
Everything You Need to Know About Nose Breathing Versus Mouth Breathing?

Learn the health benefits and disadvantages of nose breathing versus mouth breathing to help decide which breathing technique will work best for you!

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Some people breathe through their mouths, but breathing through the nose can be more beneficial than breathing through the mouth. Some people can show that breathing through the mouth has more health benefits than breathing through the nose. We believe otherwise, but sometimes, breathing through the mouth can help tone the mouth muscles.  Do you want to know about nose breathing vs mouth breathing? So in this blog, we will learn everything about nose breathing versus mouth breathing. However, before we start, we would like to inform you that nose breathing is better than mouth breathing as it is associated with many benefits, which we have mentioned in this blog, so read on. Also Read: What causes Back Pain when Breathing? 

How Does Nose Breathing Differ From Mouth Breathing?

Nose breathing

Nose Breathing Nose breathing can be designed to help you breathe safely, efficiently, and adequately. During nasal breathing, the nose releases toxins and can expand blood vessels. Thus, it can help widen the blood vessels, and this can also help improve oxygen circulation in the body.

Mouth breathing

Mouth breathing Mouth breathing can help in eating, drinking, and talking. One can also use the mouth for breathing. But it does not have any unique features when it is necessary. For example, there is a need to breathe through the mouth if there is nasal congestion, small nostrils, and snoring.  The downside of breathing in the mouth is it can help loosen moisture, resulting in a dry mouth. It could also increase the risk of inhaling unfiltered air and allergic reactions to allergens. Asthma, lousy breath, inflammation, snoring, sleep apnea, and jaw abnormalities.

Why is nose breathing prevalent compared to mouth breathing?

It is essential to tend to your breathing habits, mainly when breathing through the nose instead of the mouth. That is because the nose is living through the natural and effective way to use the air to inhale. Almost all people breathe through their nose, but about 30-50% can live through the mouth. That can lead to issues like bad breath and dry mouth.

What Are the Advantages of Nose Breathing Versus Mouth Breathing?

Breathing is a usual process; only a little effort is required to breathe. One body can automatically, without any effort, breathe. But it is essential to pay attention to your breathing as it can help tell you about the health of your mind and body. There are many advantages to consciously taking your breath seriously. 
  1. Filter the foreign particles out of the body. It is a simple process that can help the dust allergies and pollen keep away from entering the lungs. Filtering is a process that happens right after we inhale from the nose. 
  2. The air we breathe is humidified in the nose. The nose can make warm and dry air humid as you live in it. This quality brings moist air casually to the body temperature. That helps get this inhaled air to the lungs and makes it easier for the lungs to use.
  3. Breathing through the nose helps properly circulate oxygen through the lungs. It can help increase blood flow to the arteries and veins and slow breathing down when required.
  4. Improve the lungs' volume and help fix the diaphragm workings properly. Lower the risk of allergies and hay fever
  5. Reduce the risk of developing a chronic cough.
  6. It can help aid the immune system.
  7. It lowers the risk of sleep problems like snoring and sleep apnea.
There are no significant advantages of mouth breathing, just that it can help tone the muscles.

Disadvantages of chronic mouth breathers include the following-

  1. Tooth decay- Mouth breathers have mentioned that their teeth tend to decay faster than those breathing with the nose. Nose breathing can be related to the proper formation of teeth and gum condition, but mouth breathing can cause tooth decay.
  2. Gum diseases- As the mouth is constantly open during mouth breathing, the person can have gum diseases as the mouth is a place for several bacteria to come and sit on the tongue and gums.
  3. Weakened immune system- The person breathing through the mouth is exposed to several germs because there is no filtering mechanism in the mouth. So these germs can cause the person to fall sick too quickly, resulting in more time taken by the immune system to deal with these newer infections.
  4. Difficulty swallowing- Sometimes, there can be difficulty in swallowing food items for mouth breathers as the air can interface with the food in the throat or the food canal. That can also result in choking.
  5. Nasal congestion- People breathing through the mouth are not using their noses to breathe. They can find themselves suffering from nasal congestion more often than they notice.
  6. Health conditions - Breathing through the mouth can harm your health as it can lead to severe medical conditions. This medical condition can be from asthma to snoring or sleep apnea. Moreover, you can have lousy breath, inflammation, and jaw abnormalities.

Nose breathing exercises to try-

Breathing can help improve the lungs' functioning and the respiratory muscles' strength. This exercise can also help relieve stress and anxiety. The best way of practicing nose exercises is by inhaling from one nostril and exhaling from another.  One other activity is practicing forced breathing. Inhale the air and exhale it slowly with each breath.

Mouth breathing practice-

Most mouth breathing exercises elevate the chin and ton the muscles in the cheeks and jaws. You can practice mouth breathing when you are exhausted or looking for more air after a vigorous workout. Also Read: Better Breathing, Less Smoking


Breathing through the nose has many more advantages than breathing through the mouth.  Some of these advantages are there to help us protect ourselves from the allergens and dust particles in the air which can result in disadvantages in breathing through the mouth. This blog is perfect for learning more about nose breathing versus mouth breathing. We have mentioned many advantages and disadvantages of nose breathing vs. mouth breathing and concluded that nose breathing is better than mouth breathing. If you are a mouth breather, we have also mentioned some exercises to help you become a nose breather. You can find the same mentioned above in this blog.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can mouth breathing cause health problems?

Chronic mouth breathing can lead to various health problems, including dry mouth, bad breath, sleep apnea, and an increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Is it better to sleep through the mouth or nose?

It is generally better to sleep through the nose instead of the mouth. The better you breathe, the more natural bacteria will be in the mouth, and they will be helpful in elongation of the face and can also reduce the toxins in the body.

How can I train myself to breathe through my nose?

Try practicing breathing exercises, such as mindfulness breathing or yoga, to train yourself to breathe through your nose. You can also use nasal strips or a nasal irrigation system to help clear any nasal congestion and make it easier to breathe through your nose.

What is better, nose breathing or mouth breathing?

Nose breathing is better than mouth breathing as nose breathing helps filter the air, properly circulate the air through the lungs and get the proper supply of oxygen to the blood vessels.

What are the benefits of nose breathing?

Nose breathing helps to filter and warm the air before it reaches the lungs, which can be especially important in cold or polluted environments. It also slows down the breathing rate, which can help calm the body and improve oxygen delivery to the bloodstream.

Can mouth breathing help in changing the shape of the face?

Mouth breathing can help extend the upper and lower jaw and can also be seen after the breath comes out. So yes, it can help with the changes in the face and the muscle strength in the face.

Is the nose breathing better for the face?

Proper nose breathing can help with overall health, not just the face. People who breathe via the nose instead of the mouth have better facial development, sleep apnea, poor posture, and a good facial profile.

What happens when you breathe through the mouth instead of the nose?

Breathing through the mouth can dry out ferns and cavities on the top of teeth. This breathing can also help change the nature of bacteria in the mouth. After this, it can also help in elongating the face. Thus, all these changes can be seen with mouth breathing.