
Topic: Nutrition and Diet

Learn all the best ways to promote healthy eating to keep your healthy and overall well-being. Find evidence-based information, practical tips, and expert advice to help you make better food choices and live healthier lifestyles. So, Whether you're looking to lose weight, boost energy levels, or adopt a healthier lifestyle, find out how to take care of your Nutrition and Diet routine!

Try These Best Protein Shakes for DiabeticsSip Your Way to UTI Relief: The 6 Best Cranberry JuiceDiscover The Top Superfoods High in Vitamin K2Breastfeeding Mothers Diet"The Best Hangover Foods to Rejuvenate Your Body"
Can You Get Herpes from Sharing a Vape? Understanding Myths & Facts

Can You Get Herpes from Sharing a Vape? Understanding Myths & Facts

By Ankit Singh

By Ankit Singh

5 days • 9 min read

Top Indian Antioxidant Foods: Stay Forever Young

Top Indian Antioxidant Foods: Stay Forever Young

Antioxidant food in India; Different types of antioxidants include vitamins A, C, E, beta-carotene, lycopene, selenium etc. Here is a list of Indian antioxidant foods..

By Credihealth Admin

almost 2 years • 4 min read

An expecting mom's diet for a healthy baby

An expecting mom's diet for a healthy baby

An expecting mom's diet will ensure healthy development of your baby. Find out what nutrients you must not miss and how to include them.

By Credihealth Admin

almost 2 years • 4 min read

Could I have Alzheimer's in old age?

Could I have Alzheimer's in old age?

The gene APOE-e4 has been associated with Alzheimers disease – people possessing this gene are at a greater risk of developing the disease.

By Credihealth Admin

almost 2 years • 3 min read

Healthy Foods That Are Actually Junk Foods!

Healthy Foods That Are Actually Junk Foods!

Healthy living has slowly become a fad and one that is slowly growing. Everyone is 'into healthy eating and needs food that sounds healthy, is fast and affordable and available on the go. But, are we really eating healthy or simply following the fad? Well, lets find out.

By Ayushmaan Wanchoo

almost 2 years • 5 min read

Coronary Angiography - Things You Should Know

Coronary Angiography - Things You Should Know

Coronary Angiography is a procedure, which is done to examine the coronary arteries of the patients heart.

By Credihealth Admin

almost 2 years • 6 min read

Heart Bypass Surgery vs Angioplasty - Which is better?

Heart Bypass Surgery vs Angioplasty - Which is better?

To resolve the dilemma between heart bypass surgery vs angioplasty choose the right line of treatment is important for a healthy heart.

By Credihealth Admin

almost 2 years • 12 min read

Diet for Type 2 Diabetes Patients

Diet for Type 2 Diabetes Patients

Patients suffering from type 2 diabetes have insulin resistance in their body. This means that initially body produces more insulin.

By Credihealth Admin

almost 2 years • 4 min read

7 Things What to Expect After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

7 Things What to Expect After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

considering What to expect after gastric sleeve surgery? Here are seven things you can expect after the procedure, from weight loss to changes in your diet.

By Garima Yadav

almost 2 years • 8 min read

5 Foods Everyone Should Avoid

5 Foods Everyone Should Avoid

For healthy and fit living it is essential that you have a diet that balances all the nutrients. Here are 5 foods you just gotta avoid!

By Credihealth Admin

almost 2 years • 3 min read

Lifestyle Disease FAQ

Lifestyle Disease FAQ

A lifestyle disease is one which appears in societies where people live long and have individualized their lifestyle patterns.

By Credihealth Admin

almost 2 years • 2 min read

Relationship between Genes and Heart Disease

Relationship between Genes and Heart Disease

Medical conditions pass from one generation to another, so it is very improtant to know the relationship between genes and heart disease.

By Credihealth Admin

almost 2 years • 4 min read

Self Monitoring of Blood Glucose (SMBG) FAQs

Self Monitoring of Blood Glucose (SMBG) FAQs

Self Monitoring of Blood Glucose is the monitoring of blood sugar level by the patient himself at multiple times during the day or during the week.

By Credihealth Admin

almost 2 years • 3 min read

Displaying Post 469 - 480 of 683 in total