The CBQ Method, with CBQ standing for Cognitive Behavioral Quitting, is an up and coming psychological self-help method to stop smoking that is helping millions. In a time where it's difficult to know what information to trust, the CBQ method seems to offer the right process that resonates with smokers. However, the CBQ program, which seems to be the surefire way to apply the CBQ Method is not cheap.Thereby, I did a thorough investigation of the CBQ program before buying it myself and I will reveal my findings in hopes of helping you decide if buying it is worth it for you. I was able to stop smoking fairly easily after 24 years and I am very proud of myself, so is my wife and daughters. However, telling my story or comparing the CBQ Method to other approaches is not the objective of this review as I haven't tried many other ways with the exception of cold turkey and a quitline. In lieu, the objective of this CBQ program review is to present my preliminary research and answer questions about the program that I had and questions I have seen others asking on the CBQ Method Facebook group and other forums.
What's the difference between the CBQ Method and the CBQ program?
The CBQ Method is the 4-step quit smoking method. Smokers can use the CBQ Method free of charge with the free resources offered by Nasia Davos and the CBQ Method company on Youtube, Facebook, or email newsletter. For those interested, a more structured way to stop smoking with the CBQ Method is to buy the CBQ program. The CBQ program is an online course with videos and exercises that has been created by Nasia Davos, the same person who created the CBQ Method.Is the CBQ Method legitimate?
I can attest from first hand experience that the CBQ Method is legit. Nevertheless, I offer 4 objective reasons why The CBQ Method is legitimate. 1. It's being used for free and with success by many people who swear by it. 2. It has real testimonies and reviews. It is my conviction that reading reviews before purchasing an online product is necessary. Unlike other stop smoking offerings, the CBQ Program features success stories of real people with their real photos and no blurred names. They also interview members of the program in long format conversation named "ask an ex". You can tell this is legit by the way the ex-smokers share their lives and the connection they have with Davos. I understood that only after spending all these hours watching her coach me. 3. The CBQ Method has won awards and has been discussed and recognized by various notable media. 4. If you pay for the CBQ Program you get a 60 day money back guarantee. Thereby, the CBQ Method is legitimate.What are the 4 stages of the CBQ Method?
- Choose to quit.
- Change your mindset (previously named in Nasia Davos' TEDx talk cultivate your potential)
- Change your smoking pattern
- Condition your smoke-free life.
Are the free CBQ videos on Youtube the same as the CBQ program?
They are not the same. Ideas and teachings from the free videos are included and taught in the program, however, the program introduces more concepts and exercises. The free advice is what made me want to join the CBQ program. The biggest difference for me was that the program has a structure that puts all the pieces in the right place. You don't have to make sense of scattered information, and you gradually understand what you think smoking offers you, what you're afraid of, and how to get past that.Can you do it alone?
I'd say yes, why not if you have the time and can organize yourself to go through the 4 stages by watching the free videos. I've seen many people do it in the CBQ Method Facebook Group since not everyone can afford the program.I needed the extra guidance because I struggle with motivation and commitment, and the structure and accountability of the program were helpful. It offers way more than what's provided on YouTube and gives you a high chance of succeeding. It is worth it in my view, though I understand not everyone has the financial means.To get Free Medical Assistance in India Click HERE.What more do you get in the program than just listening to the videos and doing some exercises that Nasia also shares in the Facebook group?
I experienced this not as an information program but as a behavior modification program. I have read a lot online about quitting smoking and often agreed but was unable to bring myself to quit smoking based on that. The CBQ program has more comprehensive and structured information and exercises that pushed me.Does it need a time commitment?
It does. It's not a five minutes a-day kind of thing. If you're looking for something quick with minimal involvement, this program is not it. The program instructions say give it 30 minutes a day, but I found myself needing more time because I wanted to absorb the lessons and not waste my money, and I ended up liking spending this time on myself.How long is the program?
The program is 12 days in total if you don't count the warm-up videos, and you stop smoking on day 10. The additional two days are very helpful in what comes after you quit. I watched the last two days over the period of a week because I wanted something to watch in my first week.Can you do it in more than 10 days?
It took me about 2 and a half weeks to do the program, and I've seen many others completing it in 20 days or a month even. You can do it at your own pace, and there isn't a problem with that.Can you do it in less than 10 days?
Per the program instructions, you can quit smoking before the 10th day, but they recommend not watching many program days together and finishing the program even if you quit earlier. My view is to smoke in the program even if you don't feel like it.Can you do the program for vaping?
In the community, I interacted with other members who vaped or had quit vaping though they were not as many as the smokers.Do you smoke during the program?
Yes, and that's something the addict in me liked. If you want to quit before the supposed quit date, you can do so, and they offer instructions on what to do in that case.Can you do the program if you have already quit?
Yes. Instructions are given on the program intro.Will they give you your money back?
They offer a strict 60-day money-back guarantee if the program is completed and you don't have success. I have no reason to believe they would not give your money back if you do those things.Does it work?
It worked for me! I never imagined I would be a non-smoker or that I would be writing this as a non-smoker. The CBQ program has a 94% success rate. Naturally, there would be some people who don't succeed, but I've seen and talked to many real people about how they got impacted by the CBQ Program. I am a believer.Can you use the nicotine patch with the CBQ program?
It's frowned upon but nobody could stop you from doing it. I've seen an ask an ex interview video with a program member who was on the nicotine patch at the beginning of the program so it is being done.How does a program help with the withdrawal?
Mostly by educating you on what to expect, by giving advice on how to temper down the withdrawal, and by changing your mindset about what withdrawal is. I did not have a problem with the withdrawal. I had some sinus, cough, and mild insomnia that got resolved quickly. In the past, I would have smoked at the first inconvenience, but this time I did not want to.Do you get one-on-one coaching?
No, you don't. I do not know if you could ask for that upgrade. Whenever I emailed the coaches, I did not wait long to get an answer but it was not one-on-one coaching. They also have a private Facebook group where Nasia Davos and other program members are exceptionally helpful, and there's a keyword-search platform to find things yourself. I used that platform a lot.Do you have to be computer literate?
Not really. It's straightforward. I went to the website logged in and watched the daily lessons. I watched most of it from my phone and used a notepad for the exercises as I prefer to write by hand. The closed captions were useful as I am a visual learner though this would be a good feature for hearing impaired people too.Any disadvantages?
Unfortunately, you can't download the program videos or watch the program without being connected to the internet. I would have liked an audio download I could listen to while driving to work.Is the information on the program imperative to quit?
Yes and no. For me, it wasn't just the information but also how Nasia makes you apply and understand that made me quit. The program helped me develop mindset skills.
Overall yay or nay?
Everyone is different. I can't promise it will work for everyone but for me, it was a yay without a doubt. I made back the money I spent on the program and have rewatched the program several times to help me with other habits and life goals. They have the 60-day guarantee that made it easy to make the plunge though I would not have asked for my money back even if I hadn't made it because of everything I learned.
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