
How to Increase Penile Size Naturally: Home-based Techniques and Tips

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How to increase penile size has not been possible so far. Thus, it becomes essential to understand that there is no guarantee that the penile size can increase with products or techniques that claim they can increase the penile size. Sometimes, trying different approaches can lead to infections and harmful problems. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional before trying or attempting any of the methods of products mentioned in any blog or site. It is essential to mention that the size of the penis does not necessarily mean sexual pleasure or satisfaction, and focusing on the other aspects of sexual health and happiness can be more beneficial for overall sexual well-being.  Communication and other methods can also help, like managing stress levels and living a healthy lifestyle. If you want to know if it is possible to increase penile and how to increase penile size, read on.

How to Increase Penile Size Naturally?

How to increase penile size naturally

You must understand that there are no proven and permanent techniques for the increase in penile enlargement, but many products and methods do claim that they can be effective. But these can also be harmful; thus, please check once with your doctor before opting for any of the below-mentioned techniques-

1. Penis Pump

A penis pump is a device in the shape of a vacuum that works like a suctions and can draw blood into the penis, which can cause a temporary increase or enlargement of the penis.  But this method is not permanent for the growth of the penis, and the suction pump can draw more blood; thus, regulating it is also essential.

2. Penis Extenders

A penis extender is worn on the penis many hours a day. The goal of the device is to stretch or increase the length of the penis, which can increase the size slightly. But then, there are no significant changes, and it is not considered a reliable method for enlargement.

3. Penile Exercises

Penile exercises like Kegels can increase or prompt the increases in penile size for little scientific evidence that can support the effectiveness of the exercises.

4. Penile Surgery

Penile surgery is an invasive method that can involve cutting the ligaments that attach the penis to the pubic bone and allow the hang lower appearance of the penile will be longer. This is called penile augmentation surgery and can be risky and complicated to such infections as scarring and erectile dysfunctioning.

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Simple Home-based Techniques for Penile Enlargement

It is essential to note that there is no proven or guaranteed way of increasing penile size with products or processes except for surgery, but still, there are some natural methods that might answer the question "how to increase penile size" that we have mentioned here.

 Home based Techniques for Penile Enlargement

1. Exercise

Exercising can help improve the blood flow in the body, can reduce stress, and can promote overall health, which can contribute to better sexual functions and can also help will a happy mood.

2. Diet

A healthy diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, protein, whole grains, or carbs. These diets can have overall health and potentially improved sexual functions. Exercise can also help promote better health of the overall body and the penis.

3. Kegel Exercises

Kegel or floor exercises can be involved in the contraction and relaxing of the muscles that control urination and can help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and improve erectile function. These exercises can also help with pelvic strength.

4. Reduced Stress

High stress can contribute to erectile dysfunction, so finding ways of managing the pressure can be through medications and exercise and can potentially improve sexual functions. 

5. Better Sleep

Getting enough sleep can be necessary for the body's overall health and can be best for sexual performance as well. It is essential to check that there is no guarantee of an increase in the penile size, and the products and techniques claiming to do so should be approached with caution. It can be recommended to consult a healthcare professional before attempting any methods or products related to enlargements.

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Things to Remember for Patients undergoing Penile Increments

While several tablets, capsules, powders, and herbs claim that they are suitable for penile enlargement, it is essential to note that these approaches can be harmful to the body and lead to severe health issues.  Thus, consulting with a professional becomes necessary. Many of these products are ineffective and harmful, and some problems and the need for penis enlargement can be reduced by focusing on sexual health and communication with your partner. While if you have decided to consider the surgery, you should follow all the post-operative instructions that can increase the penile size. If you follow the post-operative instructions, you might be satisfied with the result of penis enlargement operations.  These are permanent for most penile enlargement operations that can benefit most patients. However, the immediate result for length enhancement can be seen after the functions can be better than permanent enlargement operations for most patients.

Precautions to keep in Mind

While looking at different, you can keep these precautions in mind-

1. Consulting a healthcare professional

It is better to consult with a healthcare professional before attempting any methods or products related to penis enlargement. This can help ensure that these practices are safe and effective. 

2. Avoid unproven or risky products

Many products that can calm the increase in penile size are ineffective or even harmful. Avoid products that are unrealistic and have not been proven to be safe and effective.

3. Monitoring the side effects

If you are experiencing the side effects of these products or the methods for penile enlargement, stop using any side effects while using products and methods for penile enlargement, then stop using immediately and consult a healthcare professional. Follow instructions chosen carefully to use the products and different methods for penile enlargements and be aware of any injury or other complications. 


People desire penile enlargements for different reasons, but dealing with underlying causes and problems is essential. However, penile size can not be improved by any other technique than augmentation surgery. If you are thinking about how to increase penile size, then we have mentioned some methods that can help with penile size enhancements. However, we recommend you contact a doctor before acquiring or using any of these techniques, which can lead to further problems caused by the increased use of products or processes.  If you are considering penis enlargement surgery, note all the precautions and the need of the hour and then contact the doctors. They can best help in determining the next steps according to your needs.

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Frequently Asked Questions

When does a penis stop growing?

Your penile size stops growing after puberty, which can e by the time you are 16 or older.

What foods are to be consumed for safe penile enlargement surgeries?

The foods that can be consumed for safe penile enlargement are apples, spinach, apricots, carrots, and oats or tomatoes.

Are penile enlargement surgeries safe?

Yes, penile enlargement surgeries are safe and can increase an inch of the penis size. But they will not change the actual length of the penis.

Can penile implants increase penile size?

There is a 73% success rate of penile enlargement surgeries. Thus, these implants can help with penile size increments.