Strong Bone Health - Your bones like other organs, also suffer from the ill effects of aging, where you lose a lot of nutrients without supplementing them, thereby causing lots of diseases and deficiencies in the skeletal system. A lot of transformation happens at the micro level for bones, post the age of 30, which should be addressed, lest bearing any harmful consequences that happen as a result of the loss. Bones undergo a constant transformation, which leads to bones being continuously broken and rebuilt in tiny amounts. Before about age 30, the body creates new bones faster and is able to make up for the losses. Post the age of 30, a drastic shift happens in the bone-building balance leading to more loss of bone than is gained. It is Important to have Strong Bone to live a healthy life.
The essential part is while few people may be genetically blessed and may be able to maintain the bone health post 30, due to their diet, not all can keep up the bones strong and intact, after 30. These changes are specifically evident in post-menopausal women, which eventually lead to osteoporosis. Although, not all physiological changes can be reversed but few minor lifestyle modifications, if incorporated into the routine might help in building good bone mass and having healthy bones. Always eat healthy food for strong bones and muscles also.Also Read: Bone Fracture: A painful Experience

Keeping Strong Bone Health While Ageing
- Genetics Play a Role: Keep a check on your family history and adopt appropriate measures to counter these bone changes early on.
- Increase Calcium/Vitamin D Consumption:One of the primary changes that happen post 30 is the loss of calcium in bones and by maintaining an active intake of calcium, these changes can be nullified. It is also good to consume vitamin D supplements, as they help in calcium absorption. A diet rich in food that are good sources of calcium includes yogurt, cheese, milk, spinach and collard greens should be included in the daily meal plan.
- Exercise, Exercise, Exercise:Sedentary lifestyle has been the major contributor of osteoporosis. Bone density is higher in women and men, who exercise than the one who doesn't. So exercise is not only essential for overall health but specifically for maintaining Strong Bone. Both weight-bearing and resistance training exercises are good for developing overall bone health.
- Keep Caffeine at Bay: Caffeine interferes significantly with calcium absorption and may lead to weak bones and osteoporosis.
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