
How to Clean Uterus After a Miscarriage Naturally at Home?

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Have you just gone through a natural miscarriage? Do you have the urge to inquire about how to clean the uterus after a miscarriage naturally? The term "natural miscarriage," is the loss of a baby before 20 weeks of gestation. Many miscarriages of the babies happen before 12 weeks of pregnancy. This phase can make women weak both physically and emotionally.  

To heal from such a painful situation, it is very essential to know how to clean the uterus after a miscarriage naturally at home. Here the article will guide you with some effective ways to clean your uterus at home! But before that understand miscarriage and its related facts. Read on!

Natural Miscarriage and Related Facts

  • Let’s assume you are experiencing a natural miscarriage. This means that the growing fetus content in the womb has naturally come out of the uterus without the need for any medical intervention like surgery and medications.

  • Sometimes, it might be impossible to have a miscarriage naturally without any medical interventions. In certain cases, you may require professional help before or after the miscarrying procedure. However, this could be a choice for most women.

  • Losing pregnancy for women can be troublesome both mentally, emotionally, and physically. You might be stressed knowing that nobody understands what you are feeling and how much you are suffering.

  • When it comes to getting pregnant naturally, it takes many days to do it and miscarriage happens in a few minutes. If you think miscarriage is the only option left, just remember those days when you experienced pain in the hope of getting conceived.

  • If you think you are all alone - sorry to say - around 10%-20% of women often go through a miscarriage at the end of their pregnancies. The chances might be higher in the cases when most females are not aware of their pregnancies.

Pregnancy loss can lead to emotional and physical pain, and you may be required to deal with your interests to isolate yourself from everyone. For optimal health, you should maintain good hygiene. In addition, you need to recover completely after miscarriage as this will increase the chances of a successful, safe, and healthy pregnancy.

How to Clean Uterus After a Miscarriage Naturally at Home?

Miscarriage can be a painful and stressful phase in a woman's life, but treatment done as soon as possible can ease this issue. It is important to consider some ways after a miscarriage to enhance the healing of your mind and the entire body. You can take the following steps for how to clean the uterus after a miscarriage naturally at home.

1. Take medications and change your dietary and lifestyle choices

Experiencing a miscarriage is a challenging task. So, to cope with such a huge loss, you have to take a lot of rest, and that needs to be your priority. Ask your house helpers to assist you in performing the house duties, and meanwhile relax your body. 

You can follow the following tips:

  • Do some light exercises such as brisk walking, warming up, and stretching.

  • Practice some stress-release activities and meditation that will help calm your mind and entire body.

  • If you struggle sleeping properly, have a warm glass of milk at night before going to bed.

  • Take your medications at the right time to get relief from uterus pain.

  • Always keep an eye on your body temperature. If it rises above 100 degrees- this can be an indication of fever. You also might have an infection.

  • Consider maintaining your vaginal health by avoiding touching your vagina with your partner.

  • Use sanitary pads and tampons in case you have menstruation bleeding. Miscarriage often produces periods like blood.

  • Stay hydrated throughout the day by having around 8 to 10 glasses of water.

  • If possible, take a bath every day at least two times. This will reduce the risk of infection. You can go for an antibacterial bath, herbal bath, and relaxing bath using a variety of soaps.

  • If you have gone through a miscarriage, try to avoid sex within two weeks of your miscarriage.

  • If you can, try a fertility massage as it helps maintain the body's hormonal balance and blood circulation.

  • Try to maintain a connection with your doctor. The healthcare providers will prescribe the proper medications that can help prevent bacterial infections, sexually transmitted disorders, and other health issues associated with miscarriage.

2. Apply a hot and cold compress

If you experience a natural miscarriage recently, the chances of developing a headache can be higher. Do not worry as you can easily deal with it by applying a hot and cold compress to areas where your head pains. Doing so will ease the headaches and some other related health issues.

3. Consume a nutrient-rich diet

After you have a miscarriage, the body experiences certain issues such as hormonal disbalance and physical, mental, biological, and emotional changes. You might also feel a lack of energy due to the deficiency of nourishment and no proper healing of the body. 

You must follow these steps:

  • Take an iron-rich diet

Iron helps to overcome blood loss. You can consume iron from these nutrient-dense foods such as eggs, pumpkin seeds, salmon, chicken, nuts, and beans. If your body does not meet the requirement of daily iron content, you might face depression. Also, your body may get more sensitive to certain types of infections.

  • Take the calcium-rich diet

Calcium-rich diets may include foods such as paneer, cheese, milk, yogurt, and some dairy products that can help fight off bone-related problems. You may experience pain in your bones after having a natural miscarriage. Hence, you should take care of your body by fulfilling the required calcium content from your natural diet.

  • Have proper minerals and vitamins

Have healthy nutrient-dense foods rich in vitamins and minerals that are required for the proper growth and healing of the body. Those foods may include fruits, nuts, green vegetables, dairy products, meat, and chicken.

  • Avoid alcohol, coffee, and caffeinated drinks

Hydrate your body but avoid consuming certain beverages such as sodas, alcohol, and caffeinated drinks. It’s because these substances can cause pain and swelling in your uterus. Keep things simple! Just make your body active and instead of these drinks have a lot of water. 

4. Reduce your stress

Only maintaining the right hygiene will not be helpful in fast recovery after a miscarriage. You also have to control your emotions and reduce your stress. What to do? Avoid worrying about a baby’s loss and stop indulging in anger, sadness, guilt, and fear. 

Make sure to stay away from stressful thoughts or situations to ease the recovery of your body. Just accept what happened, nourish your body with healthy food, take proper medications on time, and allow your body to heal.

5. Clean your uterus content using natural herbs

Herbs can significantly promote the healing process and lower the chances of certain symptoms that might occur after miscarriage like cramps, body aches, leg pain, and headaches. If you ask medical professionals about how to clean uterus after a miscarriage naturally, they will probably tell you to go for natural ways like adding natural herbs to your everyday diet along with proper eating habits and hygiene. 

The following are some natural herbs to pass uterus content after miscarriage:

  • Cramp bark: This is a type of herb that impacts your body naturally and manages cramps caused by miscarriage. 

  • Achillea Millefolium: Also known as yarrow, this herb is the best natural remedy to pass tissue after miscarriage and prevent the loss of blood. It helps in detoxification, tightening the tissues, strengthening the body, and also fast recovery of the body after miscarriage. Moreover, this herb supports your entire reproductive system which helps in natural and quick healing of organs. Achillea Millefolium is useful in preventing heavy bleeding that you may experience after a miscarriage.

  • Red Raspberry Leaf: Being a potent herb, Red Raspberry Leaf can help heal your uterus faster. Using its leaves, you can prepare tea and sip it in your leisure time. This herb nourishes the body with vital nutrients and manages the levels of iron, specifically when you have lost this mineral via bleeding due to a miscarriage.

Remember that, if the sac or tissues of the uterus are not properly cleaned, miscarriages can be life-threatening. According to a study, most deaths of women due to pregnancy loss are 2 to 4 times more than childbirth.  

What Are The Effective Herbal Remedies For Uterus Cleaning?

Though herbs can recover your mind and body faster and regulate your body’s hormonal balance, you have to consume herbs or even certain medicines only after consulting the doctors. 

The professionals might suggest some ideas about how to add herbs to your everyday diet and for how long to take the specific herb. It is recommended to take herbs for approximately 6 weeks after you go through a miscarriage.

Herbs cleanse your body naturally and fight against some bacteria and infections. The following are the herbs you can take along with your daily diet:

1. Angelica

It is the kind of herb that attacks your circulatory system and maintains the health of your body's reproductive organs. This natural remedy gives a peaceful feeling that can help you cope with anxiety or an exhausting miscarriage. In addition, it relaxes your body muscles, improves digestion, maintains uterine spasms, and supports your immune health.

2. Vitex and Chaste Tree Berry

These nutritious berries are the most efficient remedy to clean tissues in your uterus after a miscarriage. This kind of herb helps maintain the vital functions of the pituitary glands. Additionally, it allows the hormones to come back to their normal level so that it becomes easy for you to have a normal monthly menstruation cycle and live a normal life routine.

3. Hypericum Perforatum

Also called St. John's Wort, Hypericum Perforatum’s upper aerial part is useful in reducing anxiety. This kind of powerful herb can be sedative which can uplift your mood by attacking your brain cells and relieving the depression effects on the body. Moreover, it can also reduce inflammation in the body and prevent infections. This, as a result, recovers your body after any physical injuries or internal bleeding like periods after a miscarriage.

Post miscarriage precautions 

Experiencing a miscarriage can be an emotionally and physically challenging time. It's important to give yourself the care and time you need to heal. While everyone’s journey is unique, there are general precautions and self-care steps you can take to support your recovery. 

These measures can help ensure your well-being and prepare your body for the future, whether you're considering another pregnancy or focusing on your overall health.

  • Rest as much as your body needs, avoiding strenuous activities in the initial weeks.

  • Follow up with your healthcare provider to ensure complete recovery and discuss any concerns.

  • Maintain a balanced diet rich in nutrients to help your body regain strength.

  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, which aids in the recovery process.

  • Avoid sexual intercourse until your healthcare provider gives you the green light.

  • Monitor for any signs of infection, such as unusual discharge or fever, and seek medical attention if needed.

  • Consider talking to a counselor or joining a support group to help process your emotions and experiences.

Final Thoughts 

To avoid the miscarriage side effects, do not discontinue your medications, and make sure to regularly reach for advice from any licensed and experienced Gynecologist in India. Just get ready for the next step as you might plan a pregnancy again which may require your body to recover well. 

Give yourself and your partner enough time to cope with situations so that hormone levels, stressful life, and emotional well-being may not affect your body and the health of new growing fetuses in your womb.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the uterus cleaned after miscarriage?

Dilation and curettage (D&C) is the procedure used to clean the uterus after miscarriage.

How to make your uterus healthy after miscarriage?

Self care at home is essential after miscarriage. You should drink plenty of water, avoid doing household chores, avoid sexual intercourse, avoid strenuous exercises etc.

How can we get rid of a sac after a miscarriage?

In natural miscarriage, Dilation and curettage (D&C) is a procedure used to remove sac.

How do you flush out an incomplete miscarriage?

You can have medicines that can be consumed orally or can be taken vaginally. If the medication doesn’t work in this case, the Dilation and Curettage procedure is usually suggested to flush out the left tissues and sac.

What to drink after miscarriage to clean the womb?

Take the Doctor's advice first about what to drink after miscarriage to clean the womb, then try to drink a cup or glass of milk before going to sleep.

How to confirm a miscarriage at home?

Symptoms like cramping pain in the lower side of your belly which might vary from severe labor-like contractions to period-like pain.

What to do with fetus after miscarriage at home?

Some women prefer burying the fetus in a pot with flowers or the garden. A communal cremation by the hospital community can be another alternative option.

How to clean uterus after miscarriage naturally?

Take prescribed medications, clean the uterus content with natural herbs like cramp bark, achillea millefolium, etc., and consume nutrient-rich food. You can also try some herbal remedies such as Vitex and Chaste Tree Berry, Angelica, and Hypericum Perforatum.