what are strains and sprains?
Sprains Vs Strains - We all have used Sprains and Strains in an interchanging meaning without realising that these two stand for different problems and their symptoms, causes and risk factors, all are widely different.
Understanding Sprains Vs Strains
So, let us first begin to understand the gross difference between Sprains & Strains.Sprain
A sprain refers to the stretching, tearing or any injury that happens to a ligament. A ligament is the tough band of fibrous tissue connecting two bones in your joints. The ankle is the most commonly affected by a sprain. A sprain usually affects areas where there are joints like ankles, wrists, knees, shoulders, or even the spine. Since ligaments do not have their own blood supply, they take a good amount of time to heal completely. Also, since ligaments are not very elastic in nature, even when the healing is complete, there would always be some instability associated with the injured area and you need to tread with caution.
Strain refers to stretching or tearing of muscle or tendon. Tendon is a fibrous tissue that connects muscles to bones. Strains usually happen in the area abound with soft tissue or muscle like a hamstring, the thigh or calf muscles, the abdomen. There may not be many distinguishing signs and symptoms that can be detected initially.Sprains are often represented by pain and swelling at the site of sprain, followed by bruising and limited ability to move. Similarly, initial signs of strain include pain and swelling at the site of strain and muscular spasms. It is only posted confirmatory test that both can be differentiated.Also Read: Keeping Strong Bone While AgeingFactors contribute to Sprains Vs Strains are given below:
- Poor conditioning: Lack of exercise and dietary insufficiency can lead to muscle weakness.
- Fatigue: Fatigue is the primary cause why most of sprains and strains happen; tired muscles extend less support for your joints and maybe a soft spot for any injury.
- Improper warm-up: Lack of stretching causes them. Stretching is a way of opening up joints and extending your range of motion. Starting vigorous exercise without warm up may lead to severe injuries. They mainly occur while playing sports in form of Sports Injuries.
Treatment options for Sprains and Strains
Treatment alternative for both the injuries is focused on control of the initial pain and swelling, avoiding any undue weight bearing on the injured areas followed by adequate rest. This will promote healing and will help in reducing the swelling and inflammation. All doctors initially prescribe the R.I.C.E. treatment:- Rest
- Ice
- Compression
- Elevationof the injured body part immediately following the injury.
Also, read about: Acupressure Points For Back Pain.
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