Imagine that every time you move your wrist, it feels like your bone is cracking. You want to move it, but the pain is too unbearable. Do you ever question if you took your wrist for granted?
To put it into simpler terms, what we just described is a symptom of disease called De Quervain's tenosynovitis, and it is one of the pinnacles of pain. It has been a cause of suffering for many people. The internet will be your savior as we guide you to deal with De Quervain's Tenosynovitis at home.
What exactly is De Quervain's Tenosynovitis?
De Quervain's Tenosynovitis, otherwise known as De Quervain's Syndrome, Texting Thumb, Gamers Thumb, or Mommys Thumb, is a medical condition that causes pain originating from the tendons of the thumb due to inflammation. The region of pain is experienced where the thumb meets the palm of the hand. The pain gradually increases as the swelling of the tendons, which rub against the narrow tunnel as they pass through it. Pain moves further towards the lower arm. Gripping and rotating your wrist becomes harder as the pain grows stronger when not taken care of properly. Therefore, using your hand, thumb, and wrist will become more difficult.What are the warning signs/symptoms?
- Swelling at the base of the thumb where the thumb meets the palm of the hand - Numbness on the backside of the thumb and index finger - Movement of the hand and wrist resulting in pain - Weakness in the strength of grip - The sound of creaking or squeaking when the swollen tendons rub against the narrow tunnelWhat are the causes?
- De Quervain's Syndrome may occur due to medical reasons such as arthritis. - According to researchers, women have 8 out of 10 chances to get De Quervain's Syndrome. - A woman who has recently given birth is more likely to suffer, especially when she must carry her baby around. Further hormones in a pregnant woman may cause De Quervain's Syndrome. - Research suggests that people aged 40 and above are more likely to be affected. - Your hobby or work may overexert your wrist, which may cause De Quervain's Tenosynovitis. - A wrist injury makes it more likely for a person to be affected. [highlight color="yellow"]Also Read: Painful Joints: Understanding Bursitis[/highlight]How can you test yourself at home?
Before you decide to treat yourself from home, first verify if you have De Quervain's Tenosynovitis. You can ask someone at your house to help you do the Finkelstein test. Rest your thumb across your palm and make a fist. Then, bend your wrist towards your pinkie and feel the base of the thumb. If there is a tender feeling, you may have De Quervain's Tenosynovitis.Reducing inflamed tendons at home
When dealing with De Quervain's syndrome, we need to reduce inflammation. We can easily do this at home with ice, as it cools the tendons and reduces swelling. This will further relieve the pain at the same time. Get an ice pack and leave it on the affected area for 15 minutes. Take it off for another 15 minutes, then repeat the pattern. Just as we use ice for cooling, similarly, we can use heat too. Using this method, inflammation may be reduced, and the movement of the thumb will be restricted. This leads to a faster recovery in the treatment process. The De Quervain's Wand is also shown to help reduce this inflammation and quickly return the wrist to normal.Rest
If you successfully complete the Finkelstein test, it will help you understand why you may have De Quervain's Tenosynovitis. With the right understanding, you will avoid harmful activities. Splints can be used at home. You will receive support from a flexible and moveable object on the affected area. If left for 4 - 6 weeks with abstinence from activities that cause De Quervain's Tenosynovitis, recovery will be boosted. Giving your body rest will allow it to heal, which is the perfect home treatment for De Quervain's Syndrome. You will also need to avoid or lessen the certain workload that overexerts your thumb and hand, which will reduce the chance of being affected again.Exercise
Exercise is very important in giving strength back to the tendons. This will further increase the process of a speedy recovery. It can be seen as a physiotherapy process as you can check various ways to stretch your tendons. It is good to stretch, but you should not overexert yourself. If you feel pain, you should stop and see a doctor.Finally!
We have simplified all the information to get across to people and to educate them. It is obvious that not many people know what De Quervain's Tenosynovitis is and mix it up with different conditions. We hope this was helpful and that you all gain a positive outcome from reading this article. Please remember that if the symptoms persist and you still feel pain despite trying home treatment, go see a doctor as soon as possible. Author's bio Blake is a political science student who often spends his time venturing into different aspects of life. He is a warmhearted person who writes out his feelings in the form of articles and blog posts. He is always happy knowing that he helps people out with his writing. Blake is a fun, easy-going guy who takes golf seriously and is a huge foodie.[button color="transparent_credi" size="medium" class = "custom_button" link="" icon="" target="true"]Request Callback [/button]
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