
Wetdreams - What is Nightfall & How to Stop Nightfall?

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It doesn't matter if you are living in America, Europe, or Asia. Some myths are universal and set unprecedented repercussions for society at large. Especially, if some myths are attached to sexual health, it tends to get caught among translations. 

Wet dreams or nightfall reasons among teenagers are a common transformational phenomenon. But they are being hyped to the tune of disease. Google suggests that whether wet dreams are good or bad, and how to stop wet dreams are among some of the highest search terms by teenagers across the world. Let's first explore the effective ways to stop wet dreams. In addition, we will discuss why they happen and what their physical and psychological effects are. We’ll also learn about home remedies to prevent wet dreams. Read on!

what is nightfall & how to stop nightfall

Wet Dreams Treatment: How to Stop Wet Dreams permanently?

Before we learn the approaches, have a basic understanding of wet dreams. Well, wet dreams are scientifically known as "nocturnal emissions" which are a result of a genital erection and unchecked flow of semen. They happen due to the unconscious mind indulging in unanticipated thinking. common among those kids leaving their adolescence and attaining puberty.

Most men face trouble in finding the correct answer to how to stop nightfall or wet dreams. Don't worry we have the solution to your problem mentioned below:

1. Avoid pornographic videos

Avoid watching excessive pornographic videos and literature. It will arouse you excessively and you will remain in your subconscious mind for a while.

2. Practice yoga and meditation

Try to do yoga and meditation for some time before you finally go to bed. This will make you feel better and calmer. You would not carry any unnecessary thoughts with you while you sleep, thereby helping in wet dreams treatment.

3. Take a shower

It would really benefit if you take a shower before you go to sleep. This will help you relax your senses. You can enjoy a sound sleep afterward and avoid wet dreams.

4. Always urinate before you go to sleep

The position of your sleep also matters. If you know wet dreams' meaning, you know its mechanism. Therefore, to solve your question of how to stop wet dreams - avoid sleeping with your private part rubbing against the bed. This will stimulate an erection and you will be left with nocturnal semen emission.

5. Consume a balanced diet

Rely on a balanced diet to be able to recover from your state of mind. Avoid spicy and oily food before you go to bed. Dinner meals should always be light and rich in fiber. Spicy food will always make your mind restless. 

Did You Know?

Nearly 83% of men will experience nightfall at some point in their lives. However, the frequency and impact vary widely among individuals.

Physical and Psychological Effects of Wet Dreams

Nightfall or wet dreams are a natural phenomenon that is particularly common among adolescents and young adults. Though they are a sign of normal reproductive development, frequent episodes can be troublesome. Sometimes, they may lead to physical discomfort and psychological effects. Understanding these impacts can help individuals better cope with wet dreams and decide to seek treatment. 

Below, we present a table summarizing both the physical and psychological effects associated with this condition.

Type of Effect

Possible Symptoms

Potential Long-term Impact

Physical Discomfort

Mild pain or discomfort in the genitals

Usually temporary and mild, but can be unsettling

Sleep Disturbances

Waking up during the night, trouble returning to sleep

Can lead to insomnia or poor sleep quality if frequent

Emotional Stress

Feelings of embarrassment or guilt

May cause anxiety or low self-esteem if not addressed

Hygiene Concerns

Need for nighttime clean-up, possible skin irritation

Minor, but repeated episodes require attention to personal hygiene


Tiredness due to disrupted sleep

Can affect daily activities and concentration

These effects are typically mild. However, if they develop occasionally, they can be bothersome enough to necessitate visiting the doctor.  

Home Remedies to Stop Wet Dreams

Below are some of the remedies for how to stop wet dreams. You can try them as they are proven to be beneficial in nocturnal erections and ejaculations i.e. wet dreams or nightfall treatment.

  • Bottle gourd: If you consume the ripened leaves of Bottle gourd, they can help cure insomnia and erections at night.

  • Yogurt: Consuming 2-3 bowls of yogurt every day will help you cope with wet dreams.

  • Sage tea: It is also considered effective against nocturnal emissions and reduces the chance of it to occur. So, taking 2 cups of sage tea won't hurt you.

  • Gooseberries: In ancient times, gooseberries were the remedy for almost every medical condition. In the same fashion, gooseberries are very important as they are the source of antioxidants, preventing nightfall. If one asks how to stop wet dreams, consuming gooseberries will be an apt answer.

If the wet dream is consistent, you should consult with physicians. They would prescribe you the required tests and medicines. Usually, only after some lab tests to confirm nightfall meaning, you will get a prescription. In such cases always be open to your doctor.

Certainly, one must not take wet dreams lightly. They should be diagnosed if they stay for a considerably long period. Secondly, there is a need to spread awareness about wet dreams' meaning and treatment. No need to intermix moral and religious values.

What Causes Wet Dreams?

The exact causes of wet dreams are not still unclear. However, the following can be the potential reasons:

  • Excessive viewing of porn or talking about adult-related topics, especially in men. This increases their libido.

  • Excessive masturbation in teenagers can also be another reason. It causes semen viscosity to reduce and also it weakens the nerves of the male reproductive organ. This way, men cannot hold their sperm.

  • The use of powerful drugs and prescriptions can also lead to wet dreams. Many times, a person might be on a heavy dosage of medicines or sedatives. These can have chemical after-effects on the body and lead to semen leakage.

  • Weak nerves can also be one of the nightfall reasons in man. The congested prostate gland can cause semen leakage as during the night your body is relaxed and semen can find a natural passage outside. 

What to Do if You Have a Wet Dream?

If you have a wet dream, do not worry. Instead, consider these simple steps:

  1. Remove the clothing with semen on it and wash it.

  2. Clean your genitals as well as the surrounding area using gentle soap and warm water.

  3. Pat dry your genital area using a clean towel and then wear fresh clothes.

  4. If you see semen on the bed sheet, you should change the bedding as well.

Myths About Wet Dreams

Several myths are there about wet dreams which can create confusion and worry. Here are the common wet dreams:

Myth 1: Wet dreams lowers immunity

Some people think that wet dreams can weaken their immune system. However, no evidence shows the adverse effect of orgasms on your physical health. Actually, wet dreams can be a symptom of healthy sexual functions.

Myth 2: Wet dreams decrease sperm count

This is not totally a myth. After ejaculation, your body naturally produces new sperm. So, wet dreams do not affect your sperm count and hence fertility.

Myth 3: Wet dreams are the symptom of sexual irritation

Struggling with wet dreams does not mean that an individual is not having sufficient sex. It also does not mean they are not happy in their sex life.

Myth 4: Wet dreams are always sexually exciting dreams

Some people think that wet dreams are often sexually arousing dreams. However, it is completely a myth. An individual can have wet dreams even when they are not thinking about sexual activities in their dreams.

Myth 5: Masturbation can help get rid of wet dreams

Some individuals believe that masturbating frequently can prevent wet dreams. However, this is not true. A person can still get wet dreams.

Myth 6: Wet dreams will reduce your penis size

No proof supports this misconception. No natural activities or medical conditions contribute to the shrinkage of penis size. 

Summing Up

We hope our blog has helped you with effective ways on how to stop wet dreams. It is a natural phenomenon for adolescent kids and should not be considered taboo. Moreover, the focus should be to prevent it. Myths, like developing a weak immune system or having a low sperm count are totally incorrect. You do not need to stress about them. Consider your doctor if you are unable to cure the problem.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are wet dreams?

Wet dreams are involuntary ejaculation during sleep. They are commonly associated with sexual dreams and are a natural part of male reproductive development.

Are wet dreams healthy or unhealthy?

They are totally normal. No need to worry about fertility and they are not even the symptom of underlying health problems.

What is the secret behind wet dreams?

They occur due to the rise of testosterone during puberty.

Can a 12-year-old have wet dreams?

Usually, wet dreams happen between the ages of 13 and 17. The average age is 14.5 years.

How do you stop wet dreams naturally?

Avoid excessive masturbation, don't sleep on your stomach, practice meditation before sleeping, and refrain from pornographic videos.