Have you just gone through a natural miscarriage? The term "natural miscarriage," is the loss of a baby before 20 weeks of gestation. This phase can make women weak both physically and emotionally. After such a painful situation, it is a must to clean the uterus to prevent the risk of infection and speed up recovery. Wondering, "How to clean the uterus after a miscarriage naturally at home?" Here the blog will guide you on easy home remedies to cleanse the uterus post-miscarriage. Read on!
How to Clean Uterus After a Miscarriage Naturally at Home?
Miscarriage can be a painful and stressful phase in a woman's life, but treatment done as soon as possible can ease this issue. It is important to consider some natural approaches after a miscarriage to enhance the healing of your mind and the entire body. But seek medical attention too.
Here are the easy home remedies to cleanse the uterus post-miscarriage:
1. Consume a Nutrient-Rich Diet
After you have a miscarriage, the body experiences certain issues such as hormonal disbalance and physical, mental, biological, and emotional changes. You might also feel a lack of energy due to the deficiency of nourishment and no proper healing of the body. So, “What to eat after miscarriage to clean the womb?” You must consider this diet for proper recovery:
Take an iron-rich diet: Iron helps to overcome blood loss. You can consume eggs, pumpkin seeds, salmon, chicken, nuts, and beans.
Take the calcium-rich diet: Calcium-rich diet may include foods such as paneer, cheese, milk, yogurt, and some dairy products that can help fight off bone-related problems. You may experience pain in your bones after having a natural miscarriage.
Have minerals & vitamin-rich foods: Have healthy nutrient-dense foods rich in vitamins and minerals that are required for the proper growth and healing of the body. Those foods may include fruits, nuts, green vegetables, dairy products, meat, and chicken.
Note: Avoid alcohol, coffee, and caffeinated drinks. It’s because these substances can cause pain and swelling in your uterus.
2. Take Proper Rest
Experiencing a miscarriage can make you mentally and physically exhausted. Hence, you need adequate rest to speed up your recovery time.
In addition, miscarriage can promote the body's ability to remove the left miscarriage content from the uterus. So, to cope with such a huge loss, you have to take a lot of rest.
Ask your house helpers to assist you in performing the house duties, and meanwhile relax your body.
3. Apply a Hot and Cold Compress
After a miscarriage, the chances of either body aches or headaches can be higher.
Do not worry as you can easily deal with it by applying a hot and cold compress to areas where your body pains.
Apply the compress for around 15 to 20 minutes or as recommended by the professionals. Doing so will ease the pain and some other health issues.
4. Reduce your Stress
Make sure to stay away from stressful thoughts or situations to ease the recovery of your body.
Just accept what happened, nourish your body with healthy food, take proper medications on time, and allow your body to heal.
The best idea is to practice meditation to manage your stress.
5. Use Natural Herbs
Herbs can significantly promote the healing process and lower the chances of certain symptoms that might occur after miscarriage. Those symptoms include cramps, body aches, leg pain, and headaches.
Use these natural herbs to pass uterus content after miscarriage:
Cramp bark: Manages cramps caused by miscarriage and improves your overall health.
Achillea Millefolium: Prevents the heavy loss of blood and helps in detoxification, tightening the tissues, strengthening the body, and also fast recovery of the body after miscarriage.
Red Raspberry Leaf: Heals your uterus faster, nourishes the body with vital nutrients, and manages the levels of iron, specifically when you have lost this mineral via bleeding due to a miscarriage.Just prepare tea and sip it in your leisure time.
Important Note: If the sac or tissues of the uterus are not properly cleaned, miscarriages can be life-threatening. According to a study, most deaths of women due to pregnancy loss are 2 to 4 times more than childbirth.
What Happens if The Uterus isn’t Cleaned After Miscarriage?
If the uterus is not cleaned well after a miscarriage, the leftover pregnancy tissue can linger in the uterus and cause some severe complications like:
Prolonged or heavy bleeding
Infection damaging the reproductive organs
Anemia (iron deficiency due to blood loss)
Chronic pelvic pain
Asherman's syndrome (formation of scar tissues in the uterus or cervix.
So, if the natural remedies don't work, see your gynecologist soon to get the right treatment. The doctor will recommend medications and surgical treatments.
Professional Treatments To Clean Uterus After a Miscarriage
If natural methods do not show any results, some medications or surgical treatments can also help. Those include:
The doctor may prescribe mifepristone followed by misoprostol which can help remove pregnancy tissue after 4-6 hours of taking these medications.
These tablets are either put into your vagina or under your tongue to get dissolved.
You will experience extreme cramps and bleeding. Cramps can be managed with pain medications and sanitary pads can help with bleeding.
If the medications can't help pass the pregnancy tissue, the healthcare provider may suggest surgical treatments.
Dilation and Curettage (D&C)
This surgical method is the recommended surgical method for uterine cleansing after miscarriage which involves dilation of the cervix and scraping of the uterine lining with the help of the tool "curette".
This helps remove all the uterine tissues under the influence of anesthesia.
Most women recover within 1-2 days, however, they need to take more rest and get sufficient sleep.
Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA)
This minimally invasive procedure involves the use of gentle suction to take out the pregnancy tissue from the uterus.
The doctor conducts the surgery under the effect of local anesthesia and the procedure takes 10-15 minutes.
After the surgery, women can recover within 1 or 2 days. However, cramps and bleeding might continue for 2 weeks.
Electric Vacuum Aspiration (EVA)
This procedure involves removing tissues from the womb using electrical devices called a vacuum pump.
This method is typically used in the second trimester of the pregnancy.
The duration of the procedure is usually 10-15 minutes.
It might take 1 to 2 days to recover after the surgery.
How Long Should Women Rest After a Miscarriage?
According to the American Pregnancy Association, women can restart their normal daily activities immediately after they feel able. The majority of the women can recover physically within 2 or 3 days after a miscarriage. However, other women can struggle with bleeding issues for 2 weeks along with severe tiredness. Moreover, emotional recovery may take a longer time. So, always listen to the body and take rest when required. Avoid sex for at least 2 weeks to prevent infection risk.
Post Miscarriage Self-Care Tips
Though everyone’s journey is unique, self-care after pregnancy loss can help support your recovery and prepare your body for future pregnancies:
Take enough rest: Rest as much as your body needs, avoiding strenuous activities in the initial weeks.
Follow up with your gynecologist: Schedule appointments with your gynecologist to ensure complete recovery and discuss any concerns.
Follow a balanced diet: Maintain a balanced diet rich in nutrients to help your body regain strength.
Stay hydrated: Drink a lot of water, which will aid in the recovery process.
Avoid sexual intercourse: Avoid sex until your healthcare provider gives you the green light.
Monitor infection signs: Look for any signs of infection, such as unusual discharge or fever, and seek medical attention if needed.
Contact a counselor or join a support group: Consider talking to a counselor or joining a support group to help process your emotions and experiences.
Future Pregnancies After a Miscarriage
Emotional Impact:
Though miscarriage can cause emotional distress, successful pregnancies in the future are possible.
Counseling and support groups may assist in coping with anxiety and grief regarding future pregnancies.
Physical Recovery:
The body generally recovers in about a few weeks and months.
Menstrual cycles usually return within 4 to 6 weeks post-miscarriage.
When to Try Again:
Some doctors recommend waiting for about 1 to 3 months before trying to conceive, while others advise to try as soon as you are emotionally and physically prepared.
You must follow the gynecologist's advice based on your health and the reason behind your miscarriage.
Chance of Future Miscarriage:
One miscarriage doesn't mean there is a high risk of a miscarriage in the future.
Research reports that the chances of a second miscarriage are about 12- 20%. The majority of women will have healthy pregnancies after a period of time.
Lowering the Risk of Another Miscarriage:
Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly.
Have prenatal vitamins, especially folic acid when trying to conceive.
Manage chronic health issues such as thyroid issues or diabetes.
Avoid alcohol, excessive caffeine, and smoking.
Get prenatal checkups regularly once you are pregnant.
When to Seek Medical Help:
Seek professional help in case of more than 3 miscarriages. The doctors may help with necessary testing to determine potential causes.
If there are pregnancy complications or frequent fertility issues, it is advised to consult an obstetrician or fertility specialist. They will help with effective solutions such as medications to stimulate ovulation, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), or Intrauterine Insemination.
Final Thoughts
We hope you understand how to clean the uterus after a miscarriage naturally at home. Consuming nutritious foods, taking proper rest, using natural herbs, and managing stress can benefit in recovery from miscarriage. However, if natural remedies don’t work, seek medical treatment like dilation and curettage, manual vacuum aspiration, and electric vacuum aspiration. Also, make sure to regularly reach out for advice from any licensed and experienced gynecologist. Just get ready for the next step as you might plan a pregnancy again which may require your body to recover well.
Give yourself and your partner enough time to cope with situations so that hormone levels, stressful life, and emotional well-being may not affect your body and the health of new growing fetuses in your womb.
Disclaimer: This information is intended for educational purposes only. Always seek professional advice regarding miscarriage issues.
Frequently Asked Questions
How is the uterus cleaned after miscarriage?
Dilation and curettage (D&C) is the procedure used to clean the uterus after miscarriage.
How to make your uterus healthy after miscarriage?
Self care at home is essential after miscarriage. You should drink plenty of water, avoid doing household chores, avoid sexual intercourse, avoid strenuous exercises etc.
How can we get rid of a sac after a miscarriage?
In natural miscarriage, Dilation and curettage (D&C) is a procedure used to remove sac.
How do you flush out an incomplete miscarriage?
You can have medicines that can be consumed orally or can be taken vaginally. If the medication doesn’t work in this case, the Dilation and Curettage procedure is usually suggested to flush out the left tissues and sac.
What to drink after miscarriage to clean the womb?
Take the Doctor's advice first about what to drink after miscarriage to clean the womb, then try to drink a cup or glass of milk before going to sleep.
How to confirm a miscarriage at home?
Symptoms like cramping pain in the lower side of your belly which might vary from severe labor-like contractions to period-like pain.
How to clean uterus after miscarriage naturally?
Take prescribed medications, clean the uterus content with natural herbs like cramp bark, achillea millefolium, etc., and consume nutrient-rich food. You can also try some herbal remedies such as Vitex and Chaste Tree Berry, Angelica, and Hypericum Perforatum.
What to do with a fetus after miscarriage at home?
Some women prefer burying the fetus in a pot with flowers or the garden. A communal cremation by the hospital community can be another alternative option.
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