
Is Fasting Effective to Lose Weight?

Fasting to lose weight is the one of the major problem which are associated with many problems. Prolonged fasting is not much affective to intermittent fasting.

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There is a strong relationship between a person's diet and his/her health. Fasting is a great way to extract numerous health benefits in one go. However, if not done in the right way, it may also have negative repercussions on the body. Given below are the merits and demerits of fasting and what makes them so. Many people ask for fasting to lose weight is a great choice? I will answer this question down below. Fasting sounds like the easiest plow for a fit body, especially for losing weight. After all, it all looks very simple- no cooking, no keeping track of calories, and no exercise for burning down the calories you have consumed. Though the idea of fasting has been existing for a long time now, whether fasting is healthy is still a matter of active debate.

Fasting to Lose Weight - Is that the best way?

The concept of intermittent fasting helps the patient to lose weight. It promotes regular eating intervals where a person does not consume anything in between meals. Intermittent fasting is an effective way to lose weight. It also decreases weight which reduces the other problems associated with weight like obesity, health problems, high blood sugar, and so on. I hope you get an idea about fasting to lose weight.

Weight Loss Program

When the body is starved of food, it starts burning fat in order to replenish the energy levels in the body. This leads to faster weight loss. However, if the fast is extended for too long, the body will eventually start burning down the muscle protein. Most medical professionals agree that fasting is not the healthiest of all weight loss programs. It results in fluid weight loss, yes, but it does not result in substantial weight loss. Also, when one stops fasting and resumes normal eating habits, one puts on weight as swiftly as he/she had lost it. Read: Top Indian Healthy Snacks to carry to the office for weight loss

Dangers of Fasting

If you are not already on a healthy diet, fasting can do more harm than good to you.

Fasting for a day or two is acceptable provided you have been consuming a wholesome diet and that you have not been suffering from any medical conditions. Fasting can lead to the exertion of the immune systemand is especially not recommended for people suffering from liver and/or kidney ailments.

Energy For a Fast

It is, in fact, true that one requires more energy when one is fasting. The transitions that the body goes through during a fast depend upon the length of the fast and its severity. Technically, the physiological processes are experienced at a fast start, eight hours after having the last meal. When the gut has completed its job of absorbing nutrients from ingested food, the body understands that further consumption of food would be an excess. Glucose is the body's main source of energy. Thus, once the body recognizes the need for more glucose to burn, it extracts the stored glucose to replenish the body with energy. When the body runs out of stored glucose, it starts burning fat and, eventually, a muscle protein. When the fast is extended over days, weeks, and months it is a sign of danger to the body. The phase in which the body starts burning the muscle protein is known as starvation and not fasting. Without a doubt, this is an extremely unhealthy state for the body and makes the person frail. Also, when one fasting to lose weight, one should eat nutritious food and a lot of fluids during breaks between fasts.
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