot leave your desk to take a walk, just stand and work.
- Park your car a little farther: Intentionally, park your vehicle at the very end. This will allow you to walk a little more.
How Much Is Too Much?
We don't have the answer to the above question. But we do know how much would be enough. In the above post, we have discussed how exercise reduces risk of heart attack and why is it important. But an excess of anything can be dangerous. So you must know how much exercise is enough for you. 30-40 minutes (per day) of physical activity is moderate for heart attack prevention.Takeaway
Physical activity is like preventive medicine for heart attack. Regular exercise reduces the risk of a heart attack. It is insurance for your heart health. The above article aims to emphasize the need for exercise. We have tried to summarise how physical fitness affects your body. You should use this information as a motivation to exercise. Also, Read about: Healthy Heart Tips - 15 Key Points You Should FollowFor more information and FREE personalized guidance, talk to Credihealth Medical Experts.Reviewed by