We're living one of the worst crises of our generation… A crisis that has brought upon death and suffering for many, unemployment for even more, and social isolation for most of us. While some may tell you that there's no need for us to stay home, isolated from friends, family and the outside world, make no mistake… it's imperative that we stay home, stay safe and wait out this crisis. That's not what this article is about. Being bored or hating the government for keeping us in home exile won't bring anything good. Instead, let's see how we can stay sane, productive and in good shape during social isolation.
Make it a goal to exercise daily at least for 15-30 minutes. Stick to that goal and you'll immediately notice improvements in mood, better posture, clear-headedness and better sleep. You'll even look better after one or two months if you stick to your home work-out plan. Also, it's equally important to eat nutritious food. It will help you keep your immunity up, maintain mental clarity and avoid having a fat belly when this is all over!
Embrace the Introvert Within You
You won't ever hear an introvert complaining (too much) about social isolation. That's because they were already content with spending alone time in the first place. Of course, too much of it is a drag, even for introverts, but you can at least try to make some adjustments to make the most out of this alone time. Take up a new hobby, develop existing ones, read books… anything that will help you better yourself. Actually, the best thing you can do nowadays is to become more skillful in your craft, or another one that you can use as leverage in your professional life. Better yet, you can work on your side hustle or that business that you were thinking of starting, but "just couldn't find the time to do so".Not To Be Pessimistic, But…
…an economic crisis is coming, and it's going to be huge. As we're nearing the end of April, there are already so many jobless people and heavily affected industries. Economists are saying that it's going to be worse than the 2008 recession. That's why it's so important that you prepare in advance and have yourself an "arsenal" of skills at your disposal. Developing your skills requires motivation and discipline. It's all up to you, as you're the only person that can put in the necessary work. You are your own coach. It may be difficult, but it's just like any other habit. Once you get into it, it will get easier. Many people turn to nootropics (cognitive enhancers) such as Modafinil or Armodafinil as a substitute for caffeine or energy drinks, mainly because the latter cause people to experience crashes once the initial stimulation goes away.Exercise Daily And Eat Properly
Another danger that you must be aware of during this period is the sedentary lifestyle. In the past, you would go to work, walk around the office or simply have a more active lifestyle. Nowadays, odds are that your movement is greatly minimized. Not only is lack of movement unhealthy, but it can also lead to brain fog.
Be Social From A Distance
Social isolation does not mean that you have to cut ties with friends or family. On the contrary, we're doing it because we're protecting others… from a distance. We're tribal beings, though, and socializing is one of our basic needs. Make sure you talk with friends at least every day, whether it's in front of a screen or on the phone. Of course it's not the same thing as face-to-face interaction, but it's the best way to keep contact with loved ones while protecting them at the same time. Also, Read About: Mental Health During Coronavirus & Government InitiativeIn A Nutshell (or "wrapping it up", as you please)
Yes, you may feel like you're in a nutshell, staying home in your own little bubble, but it doesn't have to be so bad. Know this: pandemics happen, and it's unfortunate it did, but the best way to get through this crisis is to actually put that alone time to good use. After all, it's hard to get bored when you're proud of your accomplishments!
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